Social Transgender Megathread Vol. 2

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Edit: The original tweet this was a reply to got ratio'd into oblivion and dude finally deleted it.

Crazy how the country is finally pushing back on this Trans garbage. Even in this forum, the final few defending it are the wierdos you'd expect to be defending it.

Love to hear their opinions on MAPS...

So gross
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I'm surprised at how many people accept certain articles of 'faith/philosophy' as the premise of the debate. There is no such thing as gender identity, or even gender. Gender is a set of stereotypes that differ in different times and cultures. 'Masculine' and 'Feminine' are the REAL regressive culprits that this house of cards is built on. To.ascribe to gender is to ascribe to sexism. To define 'gender identity' you have to use tropes and caricature. This is what I thought the progressive movement was striving to get rid of in the 70s-00s. Now they are the biggest proponents.

No one is born in the wrong body. 'Butch' girls and 'femme" boys should be taught that they are fine the way they are. To do do less is sexist, and often homophobic.

If we remove 'Gender Identity' from this argument, then the rest just looks like what it is- "destroying women's rights, dignity, language and sense of being a distinct political Class in order to enshrine men's desires". In other words, the same thing we've been doing for 8000+ years.
No one is born in the wrong body. 'Butch' girls and 'femme" boys should be taught that they are fine the way they are. To do do less is sexist, and often homophobic.
This is what I told my daughter when she was young. There's nothing wrong with effeminate boys and masculine girls. I knew lots of tomboy type girls when I was a kid and they just grew up to be normal women. Today, they'd be contemplating reassignment and be coached by weird insecure adults around them. I have one cousin about the same age as me- very gay in a flamboyant stereotypical way.- no way he'd still have his penis if he was born in this century.
I'm surprised at how many people accept certain articles of 'faith/philosophy' as the premise of the debate. There is no such thing as gender identity, or even gender. Gender is a set of stereotypes that differ in different times and cultures. 'Masculine' and 'Feminine' are the REAL regressive culprits that this house of cards is built on. To.ascribe to gender is to ascribe to sexism. To define 'gender identity' you have to use tropes and caricature. This is what I thought the progressive movement was striving to get rid of in the 70s-00s. Now they are the biggest proponents.

No one is born in the wrong body. 'Butch' girls and 'femme" boys should be taught that they are fine the way they are. To do do less is sexist, and often homophobic.

If we remove 'Gender Identity' from this argument, then the rest just looks like what it is- "destroying women's rights, dignity, language and sense of being a distinct political Class in order to enshrine men's desires". In other words, the same thing we've been doing for 8000+ years.

"Gender identity" in this belief system has the same function as a soul. See it through that lens and this will start to make some kind of sense. This is just a religion for "progressives".

The "wrong puberty" and the "right puberty" - what a goddamn insane ideology this is. Notice how this creep refers to children as "kiddos", what the hell is up with that anyway? These people are so weird and creepy and it's disturbing how much influence they have managed to acquire.

The "wrong puberty" and the "right puberty" - what a goddamn insane ideology this is. Notice how this creep refers to children as "kiddos", what the hell is up with that anyway? These people are so weird and creepy and it's disturbing how much influence they have managed to acquire.

Anti-‘Grooming’ Republican Resigns After Alleged Sexual Relationship With Teen


Texas Rep. Bryan Slaton — a Republican known for introducing far-right legislation, including an anti-“grooming” bill to ban children from attending drag shows — resigned on Monday after a panel found he had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a 19-year-old intern.

Slaton’s resignation comes a day before the state legislature was slated to vote on whether to expel him from the House of Representatives. On Saturday, the House Committee on General Investigating released a damning 16-page report detailing Slaton’s “grave and serious” misconduct, unanimously recommending he be kicked out of the legislature.

Slaton was accused last month of having “sexual relations” with a young intern he invited to his apartment in Austin, with The Texas Tribune reporting that he drank alcohol with the underage subordinate. The bipartisan House committee determined this was, in fact, the case, writing that the lawmaker “engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct with a subordinate.”

Slaton did not acknowledge the incident in his statement announcing his resignation, and his attorney called the allegations against him “outrageous” and “false” last month.

Slaton had introduced several far-right bills prior to his resignation, including one in March calling for a vote on whether Texas should secede from the United States and another that would give tax cuts to heterosexual, property-owning couples who have children. Slaton has also been one of the state’s loudest voices decrying the sexualization of children. “This is just going to the grooming, the sexualization of our children,” he told OANN last year after introducing a bill to ban kids from attending drag shows. “This comes down to decency, morality and ethics, and children should not be the object of your sexualization, your desires.”

well at least this 45 year old man conveniently decided to resign a day before they were going to remove him from legislature for banging some intern not even half of his age. how convenient. yeah buddy that oughtta save your reputation! just quit a day before you are about to get fired and that will totally absolve everything.

its for the better i guess. the republicans wouldn't want to have those kinds of people affiliated with them when they are busy trying to take peoples rights away, demonize gay and trans people, and scream the G word at everything they don't like.
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Anti-‘Grooming’ Republican Resigns After Alleged Sexual Relationship With Teen


Texas Rep. Bryan Slaton — a Republican known for introducing far-right legislation, including an anti-“grooming” bill to ban children from attending drag shows — resigned on Monday after a panel found he had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a 19-year-old intern.

Slaton’s resignation comes a day before the state legislature was slated to vote on whether to expel him from the House of Representatives. On Saturday, the House Committee on General Investigating released a damning 16-page report detailing Slaton’s “grave and serious” misconduct, unanimously recommending he be kicked out of the legislature.

Slaton was accused last month of having “sexual relations” with a young intern he invited to his apartment in Austin, with The Texas Tribune reporting that he drank alcohol with the underage subordinate. The bipartisan House committee determined this was, in fact, the case, writing that the lawmaker “engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct with a subordinate.”

Slaton did not acknowledge the incident in his statement announcing his resignation, and his attorney called the allegations against him “outrageous” and “false” last month.

Slaton had introduced several far-right bills prior to his resignation, including one in March calling for a vote on whether Texas should secede from the United States and another that would give tax cuts to heterosexual, property-owning couples who have children. Slaton has also been one of the state’s loudest voices decrying the sexualization of children. “This is just going to the grooming, the sexualization of our children,” he told OANN last year after introducing a bill to ban kids from attending drag shows. “This comes down to decency, morality and ethics, and children should not be the object of your sexualization, your desires.”

well at least this 45 year old man conveniently decided to resign a day before they were going to remove him from legislature for banging some intern not even half of his age. how convenient. yeah buddy that oughtta save your reputation! just quit a day before you are about to get fired and that will totally absolve everything.

its for the better i guess. the republicans wouldn't want to have those kinds of people affiliated with them when they are busy trying to take peoples rights away, demonize gay and trans people, and scream the G word at everything they don't like.

well i do find the title of the topic a bit misleading as she was 19. this scumbag just barely misses the cut. but she's still a teen. and he's 45 and looks like he's ready for the retirement home already. thats fucked up anyways.