Crime Homeowner arrested after confronting car thieves


Gold Belt
Feb 11, 2005
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SHELBY COUNTY, Tenn. — A homeowner was arrested and charged after he allegedly exchanged gunfire with some would-be car thieves, authorities say.

Victor Luna-Rodriguez, 40, was charged with reckless endangerment. He has since been released from custody with no bail.

Luna-Rodriguez told deputies that, minutes after midnight, he was awakened to the sound of would-be thieves, possibly juveniles, breaking into his Jeep on Blue Lake Lane near East Holmes.

He says they started shooting when he confronted them. He returned fire, but the two got away.

Some of the more than two dozen shots fired went through the bedroom walls of a neighbor’s house. You can still see where bullets struck the home.

In a surprising twist, it was Luna-Rodriguez who has been charged in the shooting.

But several neighbors say he should not have been taken into custody because he was protecting his life and his livelihood.

One neighbor said off-camera that the moment Luna-Rodriguez was released from jail. he was back to work selling cars. The vehicle that was parked in the driveway is believed to have been hit by at least one round.

Luna-Rodriguez is due in court June 9.

Justice for all.
"Some of the more than two dozen shots fired went through the bedroom walls of a neighbor’s house. You can still see where bullets struck the home."
and if he fired some of those shots...
I dont see a problem.
You cant fire willy nilly.
What if a neighbor got hit?
I'm a 2A supporter and I'm okay with him being charged with whatever statute covers "accidentally / recklessly" shooting your neighbor's house. If the law fits, apply it fairly and without malice.

You have to be held accountable for actions such as this which could have unintended consequences.
What if rounds he fired had injured or killed a neighbor, should he still not be charged?

Him firing in self defense is fine; problem is firing in a manner that endangers neighbors. This is a tough call but I am leaning towards the authorities POV.
He was rightfully charged for recklessness. His bullets went through his neighbors bedroom walls and someone unrelated to his affairs could have been killed as a result.
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He was rightfully charged for recklessness. His bullets went through his neighbors bedroom walls and someone unrelateed to his affairs could have been killed as a result.

You sure it was his and not the dudes trying to steal his car?

I'm guessing that's why he was release without bail. The police likely have some work to do to see who was shooting where. The homeowner could be lying and the robber didn't shoot at all.

Definitely a story that needs more info
You sure it was his and not the dudes trying to steal his car?

I'm guessing that's why he was release without bail. The police likely have some work to do to see who was shooting where. The homeowner could be lying and the robber didn't shoot at all.

Definitely a story that needs more info
well, it's fairly easy to tell who shot in which direction
well, it's fairly easy to tell who shot in which direction

Talking out of my ass and knowing nothing..
I would assume the guy came out of his house and had that behind him, which would probably make the car thief shoot at that direction and him firing towards the street (maybe) where his car is parked.
I would guess a lot of not all pullets in the neighbors house is his.

But thats me talking out of my ass knowing nothing
I think it will be considered that he was under fire at the time of it was his shots that were wild. My guess is they won’t catch the little shits that fired at him
If he was just winging shots all over, he deserves to be charged. You have to know what you are shooting at or at least have an idea of the direction. Can’t just lay down cover fire wherever you please.
You must consider what is downrange when you pull. This is one of the very first lessons you get when training to shoot. My Dad had that rule in me solid by age 7.

Also, you shoot that many rounds and you didn't hit your target?
Basically he was charged for being a poor shot assuming the thieves fired on him first. People are claiming he "fired randomly all over" and that may or may not be true. It's nighttime, he's shooting at moving targets who are presumably still firing on him. He's shooting and missing yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's just spraying bullets out into the night.

I think this has a lot of gray area. His own safety is in jeopardy and if a reasonable person would believe that he's taking the best course of action to defend himself, its tough to think any charges would stick. On the other hand, if they can prove he was in fact reckless then that's a different story.
Basically he was charged for being a poor shot assuming the thieves fired on him first. People are claiming he "fired randomly all over" and that may or may not be true. It's nighttime, he's shooting at moving targets who are presumably still firing on him. He's shooting and missing yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's just spraying bullets out into the night.

I think this has a lot of gray area. His own safety is in jeopardy and if a reasonable person would believe that he's taking the best course of action to defend himself, its tough to think any charges would stick. On the other hand, if they can prove he was in fact reckless then that's a different story.

Or he could have backed into his house and called the police and told them "shots fired".
Instead he went into a fire fight over his car.
Or he could have backed into his house and called the police and told them "shots fired".
Instead he went into a fire fight over his car.

Right, where the guy was specifically in relation to the thieves, whether he reasonably thought he could get back inside safely, etc all factor in. I'm not saying necessarily he made the correct assessment, just that immediately saying he was reckless might be jumping to a conclusion that's not accurate.