Opinion So what about what is going on in Canada making my eyes burn in Massachusetts?

No profit in that
It is military budget and if ukr even had get 0$ it didn't had changed anything.
In U.S even is huge tendency that military expenses will be increased even more cos China. In no case reduced, regarless reps or dems.
In Japan and SK factor for the same decisions is crazy Kim.
In Europe: crazy Putin.

So we all will pay even more for military.
In Russia and Belarus will be the same story cos they are telling " west will attack us ".
People need to understand that the intensity of fires isn't exactly a climate change thing, it's a too many fucking people thing. Putting out fires actually makes things worse in the long run. Fires have ALWAYS happened, and need to happen as they clear out brush and debris from building up too much. Obviously now that people are living within the path of these fires they have to be put out, which allows even more fuel to build making fires much more worse than they would normally be. The natives in the Americas knew this and intentionally did burns to try and control the situation.

Controlled burns, brush clearing near homes and roadways (it's not realistic to "rake the leaves" in remote areas), making sure power lines are safe and clear, all of this needs to happen and funding needs to be put towards agencies to accomplish this.
People need to understand that the intensity of fires isn't exactly a climate change thing, it's a too many fucking people thing. Putting out fires actually makes things worse in the long run. Fires have ALWAYS happened, and need to happen as they clear out brush and debris from building up too much. Obviously now that people are living within the path of these fires they have to be put out, which allows even more fuel to build making fires much more worse than they would normally be. The natives in the Americas knew this and intentionally did burns to try and control the situation.

Controlled burns, brush clearing near homes and roadways (it's not realistic to "rake the leaves" in remote areas), making sure power lines are safe and clear, all of this needs to happen and funding needs to be put towards agencies to accomplish this.

Yep learn your lesson from California.
U think Trump will reduce DoD budget? China is dangerous and ...
The president doesn't control the military budget, Congress does. Even if he wanted to (he's stated otherwise) he wouldn't be able to do it.

There is essentially ZERO debate from both political parties when it comes to the NDAA being passed. Both are bought and paid for by arms manufacturers and blindly approve it. They don't even bother to use leverage by withholding their votes for concessions. The budget continues to increase exponentially in perpetuity.
The president doesn't control the military budget, Congress does. Even if he wanted to (he's stated otherwise) he wouldn't be able to do it.

There is essentially ZERO debate from both political parties when it comes to the NDAA being passed. Both are bought and paid for by arms manufacturers and blindly approve it. They don't even bother to use leverage by withholding their votes for concessions. The budget continues to increase exponentially in perpetuity.
We do have the same in a lot of european countries, just lawmakers naming is different, like senate, parliament etc. Russia
too does have stuff approx the same.
Thats how we invade. Start wildfires then sneak through from the smoke.
Yawn. That like every summer out here in the west.
Don't worry, pfizer has a new elective treatment you can take. If you choose not to then you lose your right to register any new guns and have to forfeit your passport i heard... I just want to travel so i'll be in line tomorrow...
Did Canada rake their forests? That was supposed to put an end to wildfires, but nobody listened to big brain don. Shame.

They likely left all the limbs and small trees they cut under powerlines to act as tinder. They do that here in upstate NY.
Sentences should immediately be doubled if it's determined any of the fires were started by a gender reveal party.
With the option to reduce it back to the original sentence as long as the child is named Phoenix.
Every American in those North East states could sue Canada for mental anguish, hurt, pain, injury and inconvenience.

Yes, Canada is to blame for increased wild fires due to climate change.

At this point, the average American must be the dumbest animal on the planet.
Billions of US dollars to the Ukraine, how about send a couple billion worth of bodies and equipment to Canada to battle something that is visibly and directly affecting US citizens health and well being?
Send them to clear out the fire and make a pit stop in Ottawa to clear out some of the nuts there on your way through.

You should focus on clearing out your own nuts.

Pretty sure your last election was between a guy who wants to fuck his own daughter and a guy who wants to sniff and fuck other people's daughters. You might want to stay home and work on some shit.
Shit is orange here in NY. Eyes burning, people getting asthma attacks and headaches. They may postpone Yankees game.

No offense, but its not our problem if your good air doesn't want to stay home. Maybe you should be nicer to your good air and it'd stop running away.
