Izzy's speech was classless and made him look bad

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Oct 24, 2010
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Constantly screaming the n word is bad enough, but to make it worse, the n word is an African American slang, it has nothing to do with Africans or Izzy who moved to New Zealand at a young age.

He is literally complaining about colonialism but here he is appropriating another culture that isn't his. Dricus was born and raised in Africa, and him saying he is the only African fighter to fight out of Africa isn't wrong. Usman is an American, Izzy is a Kiwi and Ngannou is/was French.

Apparently its okay to be openly racist to people as long as they aren't black. Izzy is running with the racist rhetoric because its what will bring attention to the fight sadly enough.
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I was genuinely concerned about what Du Plessis was going to say here.

He did act stupid. I dont think he was being racist,but he was being obnoxious and abrasive. He was definitley emotional after seeing Robert go down,and maybe he shouldnt have gone in there with that energy.
Izzy took a major L there.

DDP just letting him go off was the best thing he could do.

Izzy is like an emotional teenager, he was almost in tears just looking a DDP.

Weirdness from Izzy.
He was emotional because of what happened to Rob. I think if that hadnt happened,he wouldnt have gone in there so emotional.
Man, relatively not too long ago I was in an area where everyone was using the N-word on a regular basis - I've seen/heard Asian people call Mexicans N, Mexicans call white and black folks N - that's how it was for a minute it was just thrown around and no one really seemed to care.
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