Social Very Old Accounts - Are any of the ancients still around?

Part of the problem with Sherdog is that most people are gone after about 6 years.

I've lost interest in the heavies, and Mayberry is the only forum that keeps me coming back. Personally I find discussing mma as a snooze fest. I do have a ufc fight pass account, but my opinion on mma is all that matters.
I lurked for probably a year before registering.

I remember coming here and being introduced to pridefc. Somebody had an av that was a pic of fedors face all bruised up andnit said artwork courtesy of cro cop.

Anybody remember that? For whatever reason its a very strong memory
I had an account back in 2001. The site was shit and half the posting was MMA and the other half was porn. The layout was retard bad like almost unusuable. Stileproject was in my opinion a better source for Pride and MMA fights at the time. Sherdog kind of is a less cool and more retarded version of Stileproject's forum.

Was that when they had that cage/fence the background?
I was lurking before BJ beat Gomi so around 2003. I started lurking more when BJ beat Hughes. I actually went to the BJ vs Hughes 2 fight in Anaheim, but I still didn't create an account until 2 months later.
Visited sherdog back in 2001, but didn't make an account until I wanted to message someone about where to get a boxing fights on DVD lol

Had a harddrive with all the old music video highlights, but i never backed it up and it died :(
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I got banned in 2007 for a Brazilian chick picture in a g string what a joke. It was redemption/revenge 10 years later
I think that was during the massive banning and cleaning up of the off topic. The off topic of today is more of a neutered version of that sub forum in lets say 2005 or 06.
I think that was during the massive banning and cleaning up of the off topic. The off topic of today is more of a neutered version of that sub forum in lets say 2005 or 06.
Ya thankfully or they would have banned me a few more times for the epic booty babe gifs.