Crime 9/11 families call Biden admin's deal to spare terrorists the death penalty a "sickening betrayal'

My goodness “accept criminal responsibility”!?

It wasn’t a “crime”. It was a terrorist attack. An act of war.

It’s not like we don’t know who they are and what they did! That’s nuts. They should be hung publicly and it should have happened a long time ago.

Aside from people who are just morally against the death penalty, how do you defend this?
Do we have all the information declassified on the matter? Can't just execute someone if it turns out we're missing some details.
Sure would be great to finally get a President to make us export more oil than we buy to be self sufficient........ wait <Huh2>
Every time you reload the War Room, a pop-up pops up to remind everyone not to condone violence or genocide.

How stupid would you have to be to go ahead and condone violence or genocide despite all of the constant warnings?

Surely you'd have to be absolutely fugazy.
Every time you reload the War Room, a pop-up pops up to remind everyone not to condone violence or genocide.

How stupid would you have to be to go ahead and condone violence or genocide despite all of the constant warnings?

Surely you'd have to be absolutely fugazy.
Yeah I didn't report him, but dude was legit calling for a Muslim genocide all while talking about the power of Christ. Fkn nutz....
I think it should be Bush Jr to issue to death penalty instead. Certainly no blood on his hands.

Bush Jr. was nothing more than a country bumpkin - I don't actually see him as being "evil" in that sense, especially when at the time, almost 90% of the country wanted their blood lust. Granted, those calls for revenge were predicated on information and intelligence supplied by the Bush Administration.

I would say the real architects of the 9/11 fiasco and Iraq War had more to do with NeoCons controlling Bush and basically calling the shots. And you don't even have to go all conspiracy theory and say that the Bush Admin instigated 9/11. Before they ever took office, they laid out a best case scenario in getting their war plans on Iraq approved, and that included a "pearl harbor type event" that they foresaw as being needed to change the public's attitude towards going to war with the ME. So even if they had nothing to do with planes hitting towers, they were more than happy to draw loose connections to Iraq in order to fulfill their agenda.

None of that is debateable, as anyone can go online and read the PNAC's document "Rebuilding America's Defenses", which was published before Bush and the NeoCons came in to power. Maybe people just consider it a "coincidence" that the gameplan following 9/11 followed "Rebuilding America's Defenses" to a T. To me, one too many coincidences is no longer a coincidence, and it bothers me that the Pentagon budget, the war chest, and specific players in our community who benefit from that, are all just considered wild conspiracy theories if you don't follow the standard narrative. I mean for Christ's sakes, the day before 9/11, Rumsfeld went on live TV and admitted that the Pentagon could not, and has not been able to pass an audit for decades, and that a few "trillion" dollars were simply unaccounted for. That little announcement alone should be enough for people to say "wait a minute, what is going on here". Trillions of dollars just missing with no accountability whatsoever.

For me, my biggest pet peeve is accountability, and the rank nature of money in politics. Things like a corporate lobby should be illegal, I don't care if you want to split hairs and label it lobbying instead of bribes, it's the same f-n thing. Even if no quid-pro-quo is agreed upon between donor and politician, it is implied. Political office and the government should be about serving the greatest number of people, in the interest of those people.
I just don't understand where the line is that they can't cross if it's accepted that they funded the 9/11 attacks. How come that didn't get the US pissed off at them? It really seems that they have carte blanche to launch terror attacks against the US, confident that the American government will just cover up their involvement from the population. I really don't understand how everyone can just move on from this - how do we all know they won't do it again? What was even their motivation for 9/11?

You act like America did nothing in retaliation to the 9/11 bombings. Multiple countries have been decimated into the ground. What else do you want?

If anything the response was much larger than the crime itself.
You act like America did nothing in retaliation to the 9/11 bombings. Multiple countries have been decimated into the ground. What else do you want?

If anything the response was much larger than the crime itself.

Are you joking around or what because if not this might be the most retarded post I've ever seen. My post was specifically in regards to the Saudis - what "retaliation" have they faced? Yes the US used 9/11 as a pretext to wreak havoc militarily across the Muslim world and dramatically expand the domestic security state/surveillance apparatus. But they've never taken any action or even conducted a real investigation into the people who funded the hijackers (Saudi intelligence) and there was never even any disciplinary action taken against their own people in the CIA and NSA who "mistakenly" protected the hijackers and let them carry out the attacks. Imagine if you fucked up so bad at work that you caused the deaths of over 3000 in a day but also completely changed the trajectory of history? Yet someone like Richard Blee was actually transferred to Afghanistan in the crucial early months of the invasion after his "disastrous" performance as head of Alec Station - why would they want such an "idiot" in such a sensitive position I wonder?

As I said in that post the Saudis have carte blanche to launch terror attacks against the US, confident in the knowledge that the government and corporate media will help protect them and that the public can't be bothered to demand justice.
Are you joking around or what because if not this might be the most retarded post I've ever seen. My post was specifically in regards to the Saudis - what "retaliation" have they faced? Yes the US used 9/11 as a pretext to wreak havoc militarily across the Muslim world and dramatically expand the domestic security state/surveillance apparatus. But they've never taken any action or even conducted a real investigation into the people who funded the hijackers (Saudi intelligence) and there was never even any disciplinary action taken against their own people in the CIA and NSA who "mistakenly" protected the hijackers and let them carry out the attacks. Imagine if you fucked up so bad at work that you caused the deaths of over 3000 in a day but also completely changed the trajectory of history? Yet someone like Richard Blee was actually transferred to Afghanistan in the crucial early months of the invasion after his "disastrous" performance as head of Alec Station - why would they want such an "idiot" in such a sensitive position I wonder?

As I said in that post the Saudis have carte blanche to launch terror attacks against the US, confident in the knowledge that the government and corporate media will help protect them and that the public can't be bothered to demand justice.

Why would America advertise it's own fuck up though? Most of the world's terrorist organizations stem from the CIA so it would be stupid for them to investigate that. It's the same reason why the Saudis have not been investigated since they work together.

You can't be this naïve.
Why would America advertise it's own fuck up though? Most of the world's terrorist organizations stem from the CIA so it would be stupid for them to investigate that. It's the same reason why the Saudis have not been investigated since they work together.

You can't be this naïve.

Well you're pretty much making my point for me - US and Saudi intelligence can't face a real investigation over 9/11 because they are the driving forces behind the attacks - so I don't see how that makes me naive. Especially when you're the one who tried to say that it's all good since the US launched the war of terror "what else do you want?" The whole point that I've been trying to make is that the US government has lied and covered up the truth about 9/11, something that should be unacceptable to the public but unfortunately isn't. If the people don't demand better from their government the same type of shit is going to happen again and again.

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