JRE: "UFO's Are Real"

Do you think Aliens have visited our planet for a while now?

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It's either aliens (I use this as a catch all term) have been here/never left, or there are human factions with otherworldly tech (or both).

You can't choose another option, because there aren't any.
This effin guy. His opinions seem to be a generator of empirical facts.

Lex, , not most likeable but at least his take on aliens is much more wide, interesting and especially inteligent. What they could be, how they could appear...
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The government is likely talking about UFOs now because their denial strategy is failing or has reached its' natural end of life. Too many people have figured out UFOs are real. When denial fails, what do you do? You lean into disinfo and a strategy of confusion. You talk about the subject but you control the discussion. This is what they're doing through AARO, through popular ufologists they control, through media they control, through the whistleblower program that was created by congress so chosen people can testify, i.e. Grusch. You steer people to believe the phenomenon is caused by X and means Z, while you know that's not the case. Joe Rogan is too successful and too big to not be part of the establishment by the way. People who legitimately threaten TPTB are taken out of the game, not given prominence and people in high places to interview. He's controlled opposition, probably not aware of the finer details but his job is to make his narrative look counter to the establishment while still being part of the establishment - that's the gist of the mind-fuck. He will bring on the guests that he's told to and these guests will tell you the narrative they want you to believe, and you'll believe it because it feels "underground." The other mind fuck with any kind of disinfo campaign is that they mix truth with lies. People recognize the truth in what someone says and then they'll assume what this person is saying must be 100% true, and that's how they get you to take the poison pill and accept the lies in the message as true. The TLDR is that you should assume that every mainstream source is lying, including mainstream opposition to the establishment narrative. The only people that might tell the truth are very small media operations that aren't worth infiltrating, and your own discernment.

UFO means Unidentified Flying Object. There's been plenty of objects that various people failed at identifying over the years.
UFOs are actually referred to advanced aircraft we don’t have. It’s a big difference between not being able to identify a craft that we know isn’t man made.