How would Prime Fedor do against the current UFC HW division?

How would Prime Fedor do against the current UFC HW division?

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Quite literally the MOST ridiculous threads ever posted on Sherdog.

How would prime whomever do against the current whatever division?

Do you see the flaw?

Probably not. That should why there’s 11 pages of nonsense for this ridiculous thread.

I’ll spell it out the next time someone makes another one of these nonsense threads.
I like how people forget that hendo was juiced to the gills lmao.
Im not sure what "juiced to the gills" means.

I would assume fighters in Pride were "juiced the gills" as steroids were encouraged and flagrant.

Fighters had trt therapy exceptions under the state athletic commision, within the rules. Dan was not adhering to the rules, he test levels were public and within "normal" ranges.
No one knows what Fedors test levels were.

So if Dan faced Fedor in Pride (Fedor's alleged prime) , where fighters could literally "juice to the gills" the outcome would have been different?
Too hard for me to extrapolate. Give me a singular year to extrapolate Fedor from. Anywhere from 2002-2006 is going to be pretty damn good. He was eviscerating heavyweights while still competing and winning gold's in Sambo. If you look at his fights against Hunt, Mirko, Randleman, Big Nog x 2, Coleman... and see how clearly better he was than all of them and by how much, you'd have to be silly to not think he wouldn't be able to beat almost every UFC HW of today. Randleman was the closest and he was clearly juiced to the absolute fucking gills and Fedor took the arm home.

Hendo was not a true middleweight. Hendo was the LHW champion, had premier knockout power for LHW, and Fedor/Hendo were about 10 lbs apart on their weigh ins. Fedor was always a small heavyweight, topping out at a soft 235 most of the time. Fedor and Hendo's size difference was very negligible. Hendo was also the PRIDE MW champion, which in case you forgot, was the 205 lb championship.

Hendo was also supplemented and one of the winners against father time (Randy, Glover, for example). Also one of the GOAT's of all time. Oh, and if it matters, Fedor's competitive mileage by the time that fight happened was pretty damn steep between Sambo and MMA.

Denigrating Fedor for that loss just shows a lot of ignorance.
Not denegrating Fedor

but if a 40 year old MW layed him flat unconscious.

What would 250lb+ killers in the UFC do to him?
It would be worse than what Meathead and Bader did.
Only if Prime (or sub-prime) Fedor is fighting in Russia. Then, he is truly unbeatable...ask Maldonado.

Nah anywhere anytime prime Fedor is what I meant
Well we pretty much know Fedor peak was before the arvloski fight. His head coach stated that Fedor was no longer in his prime anymore, which says a lot for your coach to state that in public.

I always find it odd that people on here don't know that important information about Fedor. They actually believe Fedor was in his prime towards the end of his career .

He fought 14 more years after AA
Gane - dominates with ease
Blaydes - Zulu's him quickly
Spivak - runs through him quick KO
Volkov - dominates like Semy
Almeida - unproven
Aspinall - unproven
Jones - unproven at HW
Stipe - probably hardest fight but could get the KO ala DC
You folks gotta be honest. How many 230lb HWs are there in the UFC. He isn't a tall guy either. The beauty of Fedor is him being the smaller man but finding a way to win with better technique. The skill gap isn't that big anymore. The guys are even bigger nowadays.
Most of the people who Francis were scared of Francis power. Prime Fedor wouldn't be, he would through bombs with no fear. Francis ground game is boo boo. And don't forget the fracis vs lewis fight. Those both were in there primes and look how that played out .

You can say anything about his striking defense in that video , eyes closed swinging super wide . You have no argument about his defense. His opponent was backing up scared , prime fedor would've moved forward.
Most people were "cautious". If Fedor threw bombs with no fear against a man more than 30 lbs heavier with a chin that's withstood knockout shots without moving who can touch people and make them sleep, your fantasy Fedor would soon know why others were cautious when he wakes up the next morning.

But if you seriously think Fedor, who wasn't known for his power and was put on wobbly legs by Fujita, can win a slugfest with Ngannou then I think we can just agree to disagree.
you act like the UFC judges haven’t acted paid off as recent as 2023.
lol u act like u have proof
here u are claiming lies just to make pride look good
wtf dude

u love steroid abusers in pride
also fix fights
im not saying fedor is a steroid abuser
but he look normal in a drug testing org

maybe peds made him superhuman and fixed fights?
just like captain america with no super juice

im not accusing him
im just telling facts
32 year old prime fedor thats young
younger than hendo got ktfo
abused in strikeforce by many legit fighters
Do you have a point, or you just posted this to say Jon "probably" could do this or that?
The point is unless you are stupid enough to believe that Dad bod Jones is the best version to exist all of this shit he is trying to do now he would have been better doing in his prime honestly as a Jones fan. I wouldn’t have to explain this if you analyzed what I said respectfully instead of like a fucking clown looking to score a point
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The point is unless you are stupid enough to believe that Dad bod Jones is the best version to exist all of this shit he is trying to do now he would have been better doing in his prime honestly as a Jones fan. I wouldn’t have to explain this if you analyzed what I said respectfully instead of like a fucking clown looking to score a point
There really is alot of unanswered questions about Jones at HW despite the shiny belt.
There really is alot of unanswered questions about Jones at HW despite the shiny belt.
Yes and no. He answered throughout his career does he have the most coveted desired skillset. He answered how does he fair against adversity and he answered could he win at HW. The question only remains how many HW’s can he beat to convince the remaining people that don’t have him already greatest that he is the greatest HW. As a Jones fan I’m leaning towards let it go homie lol.