Law russell brand allegations

I tried to tell the guy, but governments don't buy vaccines based on uptake, it's based off population size lol.

Would have been nice if population size was used last pandemic here.

Think we are up to 315 million shots ordered here in Australia. For our population of 26 million people.

The amount of unused and thrown away
" vaccines" is astronomical. Not to mention obsolete " vaccines " due to variant mutation / evolution.

Back in 2022. We were at 255 million vaccines ordered and had found uses for 60mill.

But somehow we required another 70 million doses so far in 2023.

Gotta admire the hustle tho.
Not saying there are, but is it really your expectation that all evidence should be on the table at this stage?

Absolutely, if his livelihood can be taken away unilaterally then yes. Youtube has already demonitized his channel(which I imagine was most of his income). There's also pressure on Rumble and others to do the same.

This is akin to the bs civil forfeiture laws in US. Your property can be taken away without you being found guilty of violating any law.

I watched a clip of Candace Owens and she made a good point about Cardi B. The rapper admits to drugging and robbing men and yet nothing criminal came of it and she was never dropped or cancelled. Also while Brand was a scoundrel and drug addict nothing was done. His behavior was 'an open secret'. Yet now that he has got clean, got married, and about to have a 3rd kid, this bs gets sprung on him....why?
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Would have been nice if population size was used last pandemic here.

Think we are up to 315 million shots ordered here in Australia. For our population of 26 million people.

The amount of unused and thrown away
" vaccines" is astronomical. Not to mention obsolete " vaccines " due to variant mutation / evolution.

Back in 2022. We were at 255 million vaccines ordered and had found uses for 60mill.

But somehow we required another 70 million doses so far in 2023.

Gotta admire the hustle tho.

Got to justify the tens of billions in profits for Biotech companies which developed the vaccines.

Yet somehow there's nothing strange happening.
Would have been nice if population size was used last pandemic here.

Think we are up to 315 million shots ordered here in Australia. For our population of 26 million people.

The amount of unused and thrown away
" vaccines" is astronomical. Not to mention obsolete " vaccines " due to variant mutation / evolution.

Back in 2022. We were at 255 million vaccines ordered and had found uses for 60mill.

But somehow we required another 70 million doses so far in 2023.

Gotta admire the hustle tho.
You have to order more given shelf life, fuck ups, multiple doses etc. You don't order the same amount as you have people.
Absolutely, if his livelihood can be taken away unilaterally then yes. Youtube has already demonitized his channel(which I imagine was most of his income). There's also pressure on Rumble and others to do the same.

This is akin to the bs civil forfeiture laws in US. Your property can be taken away without you being found guilty of violating any law.
It's not fair, but it's also unreasonable from a legal standpoint, and from the standpoint of any future legal proceedings, to expect all evidence to be in the public sphere at this point.

Best you can do from the sidelines is say you think the allegations are likely true, likely false, or you don't really know enough about it. Fact is, he has a suspect past and it isn't exactly news that Brand was not known as the posterchild for treating women with respect.

He's profited immensely off of the "I'm the bad boy" crazy persona, it has gotten him movie roles and popularity in the influencer sphere. It's also now turned on him it seems, fair or not.

I find this whole thing sad and unfortunate, mostly because Brand does genuinely seen to have matured a lot, copped to being a shitbag, and done a lot of introspective work to become what I believe is a very decent person these days. His openess and hard work regarding substance abuse recovery is particularly impressive.
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You have to order more given shelf life, fuck ups, multiple doses etc. You don't order the same amount as you have people.

That's precisely Part of the problem. There's 0 point in trying to maintain a stockpile of vaccines that become useless that quickly for a multitude of reasons.

( different variant , shelf life, effectiveness ) etc.

For instance the closest similar situation would be influenza right?

As in quickly mutating to another strain , not guaranteed to work and shelf life issues.

Yet se have flue " vaccines " each year.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has released over 95 batches of influenza vaccine, consisting of over 16.8 million doses, for supply in Australia for the 2022 influenza season. This covers batches for both private supply, including through pharmacies, and for Australian Government funded programs.

16.8 million doses for population of 26 / 27 million. Fair enough.

Seems applicable to question why we went 315 million and are discarding over 3 quarters of them For covid
Firstly, you're doing exactly what I said had to be done to make those things conspiracies. Not everyone thinks there's a secret group. And harmful is objective, depending on your identity and morals in the context of this replacement. But you must frame it this way to try and make it look like your opposition is mentally unwell. A strategy that is wearing out I might add.

The regulation you are referring to is only going to make the problem I was complaining about worse btw, but it will help with generics which is a good thing. But your settling here. You should be pushing for free health care and essential pharmaceuticals

Pointing out how this topic fits every aspect of the definition of conspiracy makes this topic a conspiracy? Yeah, that’s point.

You’re bitching about liberals passing measures that don’t go far as you want when conservatives are attempting to block the measures that you’re saying should be even stricter. So bitching about the side that’s actually passing something instead of the side trying to cock block it, while arguing it needs to be passed and more. Lol. Ok bud.
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It would be defined as sexual battery, and wobbler. Due to the confined space, it would probably be a felony and put the offender on a sex offender list. ergo, sexual assault. Also are you going to just pretend you didn't read the article and realize the accusation was for rape? I'm happy to provide a link to the story you didn't read if you'd like.
Did you read the text message exchange?

The "no means no" was about wearing a contraceptive, not about Brand being rejected for sex and forcing himself on someone.
So the worst claim made against Brand is that he removed a condom midway through consensual sex and then apologized for it in a few text messages? This is no doubt a POS thing to do but I still would not call it rape. There's a tendency in the media to conflate very different acts as one thing. People commonly say they were "verbally assaulted" which means nothing. "I got yelled at and my feelings were hurt".
Again, you clearly did not read the story. Why do you keep parroting this falsehood when that particular allegation indisputably is of rape?
Where are the videos of Brand admitting to raping women? I was told there are interviews where he admits to it....
He effectively admits to sexual assault, not rape. Google is your friend.
Absolutely, if his livelihood can be taken away unilaterally then yes. Youtube has already demonitized his channel(which I imagine was most of his income). There's also pressure on Rumble and others to do the same.
YouTube chose on its own accord to demonetize his channel. That is entirely their prerogative, they are under no obligation to monetize anyone's channel as they are a private actor. They are notoriously uneven when it comes to enforcing their own policies on content creators, this goes back decades.
I watched a clip of Candace Owens and she made a good point about Cardi B. The rapper admits to drugging and robbing men and yet nothing criminal came of it and she was never dropped or cancelled. Also while Brand was a scoundrel and drug addict nothing was done. His behavior was 'an open secret'. Yet now that he has got clean, got married, and about to have a 3rd kid, this bs gets sprung on him....why?
Did anyone come forward and file a claim, civil or criminal?
Back in 2022. We were at 255 million vaccines ordered and had found uses for 60mill.

But somehow we required another 70 million doses so far in 2023.

Gotta admire the hustle tho.
Sounds like a bullwhip effect. If there's evidence of self-dealing or corruption, I'm all for it being punished. There's also obviously the problem that wealthier nations effectively cut in line before poorer nations, but that's it's own ball of wax
And when they tried to bring Real Time segments like the one you posted to CNN , a liberal network, how did it fair with the left leaning audience?

bottom of the barrel ratings. Because no one on the left gives a shit about Mahr or his pundits like Brand anymore and he's not having any significant impact.

No one watches CNN. That's got nothing to do with Maher.
Did you read the text message exchange?

The "no means no" was about wearing a contraceptive, not about Brand being rejected for sex and forcing himself on someone.
Yup, and again, you very clearly did not read the exchange.
Here's Nadia's claim: "Nadia claims that Brand pushed her up against the wall and raped her, without a condom."
Here's the text exchange, and she told her therapist after the incident that she was raped.
Here's what she wrote in a letter to Brand that she worked on during treatment. “Do you know what you put me through? My body through? . . . You scared the shit out of me on July 1st, I thought in any situation I would be strong enough to fight someone off . . . You completely broke me down.

Pretending that the allegation is over stealthing, and not an outright allegation of rape by force is incredibly dishonest.
I think I've missed a lot of this thread, so sorry if asked and answered, but who made the call to demonetize his youtube channel?

Pressure was applied by the UK Parliament and YouTube complied. They knew the hit piece was coming and couldn't wait to send the letters out. Tiktok did not comply, Rumble did not comply.

This was a targeted attack on Brand because he had earned a lot of trust among his viewers.

That seems really bizarre if a government entity and there was no ToS violation. If Brand was a server, this would be the equivalent of going to his boss and telling them not to pay him for the work he was doing because there was an accusation of some sorts unrelated to his current employment.

It would seem bizarre if there wasn't a pattern of YouTube, government and MSM collusion. Now it's just par for the course. After the last three years, nothing a western government does to violate speech rights is surprising anymore.

Sounds like tremendous overreach if the government forced this.

It was a huge overreach, but there is no freedom of speech in England. It is not a constitutionally protected right. That said, if Brand lived in the US, this would still be happening. Until Missouri v Biden gets to the supreme court, expect this to keep happening.
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It seems the governments now pressure private companies to do their bidding.

It's great most of us are a bunch of nobodies but imagine UK or US government sending letters demanding you're terminated. That's insane to me.

If Brand raped the woman or whatever else and gets convicted of it that's at least one thing but to be summarily penalized before even having your so called day in court is so strange.

Was Brand at least arrested? Placed in handcuffs? Trotted out before the cameras?

Nope. An article came out with allegations. Well fuck string the guy up for 11-17 year old allegations. Who needs the courts...
It's great most of us are a bunch of nobodies but imagine UK or US government sending letters demanding you're terminated. That's insane to me.
Ah yes, yet another person who doesn't understand the difference between an MP and the government.
Ah yes, yet another person who doesn't understand the difference between an MP and the government.

In US there's such a thing as having third parties acting as agents of the government to subvert justice and courts over the years tossed out cases and dismissed evidence because of it.

I am not knowledgeable on UK politics and laws but I already know that its 'generous defamation' laws are not so generous after all.
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Pointing out how this topic fits every aspect of the definition of conspiracy makes this topic a conspiracy? Yeah, that’s point.

You’re bitching about liberals passing measures that don’t go far as you want when conservatives are attempting to block the measures that you’re saying should be even stricter. So bitching about the side that’s actually passing something instead of the side trying to cock block it, while arguing it needs to be passed and more. Lol. Ok bud.
Its almost as though context matters in these conversations. But you seem to be avoiding that in order to dismiss somebody you don't agree with

I'm left on healthcare by the way. But overall, the problems and horrors that humans are experiencing with pharmaceuticals aren't going to be helped by that agreement at all. Im not even sure why you brought it up. I don't care how cheap their terrible drugs are

Anyways, we're derailing here in this thread
In US there's such a thing as having third parties acting as agents of the government to subvert justice and courts over the years tossed out cases and dismissed evidence because of it.
This ain't it. An MP sent a factfinding letter to a private company. It's common, if not routine, for committee heads to do this for publicity. There isn't a constitutional right to be monetized on YouTube or other social media platforms. That MP does this every time an entertainer who worked for BBC is under suspicion.
Its almost as though context matters in these conversations. But you seem to be avoiding that in order to dismiss somebody you don't agree with

I'm left on healthcare by the way. But overall, the problems and horrors that humans are experiencing with pharmaceuticals aren't going to be helped by that agreement at all. Im not even sure why you brought it up. I don't care how cheap their terrible drugs are

Anyways, we're derailing here in this thread

Whether or not you care if the drugs people, many living paycheck to paycheck, desperately need are made more affordable doesn't matter.

All the people who need them care, and the people who care about those people care. This is something big pharm was fighting and lobbying against for decades and conservatives voted against so clearly it's significant enough shift. What it certainly doesn't portray is being attached to the hip to them. This "well unless you get free healthcare for everyone it doesn't really count" angle doesn't make any sense.