Should extreme hair growth qualify as a disability?

Zebra Cheeks

Cheeky Bastard
Staff member
Senior Moderator
Jun 13, 2009
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We all have that one friend whose hair is just out of control. I know one guy who can’t wear socks with a low thread count because it causes intense, burning pain to his feet when he wears socks that aren’t suitable. Others need to spend thousands of dollars to control their unbelievable and out of control hair. Do you think it should qualify as a disability so people can receive financial support while they combat their hair growth?
Who the Fook...........
We all have that one friend whose hair is just out of control. I know one guy who can’t wear socks with a low thread count because it causes intense, burning pain to his feet when he wears socks that aren’t suitable. Others need to spend thousands of dollars to control their unbelievable and out of control hair. Do you think it should qualify as a disability so people can receive financial support while they combat their hair growth?

You just come back from a long hiatus?
My buddy is a gorilla and paid an obscene amount for laser hair removal on his back. They said 3-4 sessions is all it takes for the vast majority of people, with a few exceptions one might need 5-6. After session number 7 his back hair was ferocious as ever, and the technician asked him if he's Middle Eastern. He's white as they come and out thousands. I told him to sue for racial discrimination.
Well ask @Slobodan
He comes from a line of very hairy people.
As a child he was several times mistaken for a small ape or dog, because of all the hair.
His grandfather used to work at a carny as the talking ape.
His wife, Slobodans grandmother who is also his cousin was the bearded lady.
This is a very touchy subject to Slobodan.
But I am sure he will tell us how he feels.
It is called lycanthropy and it's a legit disability. Unfortunately, individuals suffering from it have been historically oppressed, with some even getting killed such as Peter Stumpp.