All Time GOAT poll

Only 50% thinks jones cheated? Are the other 50% unaware that he was suspended multiple times for cheating, and required to snitch on people for cheating as well?
Honest question to Jones fans. I am done arguing with you guys and if in the face of all the evidence , if you still support your boy so be it .

But if sherdog is to represent a microcosm of the world wide MMA community, I believe it is safe to say that half of this community does not believe Jones to be goat due to PED usage.

Don't you all thing that you would at least need a majority of people to believe a fighter is goat before designating this label to him/her?

Doesn't it bother you at all that Jones does not have that support of the MMA community?

I don't think Jon is GOAT and the eye pokes are a bigger issue for me, than the PEDs. But I also don't think you should care too much about other people's opinions when determining who you think is GOAT.
This is sherdog. Its only sherdoggers that think jones could be in the consideration for goat. In any other sport he would be a pariah and fraud. In mma hes goat. That sadly says a lot about mma fans.
Jones is an advertisement for cheating in sports and winning.
It's a professional sport, very competitive and you being able to have a good career and provide for your family depends on whether you can keep winning. I think it's crazy to assume most guys aren't on something, I assume most top fighters are. If you go into a sport full of roidheads, it's pretty arrogant to think you can be champ without taking anything right? People will look for any little advantage they can get.

Most fighters have visibly cheated in one way or another right? Whether it be eye pokes, grabbing the fence, grabbing a glove, grabbing the shorts etc.. DC grabbing the towel to make weight and eye poking Stipe. Kelvin gastelum leaning on his coach to make weight. GSP getting greased up etc..

I think the number of people on gear in pro sports in general is extremely underestimated by a lot of people. There have been times in certain Olympic events where every top athlete tested positive yet now records are still being broken... Natural athletes are beating records set by PED users?? Not likely. USADA makes it harder for guys to be juiced to the gills but fighters can still get away with it they just have to be more careful. It took a bit of adjusting for some fighters.

Also USADA has done shady shit themselves like asking fighters to snitch in order to avoid a longer suspension, giving Mayweather a banned iv etc..
But jones pissed hot multiple times while dc didnt. Jones had the testosterone levels of a 90 year old before usada. DC did not. I dont think its that easy to beat usada. They found picograms in jones piss.
I never understood the argument against Jones PED usage, when almost everyone is also on PEDS. I don't think Jones is the GOAT, or at least I'm on the fence whether it's him, GSP, Fedor or MM. But regarding PED usage, everyone is most likely on it. Even playing field I say.
To consider him goat you must believe everyone is on steroids and it's pure coincidence he has failed more ped tests than anyone in the history of the sport.

Takes a special kind.

Then view his extensive collection of failed tests in the context of the UFC doing what ever they can to keep him fighting, and you have to wonder if he wasn't their chosen one how much shit we would have heard.
I never understood the argument against Jones PED usage, when almost everyone is also on PEDS. I don't think Jones is the GOAT, or at least I'm on the fence whether it's him, GSP, Fedor or MM. But regarding PED usage, everyone is most likely on it. Even playing field I say.

If its "even" why does Jones fail so often, and no one else comes close.
Jones is the luckiest UFC fighter in history.

Become champion in a relatively weak division at a particularly weak time.

Has several decision wins which arguably could/should have gone the other way, if so completely changing his trajectory and canceling any GOAT discussions.

Was caught cheating multiple times but miraculously avoided career-altering bans or total fans backlash.

Went up a division just as the scariest champ left, fighting first a one dimensional striker and next a way over the hill semi-retired former champ.

Had all kinds of serious legal issues, but somehow avoided jail time or prolonged public fallout (despite incidents involving women etc).

Really a lucky guy!
GenZnowflake “Males” and Jon Jones are the delusional wing of nowadays society which compares more with Krusty the clown than with actual real males. Keep calm and overdose in your social-media-junkie self-esteem less bubble foos
Honest question to Jones fans. I am done arguing with you guys and if in the face of all the evidence , if you still support your boy so be it .

But if sherdog is to represent a microcosm of the world wide MMA community, I believe it is safe to say that half of this community does not believe Jones to be goat due to PED usage.

Don't you all thing that you would at least need a majority of people to believe a fighter is goat before designating this label to him/her?

Doesn't it bother you at all that Jones does not have that support of the MMA community?
It's called life.

Get over it. Someone takes 80 supplements approved by people that never work out. But god forbid someone takes steriods.

Steriods don't make you a great fighter. If so than Pudz would be HW king of all time.

Don't be so one tracked mind to believe Jon is the only one.

I'm sure many are on and still on.
and yet here you are with over 2,000 posts. weird flex but ok

Indeed, because this forum is sometimes funny, but i'm aware this forum has no power on what the general public thinks : if you think otherwise, you're completely delusional.
To consider him goat you must believe everyone is on steroids and it's pure coincidence he has failed more ped tests than anyone in the history of the sport.

Takes a special kind.

Do you realize ? Even more than Lesnar and Overeem... he must have cheated way more than both {<jordan}

Keep hating <GOT2>
This is how delusional Sherdog is... no one cares about this forum but some members here think they are special.

There are literally videos with millions of views on Youtube saying that Jon Jones is the GOAT, but a thread that will probably make hundred of views at best here is supposed to be more relevant.

This is an old video, Jon Jones wasn't even the HW champ, yet still already considered as the GOAT.

Everyone thinks Jon Jones is the GOAT outside of some salty delusional members here.


There’s also a shitload of YouTube videos with millions of views made by Zoomers telling me that Lebron James is the NBA GOAT—
Those of us old enough to have watched Jordan in his prime know that’s simply not the case.

I never understood the argument against Jones PED usage, when almost everyone is also on PEDS. I don't think Jones is the GOAT, or at least I'm on the fence whether it's him, GSP, Fedor or MM. But regarding PED usage, everyone is most likely on it. Even playing field I say.
I don’t think that’s fair to say. What should we make of someone like Michael Bisping? That dude is super outspoken against steroids, never had any sort of look or performance that would make us think he’s on steroids, and he’s never failed a test in his long career. I give him the benefit of the doubt, personally. It’s funny how much shenanigans and how many excuses a guy like Jones needs, while none of that weird shit ever happened to Bisping.

When Lesnar was given that USADA exemption for UFC 200 and then popped, why would Mark Hunt be that pissed if he was just on gear too? Pissed off enough to sue, even.
It’s a reality that PEDs are rampant in MMA, but I don’t think everyone is on them and they shouldn’t have to be to try and compete with these other fighters. So while Jones is crazy talented, and his resume is fantastic, he’s probably the biggest PED cheat the sport has ever seen except for maybe Barnett, and I absolutely think it should be taken into account when evaluating his career.
Indeed, because this forum is sometimes Funny, but i'm aware this forum has no power on what the general public thinks : if you think otherwise, you're completely delusional.

so as long as it's popular it's correct? your argument is that there's thousands of youtube videos that claim Jon Jones is the best. but who made youtubers the authority on that? and who says the youtubers are better at assessing this then sherdoggers? because they came to the same conclusion as you? sounds like confirmation bias to me.

besides, most of these people are ignorant. sherdoggers are here because they're fans of the sport. i'll take the opinion of someone who actually knows about the sport and freely gives their opinion over some guy who's main goal is to gain views and has monetized his point of view.
There’s also a shitload of YouTube videos with millions of views made by Zoomers telling me that Lebron James is the NBA GOAT

No there are not.

So while Jones is crazy talented, and his resume is fantastic, he’s probably the biggest PED cheat the sport has ever seen except for maybe Barnett, and I absolutely think it should be taken into account when evaluating his career.

What a bullshit comment : Jon Jones has been dominant pre and post USADA, while some fighters completely collapsed once under USADA.

Some fighters even completely collapsed once under some weak drug testing : Mirko for instance and his awful record in the UFC. Fedor also has a bad record whenever he fought out of Japan.

Yet it's always about Jon Jones because you're all haters.
so as long as it's popular it's correct? your argument is that there's thousands of youtube videos that claim Jon Jones is the best. but who made youtubers the authority on that? and who says the youtubers are better at assessing this then sherdoggers? because they came to the same conclusion as you? sounds like confirmation bias to me.

Read what the OP said please : "But if sherdog is to represent a microcosm of the world wide MMA community, I believe it is safe to say that half of this community does not believe Jones to be goat due to PED usage."

If Jon Jones + GOAT make millions of views on Youtube, it's obviously because no one cares about what Sherdog thinks

besides, most of these people are ignorant. sherdoggers are here because they're fans of the sport. i'll take the opinion of someone who actually knows about the sport and freely gives their opinion over some guy who's main goal is to gain views and has monetized his point of view.

Sherdog is the most delusional place i've ever seen on MMA, because most of the members here are fanatic fanboys without any proper critical mind.

No person in his right mind would ever believe Fedor has a single word to say in the GOAT debate, yet he has several fanatics to defend him here.