The rare signature moves of fighters


Black Belt
Aug 9, 2008
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After rewatching Barboza vs Yosuff it occurred to me no one will throw a wheel kick like Barboza. It's been in his wheelhouse his whole career. He hurt Khabib and FKL with it. No one could forget the Etim KO. Only others who seem to rock with it are maybe Sandhagen and Wonderboy. But nobody owns it like Edson

Any other examples?
The Matrix Silva

Mirko's LHK
Ronda's Armbar
Khabib's leg grapevine
Sakuraba's single leg
GSP's blast double and superman punch
Joanna's front kick
Fedor's overhand (standing and on the ground)
Wanderlei's knees from the plum
DC's high crotch throw + Clinch uppercuts
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I’ll go with something that won’t get posted, a surprise if you will!


The pivots of Jose Aldo. And of course.. the leg kicks :eek:


Can’t talk about Aldo without mentioning the leg kicks. Awesome!
I honestly never knew that about the pivots. That's a very sophisticated method of striking. I've heard of sways and slips but that one is something I never even fathoms. Kudos to you. Aldo is a fucking legend
Mirko's LHK
Ronda's Armbar
Khabib's leg grapevine
Sakuraba's single leg
GSP's blast double and superman punch
Joanna's front kick
Fedor's overhand (standing and on the ground)
Wanderlei's knees from the plum
DC's high crotch throw + Clinch uppercuts
GSP also did Superman punch into legkick. Don't know anyone else who does that
Chuck Liddell's overhand right.

It might not be the most cool looking punch, but I remember just how effective it was. He would continuously back up (he was notoriously hard to take down), and then on the back foot he would whip that overhand right, over the outstretched arms of the opponent, landing it perfectly and clipping them