Opinion Dearborn Michigan

I am not saying to cancel anything, but when you watched all of the terrorism that has taken place all over the world and it revolves around a specific group, you can't be mad at anyone for being cautious.
Cautious is one thing, but how do you explain freaking out over the notion that 0.8% of the population can implement sharia law on the other (heavily armed) 99.2%? In what world does that make sense?
Almost identical to conservative Christian values funnily enough. Minus the alcohol and pork.

Not so sure about the alcohol part. The Muslim family that lived next door to my uncle stayed up late and drank beer every night in their back yard and threw the cans into my uncle's yard because they knew that he recycled the cans.
Not so sure about the alcohol part. The Muslim family that lived next door to my uncle stayed up late and drank beer every night in their back yard and threw the cans into my uncle's yard because they knew that he recycled the cans.
Well, there are Christian preacher's that knock up their secretaries, doesn't mean adultery is a christian value.
And the whole sharia thing

I also didn't like that the men can dress however they want, but it would be the middle of summer and there would be women dressed completely in black with just their eyes showing.

I mean, I get it, that is their culture, but it just didn't seem right. It's like the women were a lesser of a human being.
lmao. you don't even know what sharia is.
We’ve done this dance before and it’s been beaten to death on here. Granted I think we’d all like to beat our wives every once in a while but you just can’t
I also didn't like that the men can dress however they want, but it would be the middle of summer and there would be women dressed completely in black with just their eyes showing.

I mean, I get it, that is their culture, but it just didn't seem right. It's like the women were a lesser of a human being.
They’re ninjas So you hate ninjas you Islamophobe?
We’ve done this dance before and it’s been beaten to death on here. Granted I think we’d all like to beat our wives every once in a while but you just can’t
If you think Muslims are beating their wives in Dearborn, go to the cops. Otherwise, why are you bitching about Sharia? Muslims in Dearborn are under Federal and Michigan laws so quit your incessant whining about sharia.
If you think Muslims are beating their wives in Dearborn, go to the cops. Otherwise, why are you bitching about Sharia? Muslims in Dearborn are under Federal and Michigan laws so quit your incessant whining about sharia.
There ya go. Nice dodge
Unless you're ready to go purge ever Amish and Mennonite community no one really has fuck-all to say about another community instituting their own religious values as a core of their community. If Federal or State laws aren't broken then more power to them. It's pretty simple really, don't kill people in the name of Allah or Christ and go about your way in peace citizen.
There ya go. Nice dodge
Where was the dodge? Islamophobes are ostensibly afraid of Muslims imposing un-American values on the rest of the country, if you think wife beating is a Muslim value that's actively being practiced in Dearborn then report it to the authorities.
As a fellow Michigan resident they've been trying that shit for a long time now. Doubt it will happen but you never know.

And honestly the culture there is a lot different than what media makes it out to be.
You mean the homophobes in Dearborn want to push out radical ideas? what a concept
I was raised in Michigan, my former hometown that I still frequently visit. Dearborn Michigan has a high percentage of Muslims. They do the call of prayer over the loudspeaker and are trying to implement Sharia law. Hamtrammak Michigan is another Muslim zone with a Muslim majority city council. They banned flying the pride flag, they joke it is now a :eek::eek::eek:less city.

Thoughts on different culture groups coming into America and making there own culture and little area with there own rules & etc.?

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned#:~:text=In 2015, many liberal residents,a Muslim-majority city council.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Islamic Jihad and Hamas flags flying in... <br><br>You guessed it... Dearborn, Michigan. <a href="https://t.co/9hrsaZyb9Q">pic.twitter.com/9hrsaZyb9Q</a></p>&mdash; Rsolo (@Richard75985769) <a href="">October 11, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is Dearborn Michigan, USA.<br><br>This is what all the secret and illegal immigration is about.<br><br>Making TERRORISTS, not voters.<br><br>WE NEED DONALD TRUMP BACK!<a href="https://t.co/WIuLeyvTby">pic.twitter.com/WIuLeyvTby</a></p>&mdash; Ann Vandersteel (@annvandersteel) <a href="">October 17, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

why didn't he "fix it" in his first term?
Freedom of religion is one thing but trying to force an entire town to follow your religion is pretty ridiculous tbh.
Freedom of religion is one thing but trying to force an entire town to follow your religion is pretty ridiculous tbh.
When did that happen? How are Muslims forcing everyone to become Muslim in Dearborn? You just invented a scenario out of thin air.
When did that happen? How are Muslims forcing everyone to become Muslim in Dearborn? You just invented a scenario out of thin air.

Look I'm not gonna argue with you about all of this.
If they have the majority in places of power they will eventually push the people that don't want to deal with it out.

Its not rocket science, and I'm not a person that gives a shit about religion other than the fact that I think its a form of brainwashing (all religions).

I know you're always looking for an argument but I'm simply not going to give it to you.
COVID taught me that the Muslims might be on to something with the covering their faces. People not being able to see your face takes so much pressure off.