Opinion Why Canada doesn't have the same attention as USA, Europe and Australia when it comes migration crisis?


Brown Belt
Nov 25, 2014
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Title says it all. It seems odd when Canada is a lot worse than some of those Western countries with the sudden influx of migrants from India yet they don't get the same attention as them at all.

I don't think Canada is taken super seriously on the global stage anymore.

The thing about immigration being so high in Canada is that is exacerbates the other ongoing crises, such as homelessness, drugs & crime due to homelessness, affordability, housing shortages, mental health, climate change, etc. etc.
Aren't both Canada and India part of the Commonwealth? If so, they have special agreements in regards to migration between other Commonwealth countries.
I have a feeling it might get some attention in this cold, cold winter, with many of them still stuck sleeping in the streets, because these hippie dippie idiots put out the welcome mat with no plan on where the fuck to put them. I believe New York and Chicago has this issue as well...
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I have a feeling it might get some attention in this cold, cold winter, with many of them still stuck sleeping in the streets, because these hippie dippie idiots put out the welcome mat with no plan on where the fuck to put them. I believe New York and Chicago has this issue as well. Gonna give a whole new meaning to "putting a freeze on migration".
Chicago is planning on building them a shanty town on an old industrial site with contaminated soil.
the temperature drops like 50 or 60 degrees once you go across the canadian border and you are no longer driving in miles per hour because they tend to use the metric system outside of america so it kinda deters people from going there.
Go on any post about Indians in the GTA on FB or Instagram and you'll see most people seem to be really against it.

My only issue with Indians in Canada is they just vote for whatever guy is in a turban regardless of his policy positions then get mad when they find out he doesn't share any of their values.

Other than that, I find them to be one of the best immigrant groups.
At least you're getting India's small, educated, well-to-do population, which means you're getting the cream of the crop

In the US, we're getting poor Latin Americans with very little to no education and even 3 generations in, their grandkids produce very low test scores even with Affirmative Action not to mention the MASSIVE gang and crime they bring in

We get some Asian migrants, but too few to offset the gargantuan number of illegals South Americans and Africans flooding into our borders
It needs to stop. Adleast for a while. You got people coming here being treated better then Canadians .

These people are given everything. They take up valuable shelter space and housing. My wife is a social navigator for the homeless community and even the slumlords who take in high risk clients only want refugees, there's more incentive from the government.

I worked a coat drive with her a few weeks ago. Majority of the people who came in were refugees. They'd pull up in cars , with nice clothes looking for handouts. Some would come through 2 3 times dressed differently to try and get more free shit.

It's honestly despicable and Trudeau has every intention of bringing in more.
At least you're getting India's small, educated, well-to-do population, which means you're getting the cream of the crop

In the US, we're getting poor Latin Americans with very little to no education and even 3 generations in, their grandkids produce very low test scores even with Affirmative Action not to mention the MASSIVE gang and crime they bring in

We get some Asian migrants, but too few to offset the gargantuan number of illegals South Americans and Africans flooding into our borders
Nah. Whoever tells you that's all we get is lying.
In the US, we're getting poor Latin Americans with very little to no education and even 3 generations in, their grandkids produce very low test scores even with Affirmative Action not to mention the MASSIVE gang and crime they bring in
What are the stats on this?

I love the idea that we're also not skimming the cream of the crop for Latin American immigrants who have to decide they are willing to bet on themselves and move thousands of miles away to start with nothing and brave a rather perilous trip to said destination. All with no guarantees of success.
What are the stats on this?

I love the idea that we're also not skimming the cream of the crop for Latin American immigrants who have to decide they are willing to bet on themselves and move thousands of miles away to start with nothing and brave a rather perilous trip to said destination. All with no guarantees of success.

It takes a lot of time and money to legally migrate to the US. It's an expensive, lengthy process. My family had to move to the capital and have 2 interviews with the consulate at the American embassy until we were given the green light. It took many, many years. They're picky about giving people green cards. They want people that can hold their own in American society and contribute more than they will take from the government.

Compare that to being poor in another country and just crossing the border. It's physically much harder and much more dangerous, but the people doing it this way are much less likely to come from educated families.

Sort the SAT scores by race, even the oned that are 4 generations in the US, and the results are still the same.

Asians at the top, whites 2nd, Hispanics 3rd and black people in last place.
What are the stats on this?

I love the idea that we're also not skimming the cream of the crop for Latin American immigrants who have to decide they are willing to bet on themselves and move thousands of miles away to start with nothing and brave a rather perilous trip to said destination. All with no guarantees of success.
Why do companies have you dial 1 or 2 for English. Millions of people coming in through the border many living in the United States of America for years that cannot speak English and make no attempt to learn it.
Title says it all. It seems odd when Canada is a lot worse than some of those Western countries with the sudden influx of migrants from India yet they don't get the same attention as them at all.


Because Canada actually wants the migrants and sees them as their ticket to becoming a great power. Reaching 100 million people is a core Canadian goal. Right now Canada is basically thicc California.

Its like how the French originally wanted Algerian immigrants to close the gap with Germany then post WW2 they no longer needed them and started being racist towards them.

Canada is the least densely populated place on earth. They are like a Russia with 20ish% of Russias people.
It takes a lot of time and money to legally migrate to the US. It's an expensive, lengthy process. My family had to move to the capital and have 2 interviews with the consulate at the American embassy until we were given the green light. It took many, many years. They're picky about giving people green cards. They want people that can hold their own in American society and contribute more than they will take from the government.
Green cards aren't really merit based.
Compare that to being poor in another country and just crossing the border. It's physically much harder and much more dangerous, but the people doing it this way are much less likely to come from educated families.
It's not just "crossing the border." The US needs plenty of workers without college degrees, of which immigration tends to fill in and always has. Not to mention first and second gen immigrants commit less prime and pull more than their weight than most native born demographics.
Sort the SAT scores by race, even the oned that are 4 generations in the US, and the results are still the same.
Why do companies have you dial 1 or 2 for English. Millions of people coming in through the border many living in the United States of America for years that cannot speak English and make no attempt to learn it.
Because America has never had an official language, and marketing toward your customer base is pretty sensible? Plenty of first gen immigrants of all stripes don't integrate quickly, but their kids sure do. That's always been the case in the United States.
Why do companies have you dial 1 or 2 for English. Millions of people coming in through the border many living in the United States of America for years that cannot speak English and make no attempt to learn it.

Learning a 2nd language is not easy. Some people are incapable of it entirely because the way their brain works and even more people are incapable of doing it well. My father can speak basic English but its clear he often does not understand what I am saying and is pretending.

Some peoples brain is stimulated by substantive info and learning a 2nd way to express all the information they already know is tedious and something they are incapable of doing.
Go on any post about Indians in the GTA on FB or Instagram and you'll see most people seem to be really against it.

My only issue with Indians in Canada is they just vote for whatever guy is in a turban regardless of his policy positions then get mad when they find out he doesn't share any of their values.

Other than that, I find them to be one of the best immigrant groups.
When Covid hit, it destroyed my business. I was still earning a partial income, so I couldn't go on CERB. It wasn't near enough, so I took a job at a big grocery chain for about a year and a half. I switched between three stores often, as it was chaos in those early days. So many OG staff were too afraid to come in.

Pretty much all the new employees were recent Indian immigrants. I got to know dozens of them, and became lasting friends with a couple, as we're all big gamers. A lot of the staff I got to know tended to either work two menial jobs, despite having strong educational backgrounds, or going to university/college.

What I got from most is that they love western culture, want to be part of it, even Canada's freeing cold winters lol

I welcome these types of immigrants with open arms, it's the attitude that built our country through immigrants from various backgrounds.

Thankfully we don't get too many third world Muslims, as they don't like this cold, but we get too many still. Their culture is incompatible, and too many of them are a danger to our women and children.
Because Canada doesn’t have a migration problem. People are just being scared that it is a problem so some politicians and influencers can make a living off hysteria.

Up here people were freaking out over the weekend that the Canadian national anthem was performed in Punjabi at a hockey game.
When Covid hit, it destroyed my business. I was still earning a partial income, so I couldn't go on CERB. It wasn't near enough, so I took a job at a big grocery chain for about a year and a half. I switched between three stores often, as it was chaos in those early days. So many OG staff were too afraid to come in.

Pretty much all the new employees were recent Indian immigrants. I got to know dozens of them, and became lasting friends with a couple, as we're all big gamers. A lot of the staff I got to know tended to either work two menial jobs, despite having strong educational backgrounds, or going to university/college.

What I got from most is that they love western culture, want to be part of it, even Canada's freeing cold winters lol

I welcome these types of immigrants with open arms, it's the attitude that built our country through immigrants from various backgrounds.

Thankfully we don't get too many third world Muslims, as they don't like this cold, but we get too many still. Their culture is incompatible, and too many of them are a danger to our women and children.
You say this as if Muslims aren't a substantial part of India and its diaspora.
Indians and Chinese don’t have signifcantly inflated crime rates compared to their % of the population, so they fly under the radar a bit, but white Canadians will become a minority in the next few decades so the end result is the same, just not as much crime