Movies Most unintentionally funny movie?


Yellow Card
Dec 25, 2023
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I'm watching this movie called 'Shrapnel' right now and stop reading this now if you don't want spoilers but the main character is a former marine and takes out about 10 mexican cartel with a hunting rifle that come to his ranch. I'm 1:11 in to it now and he has his marine buddy with him and they're looking at the Mexican cartel leader through his window talking about how they're gonna take these guys out.
The room

I really think Tommy Wiseau fancied himself as the embodiment of Spielberg, Coppola and DDL
Man I tried to look up the room and there was a 2003 and 2019 version I watched the trailers a bit and ended my Investigation Cause They Just Looked Bad.
Redline (2007) is pretty ridiculous

I think the Happening is a drama (unless M Night was trolling for satire), would put that up there as well
Can't pick one. Miami Connection, Cobra, Death Wish 3, Speed 2, Fateful Findings, Color of Night, Wicker Man remake, Glimmer Man, any Tyler Perry movies. Could go all day but those are some choice cuts off of the top of my head.

Yes thats Eric Roberts

What is the deal with Eric Roberts? He is a legit actor, who has been in many a legit role. But then he does shit like this, or the Stalked By My Doctor trilogy for Lifetime (which is a fun watch, actually).

Does he just gamble away all his money like Nic Cage, so he takes any role he can get?