Ngannou was never a draw

Part of his inability to draw is he's a huge man with lots of muscles. That may sound ridiculous, but at the core of martial arts is this; it helps smaller people beat large bullies in fights. It's why we loved Bruce Lee and were fascinated by Royce Gracie in the early UFC days. Since UFC went with rounds and times limits, then implemented a HW division which resembles boxing HW division, fans don't like seeing 265-pound behemoths crushing smaller opponents with shear force and a lack of actual martial arts. They should have split the HW division into 2 or even 3 divisions. Maybe then it would be less of a freakshow.
Yeah, I could eat shit if I wanted too, that doesn't make it a smart decision.
Who are you to tell him what is right and wrong with his career and life?

You ok with randos telling you how to live your life?
Who are you to tell him what is right and wrong with his career and life?

You ok with randos telling you how to live your life?
I would not tell him PERSONALLY what to do, but seeing that we are in a mma forum, we are talking about an mma fighter and about his mma fighting career, I think I'm entitled to have an opinion and discuss about it.
You realize how retarded your comment is, right?
UFC 220 = 300K ppv buys
UFC 260 = 350K ppv buys
UFC 270 = 300K ppv buys

Those are all the ppv cards he headlined, even some female fighters did better numbers than that.

He wants to get the same kind of money guys like Mcgregor or the boxing guys get, but he doesn't make their numbers at all, not even close. He was even going to get more money than Lesnar, who was a draw and did muuch vetter numebr than that, Lesnar buys were over a million per card. And Ngannoy still turned it down?

Yes, he may had the potential to be a draw, the UFC was pushing him hard. I still remember when he got the first title shot, his first fight with Miocic, Dana White was promoting him like crazy they were promotikg him more than the champ himself.

Then he finally got the title, he barely got 1 title defense by a very close desicion and then he left? He definitely has the wrong people around him. He probably wasted the best years of his career by no fighting and nownhe is going 40 and he is going to end up fighting cans that nobody knows? he is never going to get that kind of money lile that, I feel bad for him.
but he wants freedom and medical coverage for all , it's not about money damin it<45>
He's been fighting once a year since 2019, it wasn't like I could enjoy his fights too often anyways.
So you're shilling for this reason too, there are obvious reasons why he's had 3 fights in 3 years but they don't fit your agenda. Not sure why a self claimed genius has to have that pointed out to them.
Isn't that the UFC's fault? does it promote, or actually do anything?
Freedom to compete in boxing outside the UFC so he could make more money.

Ngannou and a lot of Sherbros can't seem to comprehend why the UFC wouldn't let their HW champ
1) continue to take time away from the octagon preparing for a serious boxing match
2) get embarrassed spectacularly in that boxing match
That’s fine except they had already stupidly set a precedent.
"Ngannou isn't a draw" hasn't been debunked considering the Saudis lost money doing the Fury vs Ngannou event (not that they cared) and the PPV sold like crap. People out here acting like Ngannou is selling 1 million+ PPV buys now just because we were impressed with his performance & like his story etc lol.
The number of fools in here, crapping on Ngannou can eat it.. you know who you are…you jerk-offs…
"Ngannou isn't a draw" hasn't been debunked considering the Saudis lost money doing the Fury vs Ngannou event (not that they cared) and the PPV sold like crap. People out here acting like Ngannou is selling 1 million+ PPV buys now just because we were impressed with his performance & like his story etc lol.

Probably cause they thought it would be one sided..just like almost every single MMA vs boxer match under boxing rules (hey I thought Fury would make it ugly and dominate…). This next one will probably be different. I will buy the next one.
So what you’re saying is that UFC is horrible at their job? Remind you, that job is promotion.
You're aware this was comparing to other fighters in the UFC, right? His fights sold 0 PPVs before the UFC, and sold 10,000 after the UFC with one of the biggest draws in boxing.
Probably cause they thought it would be one sided..just like almost every single MMA vs boxer match under boxing rules (hey I thought Fury would make it ugly and dominate…). This next one will probably be different. I will buy the next one.
Mayweather/McGregor sold 4.3 million ppvs.
The fact he was fighting the best HW was the problem. "Draw" is only based on interest and no one was interested in the best HW ducking the most technical and titled HW to have a circus fight.

Hell, Fury Wilder did basically nothing, and that was the best guys available and a damn good fight. Then the second fight sold over double
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