Television TV or movie inaccuracies that bother you

I remember seeing an old Rob Lowe interview where he's just gushing about James Gandolfini's work on The Sopranos.

What blew Rob's mind is "nobody eats on camera, NOBODY eats on camera and here Jim is shoving cappacolla into his face like a boss". He tried to explain how it's such a pain to shoot meals because if you actually eat the food it becomes a continuity nightmare with multiple takes but Jim just doesn't care and he eats on camera throughout the whole series.

I remember when Lowe was talking about that. Really interesting point. Typically, you don’t see people doing mundane things in tv and movies because it doesn’t really fit the medium.

I always cracked up at that scene on Seinfeld when George and Jerry are pitching the show about nothing concept to Bob Balaban. George is such a hardliner for the concept that when Russell asks him what happens on a given episode of the show, George points out that the characters go to work, they read…

“Read? They read on camera?”

Something just funny about the notion of a character in a show or movie just sitting and reading for a prolonged period of camera time.
Stupid prison escapes. There's never been one in TV or a movie that's realistic.

The worst ones are when the main character does it easily & quickly, as if he's escaped from a dozen prisons.

The 2nd worst ones when there's something that's practically impossible, but the main character can do it because he's the main character.

For example - The Shawshank Redemption.
I worked at a piping manufacturer for 2 years and I've seen alot of piping being destroyed... but never pierced. I saw a 50' pipe dropped 30 feet from a crane... and it warped to the point one portion was oval-shaped rather than circular... but even that didn't come anywhere close to it being pierced.

Give a strongman, like The Mountain from Game of Thrones a 60 pound sledgehammer and 2 weeks to pierce a 24" pipe... like what Andy had to pierce and crawl through to escape... and he'd at best put a small dent in it, but I can guarantee you he'd never pierce it.

So, in the finale of Shawshank Redemption, Andy being able to pierce a pipe with a piece of concrete from the wall... and it'd crumble within a few hits... inbetween lightning strikes... with his skinny arm... and make a hole in it large enough to crawl through...?

1000% impossible. Guaranteed.
Stupid prison escapes. There's never been one in TV or a movie that's realistic.

The worst ones are when the main character does it easily & quickly, as if he's escaped from a dozen prisons.

The 2nd worst ones when there's something that's practically impossible, but the main character can do it because he's the main character.

For example - The Shawshank Redemption.
I worked at a piping manufacturer for 2 years and I've seen alot of piping being destroyed... but never pierced. I saw a 50' pipe dropped 30 feet from a crane... and it warped to the point one portion was oval-shaped rather than circular... but even that didn't come anywhere close to it being pierced.

Give a strongman, like The Mountain from Game of Thrones a 60 pound sledgehammer and 2 weeks to pierce a 24" pipe... like what Andy had to pierce and crawl through to escape... and he'd at best put a small dent in it, but I can guarantee you he'd never pierce it.

So, in the finale of Shawshank Redemption, Andy being able to pierce a pipe with a piece of concrete from the wall... and it'd crumble within a few hits... inbetween lightning strikes... with his skinny arm... and make a hole in it large enough to crawl through...?

1000% impossible. Guaranteed.
Strangely enough. Prison escapes are much easier than portrayed on TV. Also, inmates often tend to be dumbasses and when they escape the first place they go is exactly the first place the police check, their old residence or their closest relative or friend.
I assume someone has already said it by now, but major metropolitan streets that are empty except for the car chase running through them. Afternoon traffic in NYC doesn't look like that, Mr Director sir.
Strangely enough. Prison escapes are much easier than portrayed on TV. Also, inmates often tend to be dumbasses and when they escape the first place they go is exactly the first place the police check, their old residence or their closest relative or friend.

Very much doubt they're 'easier than portrayed on TV.' There's 2-ish million people in jails/prisons across the nation and examples of escapes are extremely rare. They have decades of rare examples of prison breaks to correct their mistakes within the design. That's why prison riots don't happen anymore, the prisons have corrected prior mistakes to give inmates the opportunity to organize riots.

Thankfully real-life escapes are extremely rare now and usually need inside help from prison employees.

I will add an *asterisk to my prior post that I'm referring to modern maximum security prisons. I'm mostly fine with older prisons, jails, or minimum security prisons being escaped from.

Also I'm a fan of movies about military POW camps & slave camps being broken out of.
Coming back to this one. Just watched 'society of the snow'.

Spoiler: The freeze their asses off in a broken airplane and don't layer up and have a lighter but don't start a fire and eat human flesh raw.

At least start a fire to keep warm and cook the human flesh.
Anytime one character makes a statement to another, only to be asked to "say what you just said again" or "say that one more time"

A simple look of acknowledgement or a nod is more natural, I've never seen anyone in real life have a thought click, only to then ask to hear it twice for dramatic effect.
lol no but it’s not that common. Compared to same race couples it’s only a small percentage like less than 1%. You must live watching tv because it doesn’t represent real life

Try 20%. You live in an urban area and you will see it all the time. Talking about the U.S. of course, I don't know where you are from.
Very much doubt they're 'easier than portrayed on TV.' There's 2-ish million people in jails/prisons across the nation and examples of escapes are extremely rare. They have decades of rare examples of prison breaks to correct their mistakes within the design. That's why prison riots don't happen anymore, the prisons have corrected prior mistakes to give inmates the opportunity to organize riots.

Thankfully real-life escapes are extremely rare now and usually need inside help from prison employees.

I will add an *asterisk to my prior post that I'm referring to modern maximum security prisons. I'm mostly fine with older prisons, jails, or minimum security prisons being escaped from.

Also I'm a fan of movies about military POW camps & slave camps being broken out of.
Had an escape at the prison I worked at. Only worked there 18 months. Maximum security. Jimmy Causey was the inmate, it was his 2nd time escaping a max prison.

It is easier than TV makes it, just most people want to serve their time and get out, as escaping will increase their time significantly. That was a max prison. Minimum security didn't even have a fence. They were out playing volleyball and would mow the grass on a riding lawnmower with only one CO watching them from a distance.

And prison riots still happen, you just don't hear about it often. Had one of the largest prison riots at one of our other state prisons when I worked there. 7 or 8 inmate were killed and over 30 wounded, 22 of them hospitalized. They sent many of them to our prison. I saw the stab wounds some of them had, one guy was stabbed over 40 times including his ass cheeks and his head. I stood there for 30 minutes while a nurse checked all his stitches. This was 2018.

Smaller prison gang fights happen all the time. First week there we had a 5 on 5 prison shank fight. All 10 were badly cut up and stabbed but I believe they all lived. I didn't get to see it since I was brand new, but the guys that did said it was a bloodbath.
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The scene in Antman where the bad guy clearly puts a striker fired Glock to the hero’s head, but has the “hammer” of the weapon blocked by an Ant.

Glocks don’t have hammers at all godammit!!
Try 20%. You live in an urban area and you will see it all the time. Talking about the U.S. of course, I don't know where you are from.
Definitely not 20%. Look at the statistics of current marriages. Most people are with and marry the same race. Where are you from lol?
Definitely not 20%. Look at the statistics of current marriages. Most people are with and marry the same race. Where are you from lol?

The statistics are where 20% comes from. Where did you get under 1% from? That would be insane.
Had an escape at the prison I worked at. Only worked there 18 months. Maximum security. Jimmy Causey was the inmate, it was his 2nd time escaping a max prison.

It is easier than TV makes it, just most people want to serve their time and get out, as escaping will increase their time significantly. That was a max prison. Minimum security didn't even have a fence. They were out playing volleyball and would mow the grass on a riding lawnmower with only one CO watching them from a distance.

And prison riots still happen, you just don't hear about it often. Had one of the largest prison riots at one of our other state prisons when I worked there. 7 or 8 inmate were killed and over 30 wounded, 22 of them hospitalized. They sent many of them to our prison. I saw the stab wounds some of them had, one guy was stabbed over 40 times including his ass cheeks and his head. I stood there for 30 minutes while a nurse checked all his stitches. This was 2018.

Smaller prison gang fights happen all the time. First week there we had a 5 on 5 prison shank fight. All 10 were badly cut up and stabbed but I believe they all lived. I didn't get to see it since I was brand new, but the guys that did said it was a bloodbath.

Sheesh.... well I had no idea I was conversing with a legit prison guard.

That's one job I can't imagine ever taking.

By the way 3 years ago I was an UberEats driver and I had a delivery to the county jail here in downtown Wichita, and I have a wicked sense of humor so although I've never been arrested I walked in basically saying "Woah, it been a while guys. You're looking great! This brings back so many memories!" and that's how I learned no one working at a jail has a sense of humor. ;P

I've been checking out this Infographics video about one of the most insane prison break in North America.

That's may be worth making into a mini-series on HBO.
How about when the bad guy is chasing a woman or man, and they get the drop on the bad guy and hit him over the head with a vase (or heavy object), knocking him out. Then they just stand there hugging and talking like it’s all over while the bad guy gets up and continues to attack them. Who the fuck would just think “Oh, he’s done. We’re safe now?”

Or when the same thing happens but they just stun the bad guy and knock him down. Then they just keep running instead of continuing to pummel him with said heavy object until he’s dead? I mean, that’s a little more believable than the former, but still…