Media Nina crying backstage and being much more devastated than Strickland's wife

I like Nina and Sean's back and forth.

They have good chemistry and fun banter imo. It's nice to see beyond stiff facades most put up.

But that's just my personal take. I know many can't stand either of them.

I do think they have become legit friends.
What does? Making cringe content and showing your tits? You're clearly speaking from experience, lol. I guess it's better than white knighting for Nina. Do you, bud.

She's also got a really weird ratio going on in her old photos. They look a little weird.
I kinda meant raking a giant amount of cash with access to world champions and the highest people in the industry this forum is dedicated to while getting to travel the World, vs being a glorified unpaid hall monitor.
I kinda meant raking a giant amount of cash with access to world champions and the highest people in the industry this forum is dedicated to while getting to travel the World, vs being a glorified unpaid hall monitor.


Strickland huggers and white knights forming like Voltron in here, lol.

Also, you should really think of sprucing up your av with this fancy McMahon Tapatio shoop.


Strickland huggers and white knights forming like Voltron in here, lol.
For one I'm not a Strickland hugger I thought DDP clearly won last Saturday. I just found your incel energy funny considering how dweebs like you that spend all your time doing something for free are hating on someone that is making a living off of it. It's like a Janitor shitting on someone that runs a highly profitable cleaning company.
I like Nina and Sean's back and forth.

They have good chemistry and fun banter imo. It's nice to see beyond stiff facades most put up.

But that's just my personal take. I know many can't stand either of them.

I do think they have become legit friends.
I think they're both a bit nuts, which is what makes it so entertaining.

I think every guy wants a woman that looks at them the way Nina looks at Sean.
For one I'm not a Strickland hugger I thought DDP clearly won last Saturday. I just found your incel energy funny considering how dweebs like you that spend all your time doing something for free are hating on someone that is making a living off of it. It's like a Janitor shitting on someone that runs a highly profitable cleaning company.

Incel? Please. You're trying to give me shit because I think her content is cringe and she's clearly demonstrated in the past she'll do anything for attention evidenced by the fact that she had to get her tits out years ago to get any. There's nothing more White Knight-ish than attacking people online over a woman you've never met. You even brought up how much money she makes like you've got some deep insight. Maybe you're her stalker. Keep crying and being gotten to. What a fucking can. Mention me being a moderator again to prove you're not salty, LOL.

Why are people having an issue with a friend being sad their friend lost at something? Isn't that normal? and I don't know why people think for her to be acting like this means she's some how betraying her boyfriend. I mean platonic relationships can and do exist...

"we lost because of blood"<23>
Incel? Please. You're trying to give me shit because I think her content is cringe and she's clearly demonstrated in the past she'll do anything for attention evidenced by the fact that she had to get her tits out years ago to get any. There's nothing more White Knight-ish than attacking people online over a woman you've never met. You even brought up how much money she makes like you've got some deep insight. Maybe you're her stalker. Keep crying and being gotten to. What a fucking can. Mention me being a moderator again to prove you're not salty, LOL.

Truthfully you're an absolute nobody who has an unpaid position because you spend an unhealthy amount of time on a Internet forum, lmao at 150K posts. I really don't care if someone did Playboy, but I respect people with actual hustle.
I thought it was Nina Ansaroff before I entered this thread.. Im not keeping up with the mma happenings nowadays

edit: +I didnt even know Sean married, thought she was just his girlfriend, jeesh
Truthfully you're an absolute nobody who has an unpaid position because you spend an unhealthy amount of time on a Internet forum, lmao at 150K posts. I really don't care if someone did Playboy, but I respect people with actual hustle.

Post count and moderation? Lol. Wooooo. You better get a pillow to yell into at this rate. Look at you, so worked up because you can't get off Nina's dick. Calm down, bud. I think she left some on your chin. I know you're not that bright, but it's even more hilarious that you're giving me shit for being on the forum when you've been here since '08. You can have the last word to feel better. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings by not caring for Nina's content. You'll be okay.
This is what true friendship looks like and Sean might have lost the title but he is still rich with loyal friends, while Mcgregor has snakes like Artem and Ian Garry as "friends".

I just realized something extremely fucking morbid.

I don't know how to say this, but...

Nina Drama looks a lot like my mom.

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