Social AI generated Taylor Swift Images spark outrage


Deus Magnus Est
Apr 23, 2020
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Explicit, AI-generated Taylor Swift images spread quickly on social media

Pornographic, AI-generated images of the world’s most famous star spread across social media this week, underscoring the damaging potential posed by mainstream artificial intelligence technology: its ability to create convincingly real and damaging images.

The fake images of Taylor Swift were predominantly circulating on social media site X, previously known as Twitter. The photos – which show the singer in sexually suggestive and explicit positions – were viewed tens of millions of times before being removed from social platforms. But nothing on the internet is truly gone forever, and they will undoubtedly continue to be shared on other, less regulated channels.

Celebrity woes.

Cry me a fucking river.

It does bring up an interesting issue, however. We're going to soon need forensic evaluations of every image out there, as we're inundated with AI generated fakes.
How is this only making the news now? This stuff has been available for years, and before AI there was always photoshop.

It matters now because poor Tay Tay is getting hit by it. When it effects the elite, things will be done about it.

It's also getting worse because now people's social media accounts are being flooded with them.

For example, I've been getting hammered with ancient history fakes. I've had to block several accounts in the last few days alone.
It matters now because poor Tay Tay is getting hit by it. When it effects the elite, things will be done about it.

It's also getting worse because now people's social media accounts are being flooded with them.

For example, I've been getting hammered with ancient history fakes. I've had to block several accounts in the last few days alone.

This stuff has hit the elites since the second it was invented. I'd bet things like deepfake were invented specifically for this purpose.

As despicable as it is, I'm more troubled by people manufacturing history and the like, creating, manufacturing and distributing fictions that will be difficult if not impossible to distinguish from the truth down the road.
All jokes aside, this shit is demonic.

We shouldn't be advocating for AI pictures of anyone
Genie is already out of the bottle, ain't no stopping it now. Besides, this is no different really than whats come before. Now its just more widely available so anyone with a decent processing rig can do it. People can either get used to it, or cry like babies and get left behind.
How is this only making the news now? This stuff has been available for years, and before AI there was always photoshop.

Photoshop was only as good as the creator, and the deep fakes are the same.

I personally hate A.I. and everything it stands for, but A.I. is gonna make all that shit look like kindergarten tbh sir.
Photoshop was only as good as the creator, and the deep fakes are the same.

I personally hate A.I. and everything it stands for, but A.I. is gonna make all that shit look like kindergarten tbh sir.

I've been using Photoshop for decades and the new technologies have made that skill obsolete.