Law The Lonestar Rebellion is here. Get onboard or get run over. We will defend America's borders!

We should just let them secede and become Mexico jr. Watch how many Texans change their tune when they’re the ones trying to escape their shithole into America.
How many liberals have fled California and moved to Texas in the last few years?

You guys sure aren’t smart, are you?
I don’t know, probably not many, but what the hell does that have to do with my post? Maybe stop questioning other people’s intelligence while simultaneously making an idiot of yourself.
We should just let them secede and become Mexico jr. Watch how many Texans change their tune when they’re the ones trying to escape their shithole into America.
I think they'll be okay.
“I, ____________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

He can't use the military against US citizens.
Let's do this. We take all illegal immigrants ages 18-42 crossing our border illegal either return home, or join a branch of the U.S. Military, serve 4 years (paid), and obtain their citizenship. If the Military decides they are not up to U.S. standards, they get the trip back to their real home. That deal alone with stop a ton of them from coming and many others will return home. If the U.S. Military is too much of a burden, then their situation was not as bad as they claimed when they came over.

We also reinstate Trump era policies like stay in Mexico that worked.

Interesting suggestions.


How should we amend Lady Liberty?

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these the homeless tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
They will find a pen and ink,
Man, woman, weak and strong,
I will show them where to sign,
To be our four year cannon fodder,
Or be sent straight back home!
Unlike politicians I don't think mods magically become millionaires within a couple of years.

I know several mods that are millionaires in vCash
Allowing an invasion of 10000 plus adult males of military age a day is treason. You are a simple jack

Its asinine that we even have to argue this point with the left. It's so unfortunate that they think these are mostly nice people just trying to start out life and have an opportunity. They fail to math out simplistic things like there are these things called resources and we're running really low on them. My state of California has tents with homeless as far as they eye can many more people do we need here to contribute to that? These are also primarily military aged men...expect crime to sky rocket but somehow the left will still keep worrying about 'white supremacy'
I wonder what's going to happen when an illegal alien(s) do some terrorist shit within the borders.

When that happens, and it will, they will be declared 'disenfranchised, marginalized citizens' and victims. Definitely NOT illegal in any sense.
Liberals move the goal posts to affect and further their agenda, which is 'bad white men bad', any other ethnic group good just for being 'them'.
Simplistic and myopic.
Brilliant game plan.
No hate though, people are pawns.
Many simply do just want a better life.

A bunch of high-ranking, tho retired FBI officials came out with a joint statement saying it will happen also and are worried this admin is not taking it seriously

I do agree with your other point, that a lot of these people do want to try and find a better life. This is a legit humanitarian crisis and it truly is Biden’s fault who told them to come