News My Cali Sherbros.

Not really. It was literally raining non-stop without pause for an entire day or two. Last year's weather was mild sauce compared to today's.
you have lost your memory

^^ article date 01/17/2023, a year ago, wettest in 161 years, so...... mild sauce......... everything is mild then <Lmaoo>
Yeah, it's winter here. We had some heavy rain storms last year. Feel bad for those who hit by flooding but it's good to fill the reservoirs and see the mountains packed with snow again this year. Beats the alternative.

Best part is I don't have to water my fruit trees and garden for three months.
Yeah, it's winter here. We had some heavy rain storms last year. Feel bad for those who hit by flooding but it's good to fill the reservoirs and see the mountains packed with snow again this year. Beats the alternative.

Best part is I don't have to water my fruit trees and garden for three months.

I miss San Diego.

solar + powerwall checking in
Where I'm at some people have been out of power for more than 48 hours and they don't expect power coming back on for another 30ish hours. Someone would need enough powerwalls and preemptively loaded them up from the grid to have enough backup for the entire duration. I think if you run just major appliances (assuming some are run by gas) one fully charged powerwall 2/plus could potentially last 24 hours. Better yet now with the Ford Lightning and Tesla Cybertruck coming out that would be even a better and portable tool for backup power since the extended range versions are equivalent to like 10 powerwall 2's. Although a whole house gas generator may be a more realistic option. We have some friends that are on day 3 of no power and now I'm fish sitting for them, lol. Luckily my house sits on the same grid as a large hospital and fire station with underground powerlines so we never lose power.
Complaining about rain. New low in the mightiest country of the world.
Where I'm at some people have been out of power for more than 48 hours and they don't expect power coming back on for another 30ish hours. Someone would need enough powerwalls and preemptively loaded them up from the grid to have enough backup for the entire duration. I think if you run just major appliances (assuming some are run by gas) one fully charged powerwall 2/plus could potentially last 24 hours. Better yet now with the Ford Lightning and Tesla Cybertruck coming out that would be even a better and portable tool for backup power since the extended range versions are equivalent to like 10 powerwall 2's. Although a whole house gas generator may be a more realistic option. We have some friends that are on day 3 of no power and now I'm fish sitting for them, lol. Luckily my house sits on the same grid as a large hospital and fire station with underground powerlines so we never lose power.
well, not exactly.

the powerwall gets loaded full when it detects a storm, too often IMO. On top of that, you can set a minimum backup amount to never drop below (I have it at 40%).

what happens is that when the power goes down, you start rationing the hell out of everything, no more laundry, let that accumulate or take it to the nearest laundromat. Dont buy any more groceries, keep the fridge going, but turn off ice makers. you only need to survive the night, during the day, even rainy days can produce energy, there might be enough to run something, I have 700W of production currently (because of the rain), not a whole lot, but it's fine.

yeah, the appliances are gas, so cooking can be done without issue. if it were like a full week no power, it would be tough, but the fridges might be run during the day and shut off in the evening if push came to shove, nobody is killing off my wife's wifi <Lmaoo>
We're getting the storm over in Arizona. The snowpocalypse is going down up here in northern AZ over the next two days. As usual, California's sending their problems over here. Smh.
San Diego Master City checking in.
Can't have wildfires when the ground is soaked.

Hurricane Hilary last year,
Pineapple Express / Atmospheric River,
Flooding, Mudslides, Tornado Warnings.

Damn I may have to take the kids to the snow on Saturday since there isn't any projected rain/snowfall starting Friday. May hit up Emigrant Gap since I don't feel like driving to far deep into Tahoe/Reno.