Social The hypocrisy of climate change activists.

my neck/shoulder hurt bad today, i do kinda feel a bit old.....

Shit, I have a back procedure in two weeks. This is after having had my shoulder done twice and my spine fused in 2019. I have bone spurs and stenosis in my neck, two bulging discs in my back-one being ruptured. I, sir, am a fucking hot mess
Some of my biggest bitches have to do with capitalism and the free market that allows these people to have such wealth. We shouldn’t have so many billionaires. They should never be able to become that wealthy.

Did you even pause to consider how dumb this is. May as well remove Liberty from the Constitution, DOI, and the American Dream completely. We should put a cap on how much happiness you can pursue, and how long you can live also.

Worst takes on SD, Friend
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How is hating the republicans a rightist view?

And how do you not see the connection of these wealthy people wanting to enact policies that make powering our lives much more expensive while they are accountable for hundreds to thousands of people’s annual usage?
Would you like to show me specific policies that are "making powering our lives more expensive", please?
Yeah, I was reading about the plans for more offshore turbines not too long ago. I recently got back from Illinois late Sunday. On Saturday I drove past some turbines and saw that they were spinning rather quickly.

Maybe they were spinning at a good pace and seems fast compared to what I witness back home in PA. I have to wonder if the units in Illinois were actually making usable power and if they will ever recoup their cost. Doubtful.
Why, do you suppose, is the state of Texas of all places investing so heavily in solar and wind power generation?

LMAO @ recouping costs.
Honestly man? Aside from a few comments you made im 100% on board with the basic premise of shaming celebrities who are lying hypocrites especially if they support legislation that will limit carbon consumption by average citizens. I don't mind if we shoot people who recommend raising gas prices to force less driving out of us either. Hyperbolic comment is hyperbolic!

Recommending high gas prices to lower gas consumption while allowing the luxury truck market to boom is hilariously ignorant and hypocritical too.

I don't know the answer and I haven't looked that deeply into this topic but I would guess one thing would be forcing car companies to double there fuel efficiency. It can be done. when I was 19 years old i almost bought a geo metro and that thing got 60 miles a gallon....

Well, that’s what they want-for the average citizen to buy smaller, gas efficient vehicles while they drive, fly, or boat whatever the fuck they want. And they will pressure legislation to make it more difficult for us to live our lives. They will punish gas and oil companies that then pass the buck on to us, because no way are they not going to increase their profits every single year.

I will do bill gates next. He’s a fucking pos hypocrite-just like Kerry, gore, and the rest. I was bashing on swift, but she is not a climate activist like some of the others. She just loves her valid, wasteful life. People like gore and Kerry, however, want the plebs to do what they say while they spend 30k/month on electricity. Per mansion, and Kerry has four or five of them.

As I go, I plan to look up solutions. I think maybe a gas ceiling could be in order. If gas prices go beyond it, the companies incur heavier fines or some shit. Set the ceiling at $2, for example. Right now, gas is 3.09 here. So start eating into their profits until prices lower. I know. I know-the market sets the price, but the gas/oil companies don’t complain as they take in billions and billions. Their CEOs don’t need 50 mil per year. Their shareholders don’t need to be wealthy beyond belief. They can lower their cut and still make billions. Again, I am not very educated on this-I am just throwing out ideas that I don’t know if they could work or not.

But, I live in an area that gets snow. I kayak in the summer. I drive places to kayak where cars won’t go. I need my jeep, damnit.

Here is the list for 2023, and Taylor is not in the top 30. Elon Musk is number 3 and also why in the fuck is Kim Kardashian using a private jet so much.
Dan Bilzerian is #26 and shocked he is still alive.

I guess they aren't counting SpaceX test launches as Elon. Each one pumps out more carbon than a regular person does in a lifetime.
The fact that some celebrities are hypocrites has nothing to do with if climate change is a problem.

It is absolutely real and not a matter of opinion.

We should go nuclear IMO.

On an individual level, we can do little things - be less wasteful, use less water, use less electricity, recycle - not just for climate change but a lot of other conservation problems like cutting down trees, using less resources, etc.

Shouldn't have wasted time fucking with the delta smelt, poor little guy.
Well, that’s what they want-for the average citizen to buy smaller, gas efficient vehicles while they drive, fly, or boat whatever the fuck they want. And they will pressure legislation to make it more difficult for us to live our lives. They will punish gas and oil companies that then pass the buck on to us, because no way are they not going to increase their profits every single year.

I will do bill gates next. He’s a fucking pos hypocrite-just like Kerry, gore, and the rest. I was bashing on swift, but she is not a climate activist like some of the others. She just loves her valid, wasteful life. People like gore and Kerry, however, want the plebs to do what they say while they spend 30k/month on electricity. Per mansion, and Kerry has four or five of them.

As I go, I plan to look up solutions. I think maybe a gas ceiling could be in order. If gas prices go beyond it, the companies incur heavier fines or some shit. Set the ceiling at $2, for example. Right now, gas is 3.09 here. So start eating into their profits until prices lower. I know. I know-the market sets the price, but the gas/oil companies don’t complain as they take in billions and billions. Their CEOs don’t need 50 mil per year. Their shareholders don’t need to be wealthy beyond belief. They can lower their cut and still make billions. Again, I am not very educated on this-I am just throwing out ideas that I don’t know if they could work or not.

But, I live in an area that gets snow. I kayak in the summer. I drive places to kayak where cars won’t go. I need my jeep, damnit.
So what you're saying is it's inconvenient for you so you need to bitch about other people. Oh! Muffin!
Leftists: 'climate change is awful and will destroy humanity'

Also leftists: 'humans are awful and it would be better if they went extinct'

Rightists: “Taylor swift rides around in a jet therefore climate change isn’t real”

Rightist: it was cold today, the scientists said it’s warming so they are full of shit
I am not a right winger. Not even close. I am squarely in the middle and pretty much have lots of hate for each side. I am smack dab in the middle of coal country, but I have no love for the industry, nor hate for it either. It’s a necessary evil. But my point is that I am not ok, nor should anyone else be, with having elitist, wealthy celebrities and politicians tell me how I have to invest in electric cars, solar panels, eat bugs, or other expensive solutions which is really easy for them to say when they super wealthy. And the whole point of this thread is that they say to do this or that-and they are the biggest offenders of all. They just have money to donate to ease their conscience. And people like gore and Kerry, Leo and Oprah try to influence the laws that govern the rest of us poor fuckers

You definitely have a right winger lesve l of thinking.

Yours is basically : “ if I have to do anything that impacts my lifestyle I am going to disgree with any solutions that can fix climate change.”

Right wingers will go as far to discredit the scientists proposing the idea. That’s the issue with right wingers, until something affects them personally they don’t give a shit

Well, what they do really doesn't matter.

Real change has to be in doing things like changing our cities to emphasize mass transit over cars. This is why I think we're all doomed, nobody is going to get Americans on trains. Never going to happen.

All the rich people in the world flying jets every day won't have a tiny fraction of the impact 350 million people can have collectively. Sounds like rich people are being hypocritical living that life but it is what it is and I don't have a problem with it.

I live in Montreal and they're changing the city to be more friendly to mass transit, bicycles and pedestrians. It SUCKS to drive here now and I HATE it, but I get it. One generation from now they won't remember how great driving used to be and we'll be more carbon responsible. Sucks for me, but I get it.
In general, it's stupid and pointless to try to deal with climate change on an individual level, and trying to shame people in that area does no good at all for the environment. We need policy to reduce emissions.

We're talking about rich and powerful people who lecture us about pollution and then pollute exponentially more than we do and your answer is that we need other rich and powerful people to enact legislation on us in order to fix the problem that they're all currently contributing to exponentially more than the rest of us?

Sounds like a great plan. I'm sure they will do what is fair without benefitting from it one iota. There is no way that their legislative plan would ever involve them and their rich cronies profiting off of us while continuing to pollute exponentially more than us.

They would never do that.
Shameless Liberals like to be told what to do by rich elites. COVID proved all that. Now they are out here defending the hypocrisy of the elites.


There are responsible things and irresponsible things. It doesn't really matter who says them as long as I trust the source.

I don't care even a little bit about what a celebrity says about climate change but if 99.999% of scientists say something, I listen.
We're talking about rich and powerful people who lecture us about pollution and then pollute exponentially more than we do and your answer is that we need other rich and powerful people to enact legislation on us in order to fix the problem that they're all currently contributing to exponentially more than the rest of us?

Sounds like a great plan. I'm sure they will do what is fair without benefitting from it one iota. There is no way that their legislative plan would ever involve them and their rich cronies profiting off of us while continuing to pollute exponentially more than us.

They would never do that.
If anyone spends anytime listening to celebrities lecturing about the environment they're really fucking stupid. Who does that? ROFL