Social conservatives are angry that Alexander the great is being portrayed historically accurate..

Man, I dipped my dick into plenty female assholes without any lube etc, and I'm not small at all. Not huge but solid.
That's just personal expireience. I'm sorry to tell you but you are wrong. I edited my pots with a link and don't get me started on the greeks. Seriously.

Every man of culture knows the best lube for anal is blood.
They literally wrote books about that! What are you on about?!

Not even to mention all those fucking poems. Go to a fucking library and educate yourself!

And fucking finally fuck someone, for gods sake!
Poems etc were before they adopted christianity, after this they might had f**** but didn't had told about this openly.
Both, christianity and islam considers sodomy as sin. Therefore .....
Being gay isn't central to who Alexander the Great was

But they need to stop showing gays kissing/sex scenes. Just mention it, don't show 2 dudes kissing. It is EXTREMELY off-putting to straight men. Gay kissing or sex scene can ruin an entire movie for a lot of people. And it's not homophobia.
What is in then if a gay kiss can ruin an entire film for you?
Poems etc were before they adopted christianity, after this they might had f**** but didn't had told about this openly.
Both, christianity and islam considers sodomy as sin. Therefore .....
Man, greeks were way before christianity. Did you read my link? If not, bye.
And did you ever hear about present republicans being against abortions, sodomy etc? While actually having aboprtions and living in gay relationships? Probably not. I'm done here.
Have a great one.
I’m hoping Netflix makes a mini series based around the movie 300 and they turn it into a gay romance movie. Gerard Butler will be replaced by a paraplegic non-binary black man. Xerxes can be a lesbian…. oh wait, South Park already did that part. But you get the idea. The libs will love it.
Homosexuality and pederasty was common in ancient Greece as a whole. Gay relations are depicted in their art.

It's not some one off conspiracy. I don't know why you're so resistant to basic history.

Tell me more about this 'basic history' is it like 'the science'?
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