Elections Trump Indicted On 91 Counts

Republicans fearing Trump will drain RNC funds for his own legal expenses...proving once again that many of them dont and have never understood how Trump operates.

Trump is installing his daughter-in-law as co-chair of the RNC she'll make sure funds are properly directed... ;)
Republicans fearing Trump will drain RNC funds for his own legal expenses...proving once again that many of them dont and have never understood how Trump operates.
Reince Priebus pounded the nails into the GOP coffin for a 6 month stint as CoS. Hey Reince, wherever you are, fuck you too!

What precedents? Are you ignorant on the case.

No Claimants
No injured party
Declaring Trump guilty before his lawyer got to present anything or make any argument
No banks suing
Ignoring the banks valuation that was applied
A law employed in a unique way for the first time
Record judgement
Judges deciding land values

Did you not know any of this? Just tell us next time you're simply a dumb Left Cult drone and make it easy for everyone.
You really are a glutton for punishment.

The land values were submitted by Trump, not decided by Engoron

The Judgement will stand. The numbers were calculated, not guessed at. You will see that the numbers are only going to go up on appeal.

The law has already been used on Trump previously, during the Trump University fiasco.

Engoron applied the appropriate amount of weight to the bank's assessment, considering who came, and what department they represented. Had they brought in someone from the actuarial/loan approval team instead of somebody charged with landing whales, it would have carried a lot more weight.

The banks in question very well could go after trump, but then they would have to admit that they fucked up bigly, so it's not very likely. This, however, wasn't that. Hope remains that this particular orange may yet yield more juice.

Trump was declared guilty on the one count that was patently obvious and did not require the element of intent.... it's called a summary judgement... look into it.

No injured party?.... how about parity, truth, justice, honestly? Trump is an affront to all of those, but I know that isn't actually a legal idea, nor is is something you ever contemplate... so, I guess I'd have to go with every other business operating in the arena? Trump obtained the benefit of lower interest rates, and access to loans that honest businessmen in the same position would NOT get.

The claimant is the state of NY, and more specifically the AG of the state thereof.

And hey, don't feel stupid, there are tons of Maga cultists that are barking the same drivel. You have a community of like minded drones.
What difference does it make? The AG already bragged that it was a show trial and they found a judge that would rule against Trump before the trial even started.

"Before this trial even began, the judge ruled in our favor and found that Donald Trump did engage in years of significant financial fraud that we uncovered".

You all told me he was a secret Russian spy, and now it's "ok ok, that was horse shit and looking for actual crimes was a flop after spying on him for 7 years, but he got a loan that he paid back, so we can at least steal his money.
Let's think about this.
You're implying the deep state had something to do with this
The deep state is most likely motivated by wealth above everything else
The wealthiest people in the US are conservative, for the most part.
During Trumps presidency, the Uber wealthy got a tremendous tax cut and the stock market was breaking records on an almost daily basis....

You really think these people hood a grudge against the former president?

the establishment will do anything to Get Trump, and Trump Derangement is actually a real thing and not just an insult. the establishment wants to make sure another populist outsider never makes it to the presidency ever again, and this is why he's got 91 charges using unheard of legal theories or applications of them and half a billion in fines during an election year which he's trending to win. it's so obvious what they're doing.
Lol, you do know that you're not getting any of the money, and you didn't win anything, right? Aren't you like 60? Seems a little old to be a cheerleader posting weird Ronda Rousey "thug life" memes, no? Kinda sad, actually.
Republicans fearing Trump will drain RNC funds for his own legal expenses...proving once again that many of them dont and have never understood how Trump operates.
lol... that shouldn't be a fear, it should be a known thing. Daughter In-Law has already stated that every RNC $ will go to big Daddy Orange Julius Caesar.
Honestly, they may as well just close up shop now, because they are about to be rapeded.
the establishment will do anything to Get Trump, and Trump Derangement is actually a real thing and not just an insult. the establishment wants to make sure another populist outsider never makes it to the presidency ever again, and this is why he's got 91 charges using unheard of legal theories or applications of them and half a billion in fines during an election year which he's trending to win. it's so obvious what they're doing.
This is hilarious

Trump IS the establishment he was born into the establishment. He's lived the privelaged life of the 1% and even has a hollywood walk of fame star

As far as Trump derangments reality. Of course it is, anytime you have a deranged person in leadership capacity, it will drive the most susceptible members of society to behave totally irrationally, deranged if you will. Its the very definition of a cult.

This is hilarious

Trump IS the establishment he was born into the establishment. He's lived the privelaged life of the 1% and even has a hollywood walk of fame star

is he an outsider or part of the club? hint, club members don't get 91 charges and a $500m fine. he's rich, he's elite...but ain't part of them, and they want to make it so no populist outsider ever comes close to president ever again.
is he an outsider or part of the club? hint, club members don't get 91 charges and a $500m fine. he's rich, he's elite...but ain't part of them, and they want to make it so no populist outsider ever comes close to president ever again.
Trump isn't a actual populist or an outsider, you giant ass
This is hilarious

Trump IS the establishment he was born into the establishment. He's lived the privelaged life of the 1% and even has a hollywood walk of fame star

As far as Trump derangments reality. Of course it is, anytime you have a deranged person in leadership capacity, it will drive the most susceptible members of society to behave totally irrationally, deranged if you will. Its the very definition of a cult.


I was watching this earlier today, just an example of a guy asking a very public Trump supporter from here in Vegas some basic questions:

And of course he's out there with a tip jar, wanting money just for being a Trump supporter.