As you get older, what are you becoming more and more afraid of?

I thought I was over coasters in my 20s. But when I took the kids to universal recently turns out I still love them. It's possible I rode them when I was hungover one too many times in my 20s.

That said I fear injuries more now. I do not recover like I used to. Or at all on some cases.
I thought I was over coasters in my 20s. But when I took the kids to universal recently turns out I still love them. It's possible I rode them when I was hungover one too many times in my 20s.

That said I fear injuries more now. I do not recover like I used to. Or at all on some cases.

That's a good point about injuries.
Just found out last summer I don't like roller coasters anymore. Just too intense for me. Don't think I'll ride in roller coaster ever again. lol
I don't know that I'd say I'm afraid of travelling, but I seem to have developed some travel-related anxiety as I've gotten older.
Never reaching my full potential

Does anyone ever reach their full potential? Is anyone ever really satisfied/content? Even the most successful people in the world based on wealth/fame or what not. I don't think they ever feel like they reached their expectations or completely satisfied per se. Or if they do reach their expectations, they end up wanting more. But anyways, what do I know. lol
I used too be a monkey. Climbing anything, jumping roofs, bridge diving. Now if I'm near an edge or even like watching the Neo scene in the first Matrix where he goes out on the office ledge. I break out into a clammy sweat and feel uneasy lol.


57 in 3 Months!
