International NATO war with Russia will be unavoidable sadly

Nameless King

Purple Belt
Jun 19, 2019
Reaction score
Just watched this video. Russians got nothing to lose really. They are already sanctioned to extreme although personally I think more can be done. They will be chopping towards West until we snap.

The only way that it happens is if Russia attacks NATO. They won't do that. They've crippled themselves in Ukraine and the entire Kremlin knows it.

Russia is not suicidal.

I agree they're not suiciadal, but they're not making very good decisions lately. That may be in part because inteligence is not being accurately conveyed up the chain which is a failing common in dictatorships.

The other thing is, if they internally see NATO as an existential threat to Russia they may not see taking their foot off the gas as a viable option regardless of the cost.
Weak little twirp putin wont start ww3. He already threatened to use nukes if anyone helped Ukraine and pussied out of that. He needs to go take another shirtless pic of him on a horse to feel tough again.
Also he never EVER woulda invaded Ukraine if Trump was president but we got a weak old man in there who cant even walk up a flight of stairs.
Thousands of soldiers are pouring across the US border everyday. We are at war right now. IMO.
Well then it’s a good thing we are being super nice and giving them free $$$ and board..

That could have been a close one.