Media Mark Hunt saying Dana is going to jail & he is shutting down the UFC… (video)

couple hundred.... Nope.
350 mil divided by 1200 is 290000.
IRS will take the 350mil
Then comes lawyer cos
usually .33% to 40%
@.33 percent that's 115 million
Left with 235mil.
They're down to 195 grand each.
So realistically? 90 or so in their pocket
After all the taxes get taken

Hunt should get more. It's not an even split, it's based on fights and pay, he had quite a few fights during that period. From what I read guys can expect to get about 50% of their fight purses during the period.
I wont hold my breath.

I do how ever feel concerned about high level fighters showing CTE.
We have quite a few that fought in the UFC that now seem to gone off the deep end.

That could actually end up costing the UFC..
That video should prob be used as evidence to increase the judgment. Purple Grimace Brock made the brain pain
This is what happens when the UFC pays you 500k to fight Brock Chestnar.
Lawyers are gonna suck this delusional man dry.
While Hunt probably isn't WRONG about Dana and the UFC being criminals and dirty corrupt scum, he seems to be detached from reality ever since Brock showed up sauced up and whooped his ass.

It sucks that like 4 guys in a row he faced popped, but he fought in Pride and K1, he has been facing juiced fighters his whole career.
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