Media McGregor spasms during Sports Illustrated interview

recreational drugs mix with steroids

conor really living on the edge, live fast die young right?
Daaam I've always been one to say the coked up Connor angle is overblown but he looks like shit there. Definatley looks like he's sketching out.
He was clearly coked up here. Look at his eyes and the way he’s twitching. He was wiping his nose a lot too which means he just did a few lines and had dry mouth.
I'd be acting like that too if I couldn't fight for 3 fooking! years
This is likely what Dana was saying about he isn't ready to fight. Conor might think he is, but it's clear that he has issues and submitting him to a media tour, medical checks, drug tests plus an actual fist fight, isn't going to end well.

Hopefully people are having a word behind the scenes with him after this interview aired.
"75 movies" - Conor (unaware of Jake's film Southpaw).

Jake, actor in 45 films, wondering how to correct the guy repeating this lie (over and over).


"He was patient with me" - Conor (coked up)

Jake, being an actor, faking his way through this uncomfortable promotional commitment.
To me it looks like he really just doesn't know. Lol
Why would they?


they could be excluded from the fun. His baby mama has a life of luxury forever and gets to spend all her time raising her kids, so of course its worth it for her.

He just keepin around people that want to get on the train and party. You tell me how someone can control a dude with that kind of money? You cant unless you put him in jail and he's too rich to stay there hahahah

Maybe because they care about him? Maybe some self dignity? His baby mama looks pathetic. He won't even marry the broad. Cheats on her all the time. Awful role model. It's about the kids at this point.
Maybe these interviews getting aired out will be the push he needs to get some help

*Chandler by KO
Maybe because they care about him? Maybe some self dignity? His baby mama looks pathetic. He won't even marry the broad. Cheats on her all the time. Awful role model. It's about the kids at this point.
He really looks like he would listen to anyone.
Cocaine, adderal, booze, and a lack of sleep from partying and media tours

Never the same after Mayweather
I wish we lived in a world where we could see meth mcgregor vs perc angle
This guy should not be fighting, wtf dude

The fighting is maybe the only thing that will make him live more healthily and stay away from the party drugs, even if it's not for long. Or maybe not, but at least he made it sound like he would live more healthily during camp because he was talking how St Paddy's day would basically require him to drink a lot and that he had to keep that in mind when trying to schedule a camp/fight
The fighting is probably the only thing that will make him live more healthy and stay away from the party drugs, even if it's not for long.
yeah its when theyre not fighting that theyre lost
Of all the bountiful speculation in this thread, much of which is certainly within the realm of possibility... you may be on to something with the bipolar thing.

That fits.

He has clearly shown the delusions of grandeur thing, RDA press conference, "God's are cool with other gods" that could be his manic phase coming out.

If you fancy yourself the coolest cat on the planet and then your body starts crashing when you need to show out... yeah, maybe you hit the nose candy for a little extra pick me up.

That makes sense.

My eldest son has ADHD w/ODD (was initially my first thought about Conor given his energy level even when sober), and believe me, I see striking similarities there, particularly with the Oppositional Defiance Disorder comorbidity. It normally presents early in life, but depending on the family life, it may never even get noticed or treated. It's incredibly difficult to deal with, it is usually violent, and it can destroy families, both physically and mentally. ODD can also pair with Bipolar Disorder and Anxiety disorders. Drug abuse makes it far more difficult to pinpoint.

A single mother or father, trying to raise a child with this disorder (ODD), in today's snowflake world... would get my deepest sympathies.

Conor has more money than most of us will ever earn in our entire lives, even if we lived several. Cocaine is an expensive habit for those who have average wages, it's nothing to him. I am sure he buys in bulk, and probably gets free candy supplied everywhere he goes from others just for the interaction/hang out time. What kind of cokehead is going to turn down free cocaine? His problem will be forever chasing the high to avoid any real life symptoms of any disorders, and usually leads to trying to find the better high.

Honestly... the women, alcohol, jet-setting and bar tabs will drain the bank account much, much faster than the cocaine will.

Any possible mental disorders or not, Conor's on a path either to jail or to an early grave if he keeps walking down this road. Dude is out of control in a way that even makes Jones look like a saint.