Law Trump can’t get a loan to pay $464 million bond in fraud case, his lawyers say

Well Don said he can't fit me in for a zoom call on Monday because he is a little tied up. I could be wrong but I think he has a court date, a bond due, and a merged spac to watch.

The court date could help in that he might get more of a delay, hey what are the odds of the american justice system delaying things I mean the Raffensberger (sp?) call and Jan 6 were only over 3 years ago and nupping has been decided yet. Or it could mean he won't be able to fit me in at all in April.

The bond clock ticks, yet somehow I think a solution will present itself before LJ starts taking his shit.

The SPAC merged on Friday and promptly went down 13%. It is a huge payday for him, but if he follows the rules, a huge IF, he can't sell any of his shares for 6 months, and many people believe it will be worth a helluva lot less in 6 moths because it is bulwarked only by Truth Social's minuscule revenues. It might trade under the ticker DJT which will be weird to watch go up and down in real time.

Oh and I forgot, he has a campaign to run.

I gotta tell you, if I was a 77 year old billionaire, I think I'd have figured out a lifestyle that didn't include court dates, impeachments, possible jail time, massive financial risk, and all this frigging stress,,,,,,,but maybe not
honest hypothetical question.......

if you were DJT right now, and the swamp kraken incompetent drooling yet omnipotent corrupt Biden crime family offered you a deal of accept 1 criminal charge, face no jail time and only a small fine, and our cabal of Illuminati muttering incompetents will release you of all the manufactured charges and judgements and let you go back to running Trump org like nothing ever happened.......

Would you take it or would you rip open your shirt showing off the magnificent superman like T logo held by a patriotic eagle in flight and fight on to maga?

I'd cop a plea, but rabbits don't fare well in even minimum security country club jails......
honest hypothetical question.......

if you were DJT right now, and the swamp kraken incompetent drooling yet omnipotent corrupt Biden crime family offered you a deal of accept 1 criminal charge, face no jail time and only a small fine, and our cabal of Illuminati muttering incompetents will release you of all the manufactured charges and judgements and let you go back to running Trump org like nothing ever happened.......

Would you take it or would you rip open your shirt showing off the magnificent superman like T logo held by a patriotic eagle in flight and fight on to maga?

I'd cop a plea, but rabbits don't fare well in even minimum security country club jails......
Why would he? All he wants to do is make it to the election, which he almost certainly will.
You are definitely one of the Yuri bots in that camp little buddy

Conservatives hit all the fascist notes, you call liberals Nazis.

Trump is neck deep in Russian collusion and corruption, the GOP pushes to abandon Ukraine in support of Putin, you call liberals commies.

Do you have anything more sophisticated than "I know you are but what am I?"
guys, is this some random guy they picked up off the street or the #1 target of the establishment with a bullseye on his back for the last decade?

"well ughh they took the guy to court and stuff and judge said something. did u read it?".

well WE'VE read the headlines and the articles and watched the news for 10 years and know this political abuse. a little honesty from your side would be nice for once.
Random guy stole from a charity and can no longer legally run a charity. He also ran a phony University, paid a fine for money laundering and did not pay 1000’s of hard worker American Contractors. Sounds like a career criminal is getting his just do.
Imagine voting for a guy for President who has been convicted of money laundering.
lets say 100 that thought the election was rigged and think that Trump should stay president. How does it work out, if you're planning something like a non military coup how does the outcome work in our system?
The plan to have Trump keep power after he lost the election involved a bunch of frivolous legal challenges in hopes of getting corrupt judges to sign on, attempts to stop the counts in places where Trump was ahead before all votes were counted, attempts to pressure state officials to find fraudulent votes, he also looked into invoking martial law to "re-run" the election. And then he pressured Pence to refuse to accept the results. The attackers were trying to pressure Pence to go along with the illegal scheme and then stop the whole process because of the chaos.

It's still shocking that people are defending an attack on their own country.
The scale of his deceit? The banks went with their numbers, not his in the loan deals. They all profited. There was no victim. When you weaponize the law like this the unintended consequences will bite you in the ass.
What numbers did Weisselberg go with when he cooked the books so much he ate a perjury charge?

Fuckin' hilarious. 20 people have flipped on him and you're still wailing "political!!!"
Random guy stole from a charity and can no longer legally run a charity. He also ran a phony University, paid a fine for money laundering and did not pay 1000’s of hard worker American Contractors. Sounds like a career criminal is getting his just do.
Imagine voting for a guy for President who has been convicted of money laundering.
The cancer charity victims he ripped off and calling our fallen soldiers losers after Captain Bonespurs got away with being drafted 5 times really should make everyone take a step back and wonder why the fuck they hero worship him. He quotes Hitler, invites outspoken anti-semites to his house for dinner, has said he'll be a dictator if he gets back in and doesn't class the people coming through the border as people. He is evil personified.
What numbers did Weisselberg go with when he cooked the books so much he ate a perjury charge?

Fuckin' hilarious. 20 people have flipped on him and you're still wailing "political!!!"
Not only did he eat a perjury charge, he's now in prison. I suspect the much younger bald guy in the documents case will be his next fall guy.
Oh yeah, Navarro's goose is cooked.
I don't know how long he got, he's a twat for not blabbing at this age. The other fixer in the MAr-a-Lardo documents case I hope the Mandarin Molester paid him up front because if he's his next all guy it doesn't seem like there's much spare cash to go around.
I don't know how long he got, he's a twat for not blabbing at this age. The other fixer in the MAr-a-Lardo documents case I hope the Mandarin Molester paid him up front because if he's his next all guy it doesn't seem like there's much spare cash to go around.
He probably had Trump paying for his lawyer :p