Law Trump can’t get a loan to pay $464 million bond in fraud case, his lawyers say

who was the victim?

the bank?
They do not want to work with him again. We know this because Deutsche Bank very publicly cut all ties with him in 2021, after individual divisions of the bank cut ties years earlier. Banning Trump ≠ they want to work with him again, obviously. Trump's team cherry picked a bank employee here, an accounting professor there, paid them hundreds of thousands to lie an make an ass of themselves, for a Hail Mary attempt. It didn't work.

As was pointed out in the trial, this is false. Trump did what he did in order to pay less; that is, if he were honest about his financial condition, he would have had to pay more in interest to the banks. The banks also only have so much money to loan out. Trump was dishonestly taking hundreds of millions, which could have prevented honest businesspeople from receiving access to funds they needed.

Trump also refused to pay Deutsche Bank in the past. He even had the balls to sue them when he couldn't pay! He said they caused they Great Recession, which hurt real estate, so it was their fault he couldn't pay. Then he got one division of Deutsche Bank to loan him more money to pay back the other division of Deutsche Bank he still owed money too. It was extremely shady, and many of the bankers involved met mysterious deaths, hanging themselves with dog leashes, etc. It's an interesting saga, but chuds are too busy staring at Hunter's dick pics, so whatever.
How many felony charges did what Donald "uncovered" lead to?

How many felonies have Donald and his inner circle been charged with?

I did the math and your numbers don't add up!

whatever you want to call him he's one man vs a trillion dollar machine. it's obvious which is more dirty.
whatever you want to call him he's one man vs a trillion dollar machine. it's obvious which is more dirty.
He has an army of enablers and sycophants. Fox News was fined $800 million because they decided to run with his lies. 147 people in congress voted to overturn the election because Donald is a crybaby sore loser.

Spare me this "Donald vs. the world" sob story.
The whole world is watching this shit show...not Great
Hopefully he can pay the fines the courts have assessed to him for his fraudulent activity...gonna be pretty embarrassing for a billionaire not to be able to post a bond for less than half a billion...
He has an army of enablers and sycophants. Fox News was fined $800 million because they decided to run with his lies. 147 people in congress voted to overturn the election because Donald is a crybaby sore loser.

Spare me this "Donald vs. the world" sob story.

this is about the uniparty establishment making moves, shutting down dissent, and fortifying themselves as permanent rulers. trump unveiled the swamp, as a liberal who supposedly values freedom and liberty, how can you openly support a system that wants to step on the rights of ordinary citizens and go back to their pre-trump shenanigans on a permanent basis?
this is about the uniparty establishment making moves, shutting down dissent, and fortifying themselves as permanent rulers.
This is about the dirtiest politician we've ever seen getting busted and a huge army of rich people, media companies, and followers saying that he should be allowed to commit crimes if he wants, that laws are only for poor people.
it's a war between the sides and neither side wants to give in.

my biased take, which let's be honest is correct, is that donny's less dirty than the swamp he uncovered.

my unbiased take? go after all of them and clean it ALL up, but when and how? because the swamp cementing themselves as the permanent ruling party won't cut it. i support donny cause i don't want a permanent swamp.

if trump loses you might never get a populist candidate ever again, it's all cronies from here on out and it's shocking to me why supposed liberals support this.
Your posts somehow manage to keep getting worse lol
Your posts somehow manage to keep getting worse lol

when i see this dumb face i see quality

This is about the dirtiest politician we've ever seen getting busted and a huge army of rich people, media companies, and followers saying that he should be allowed to commit crimes if he wants, that laws are only for poor people.

take what you just said and we say the same thing about them:

the swamp is filled with 10s of thousands of the dirtiest politicians we've ever seen [FACT] getting busted [FACT] and a huge army of rich people, media companies, and followers saying that they should be allowed to go "back to normal" [FACT] where "the criminals adults are in charge" and can commit crimes whenever they want [FACT], and that laws are only for poor people [FACT].
if jack doesn't respond with a troll post, i seriously think we've built bridges
take what you just said and we say the same thing about them:

the swamp is filled with 10s of thousands of the dirtiest politicians we've ever seen [FACT] getting busted [FACT]
The only people getting arrested are Trump and his sycophants! [FACT]
and a huge army of rich people, media companies, and followers saying that they should be allowed to go "back to normal" [FACT] where "the criminals adults are in charge" and can commit crimes whenever they want [FACT], and that laws are only for poor people [FACT].
this is about the uniparty establishment making moves, shutting down dissent, and fortifying themselves as permanent rulers. trump unveiled the swamp, as a liberal who supposedly values freedom and liberty, how can you openly support a system that wants to step on the rights of ordinary citizens and go back to their pre-trump shenanigans on a permanent basis?
Stop with the swamp bullshit. First thing Trump did was cut taxes on his fellow Elites and increased spending. He put his kids in government positions, and hired Jared's Buddy to run the PPE loans, which is probably the biggest scam ever in my lifetime, that was supported by the government to transfer tax payers dollars to the rich.
Just because your favorite money launderer told you he was going to drain the Swamp does not mean he did it. He workshopped some neat little phrase so the Rubes would be blinded to the transfer of the wealth. Build a Wall, Stop the Steal, Uni Party, RINO's all you MAGA Rubes are capable of is repeating phrases the Orange Money Launderer told you. I could never imagine carry so much water for a guy who cant legally run a charity because he stole from kids with cancer. Be better about those you chose to worship.