Law Trump can’t get a loan to pay $464 million bond in fraud case, his lawyers say

I'm fine with having the wager rubbed in a bit since it seems a likely win for you--who'd have thought Americans could be so dumb?

The rest of this is so pathetic it can only be the result of saltiness from prior shit-kickings. Desperate over a forum bet? How sad. This shows everyone your sad childish mentality. That's what I'm talking about.
I understand youre going for quantity over quality here, but this argument is never going to work. You, much like Trump, are not playing 4D chess. I am, however, currently playing Chess 960 on I just won in 10 moves. Boom! Feels good.

i know this hurts but tom cruise is nuts, cnn isnt news you can trust, bill gates is a psychopath, and the oscars are as real as a steel chair in pro wrestling.
Well, shit. With that logic, I guess I can drive 100 miles per hour through a school zone with a 0.30 BAC. As long as I don't hit anyone, there's no victim.
And I'm sure a judge would drop the case immediately when you tell him there was no victim.

THIS. The idiots saying the charges are bogus because there was no victim is just bs.
Oh God...reading the last 4 pages, there really is no defence for Donnie is there?

Poster after poster emerged, all utterly curb stomped, not a single quality point in Trump's defence...
I'm fine with having the wager rubbed in a bit since it seems a likely win for you--who'd have thought Americans could be so dumb?

The rest of this is so pathetic it can only be the result of saltiness from prior shit-kickings. Desperate over a forum bet? How sad. This shows everyone your miserable childish mentality. That's what I'm talking about.
Lol @ you for underestimating the quantity of the stupidity inside the Republican Party. You deserve that L.
this is about the uniparty establishment making moves, shutting down dissent, and fortifying themselves as permanent rulers. trump unveiled the swamp, as a liberal who supposedly values freedom and liberty, how can you openly support a system that wants to step on the rights of ordinary citizens and go back to their pre-trump shenanigans on a permanent basis?
"As if!" Yeah you're clueless.
Stop with the swamp bullshit. First thing Trump did was cut taxes on his fellow Elites and increased spending. He put his kids in government positions, and hired Jared's Buddy to run the PPE loans, which is probably the biggest scam ever in my lifetime, that was supported by the government to transfer tax payers dollars to the rich.
Just because your favorite money launderer told you he was going to drain the Swamp does not mean he did it. He workshopped some neat little phrase so the Rubes would be blinded to the transfer of the wealth. Build a Wall, Stop the Steal, Uni Party, RINO's all you MAGA Rubes are capable of is repeating phrases the Orange Money Launderer told you. I could never imagine carry so much water for a guy who cant legally run a charity because he stole from kids with cancer. Be better about those you chose to worship.
Don't listen to @Andy Capp. He's been going on for over a year about some big special surprise that was supposed to happen every other month, that was gonna ruin Trump and kill his GOP nomination, and was even stupid enough to bet on it with me. Now he's so desperate that he's counting on Trump dying, so the bet can be nullified. He has no idea what he's talking about. Just a delusional Democrat pom pom waver.
You tell me if it's a fact or not. To be honest I'm not really sure. Did Haley's donors start giving TR7MP their money or not?
Your own country doesn't even hate Trump. You and your merry band of degenerate Leftists, aren't "the world", although y'all do have that narcissism that makes you think so.
I'm interested in seeing if you work your confidence back up to what it was before TR7MP lost the last election and then tried to steal it. You had a foreign President's nuts lodged in your throat for 4 years and your predictions were far off the mark so maybe you should just shut the fuck up when you think about criticizing anyone else.