News Jon Jones In Trouble for Supposedly Threatening to Kill Drug Tester (Updated with Video of 'Incident'.)

They ruin fighters primes and abilities.

They ruin the best possible matchups because of this.

The sport stops evolving because fighters cant recover as fast to become phenoms.

All for what, to catch 0,01% of users while 100% of all fighters still use gear?

I am telling you Jones should have made the drug tester's children orphans.

Promoting murder of people doing their jobs and essentially doing nothing to negatively impact your life, but yeah, they're the problem - definitely not you, the mental midget.
Such a good corporate shill I didn’t even watch last night's shitty card.

10/10 though, go Apex Fight Nights.
Being a round the clock PR defense for TKO is what you do. Like they give two shits about an employee actually watching every card on his off time ha. All they need you to do is copy/paste the talking point bullet points you're provided. Which you do in spades.

Excellent job cracking the case by the way. Using the "Jon didn't murder this person in his front lawn therefore the woman who was threatened is a dumb lying bitch, there's nothing to see here, keeping moving" is some real Johnnie Cochran level stuff.
It’s not criminal charge. It’s civil charge. Burden of proof is a preponderance of evidence.

Once the police come to arrest him, then it’s criminal charge, which burden of proof becomes beyond a reasonable doubt

Why you are so obsessed with shooting down accusations is beyond my capacity to understand. Maybe you don’t realize that Jon jones has an extensive criminal history…

Edit: just saw that jones was arrested. Okay so now criminal charge. Let’s see how it goes

Then finally …
Fking yourself is not fun, unless you are masochist.
Possible CTE mixed with Drugs/Alcohol is a dangerous combo

I'll pray for him <3
The BIGGER issue is the drug testing company telling that chick to STFU.

She's suing the wrong entity. Dumbass should be suing the company not Jones.

Her complaint will be dismissed if Jon has a competent attorney.
@Dana's Moonface @haj02
Fake news, the media are demons, trying to blacken the good name of our mighty Lord and Saviour Saint Jones
See you've always got to look at the motives behind why people say things. Ultimately this seems to be a ploy by the devil and his agent Francis Ngannou to smear the good name of our Lord and Saviour Jon Jones.
There you go “blindly inserting the crime”; which contradicts the burden of proof, of which criminal charges should be based. That footage is better evidence than her word, until other footage or corroborating testimony becomes available. Her word < Footage that clearly contradicts an assault or reasonable fear of an assault taking place.

If we don’t start to act reasonably, any person can assume someone is guilty; and anything short of round the clock surveillance won’t exonerate the accused. It’s 2024 and accusers have no reasonable basis for behavior that overlaps with that of a liar. Shouldn’t one byproduct of “me too” be accusers pressing charges shortly after an incident? At this rate victim blaming will do away with due process.

We’re ignoring better evidence to blindly insert an assault or reasonable fear of an assault taking place!
You're ignoring that the police report refers to the actual footage of the event, which confirms that it exists.
You're ignoring that the police report refers to the actual footage of the event, which confirms that it exists.
Jon Jones is a habitual scumbag with a long record of doing awful shit, but this time -THIS TIME- it would be nice if everyone just chilled for a second and realized he is sweet baby dindu nuthin
The BIGGER issue is the drug testing company telling that chick to STFU.

She's suing the wrong entity. Dumbass should be suing the company not Jones.

Her complaint will be dismissed if Jon has a competent attorney.

Maybe they told her that because she's exaggerating?
I got you so her boss said don’t call the cops and she can provide no evidence of this even tho it would be a massive lawsuit yet it makes perfect sense to you. Well let me ask you this since I “continue to be wrong”? When have you rightfully seen someone allege a threat was made by a person, and he was visibly inebriated and video seems to show the exact opposite yet you continue concerning with such petty shit? Never huh? Well me fucking neither
She provided evidence to the police of the incident. So AGAIN you continue to be wrong. She says in the report that she did try to report it days before. You are pretending she didn't. Do I know she didn't try to report it? Nah, but I do know she says she did AND that you don't know she didn't, but keep misstating that as if you decided it's true

Also, the video does not show he "wasn't inebriated."

If you consider actually reading to be "petty shit" then that would explain why you haven't done so
He didn’t even threaten her per her own police report.

He allegedly said OTHER PEOPLE showing up uninvited like this wind up dead. He wasn’t talking about them.

He’s also correct that he’s allowed to kill home invaders seeing as New Mexico’s a castle doctrine state. Jon’s legally allowed to use lethal force on intruders in his home.

This is all a giant nothing burger and will go absolutely nowhere.
You don't know shit (as usual) about castle doctrines. That applies to intruders. Someone who comes to your door isn't a trespasser, and that's been legally withheld repeatedly. If you suspect someone is breaking in, or if you told someone to leave and they refuse, then you have legal standing. If you attempt to kill someone for just going on your property, you WILL end in front of a judge.

New York has a limited castle doctrine. Kevin Monahan just got sentenced 25 to life for killing someone who pulled into his rural driveway uninvited.

Missouri has a pretty open castle doctrine. Andrew Lester is going on trial for 10 to life for shooting an uninvited person who rang his doorbell.

Save your revenge fantasies for when you're actually a potential victim, not just when you wish you were one
She provided evidence to the police of the incident. So AGAIN you continue to be wrong. She says in the report that she did try to report it days before. You are pretending she didn't. Do I know she didn't try to report it? Nah, but I do know she says she did AND that you don't know she didn't, but keep misstating that as if you decided it's true

Also, the video does not show he "wasn't inebriated."

If you consider actually reading to be "petty shit" then that would explain why you haven't done so
I have that dude you're replying to on ignore for good reason.
You don't know shit (as usual) about castle doctrines. That applies to intruders. Someone who comes to your door isn't a trespasser, and that's been legally withheld repeatedly. If you suspect someone is breaking in, or if you told someone to leave and they refuse, then you have legal standing. If you attempt to kill someone for just going on your property, you WILL end in front of a judge.

New York has a limited castle doctrine. Kevin Monahan just got sentenced 25 to life for killing someone who pulled into his rural driveway uninvited.

Missouri has a pretty open castle doctrine. Andrew Lester is going on trial for 10 to life for shooting an uninvited person who rang his doorbell.

Save your revenge fantasies for when you're actually a potential victim, not just when you wish you were one
I also have this guy you're talking to on ignore as well. 😂 Mr "Mark" with his constant bad hot takes.
Maybe they told her that because she's exaggerating?
It's Jones, i highly doubt that she's exaggerating. We know how he gets, fucking nerd cops always picking on the black man.
I have that dude you're replying to on ignore for good reason.
I don't mind Mind Mine. I think he's pretty intelligent but sometimes a victim of his own bias and he goes into a tunnel. Despite the vitriolic nature which I respond to people, I think he can actually read this at another time and absorb it.

Mark is in a constant intelligence contest with Bryce Mitchell and the only way I'll see him as anything other than utterly hopeless is if his failure to recognize his own constant failings mid argument is a facade and he actually does recognize it, but feels he has to continue to argue just to save face, and an MMA forum is a pretty insignificant place to admit you're wrong or try and look smart all the time, like that borderline autistic "Mohawk" guy
I don't mind Mind Mine. I think he's pretty intelligent but sometimes a victim of his own bias and he goes into a tunnel. Despite the vitriolic nature which I respond to people, I think he can actually read this at another time and absorb it.

Mark is in a constant intelligence contest with Bryce Mitchell and the only way I'll see him as anything other than utterly hopeless is if his failure to recognize his own constant failings mid argument is a facade and he actually does recognize it, but feels he has to continue to argue just to save face, and an MMA forum is a pretty insignificant place to admit you're wrong or try and look smart all the time, like that borderline autistic "Mohawk" guy
Lol, I just noticed the thread about Jon getting arrested. I think that proves your point you were trying to argue with those turd birds.