Anyone go on the dark web?

This is basically why I've never fucked with it. No thanks. You hear stories like this and it's enough for me not to venture any further.
Didn't know the guy posting the horror story, he said he didn't search any terms and he somehow wound up on the site. Details, sparingly, did involve drugs, deals gone bad, settling unpaid debts to stop threats to harm family, suicide with minimal pay going to family, and unknowns.
it's 1000% not real, as are most of the more heinous things you hear about on the dark web.
Yeah, right, much easier to think that way. After seeing horrendous things online that happened to people accidentally, AND on purpose, and victims of war, organized crime, and evil, mean, and crazy people, there is bad stuff not faked on the dark web.
So they actually send drugs through the mail or does someone shady drop it off at your house

I bought a hit man.

Unrelated question: where do you live?
Didn't know the guy posting the horror story, he said he didn't search any terms and he somehow wound up on the site. Details, sparingly, did involve drugs, deals gone bad, settling unpaid debts to stop threats to harm family, suicide with minimal pay going to family, and unknowns.

Yeah, right, much easier to think that way. After seeing horrendous things online that happened to people accidentally, AND on purpose, and victims of war, organized crime, and evil, mean, and crazy people, there is bad stuff not faked there.
I would bet my house and savings you haven't seen Mexican sugar dancing and no one else has either.
I’d honestly love to buy drugs from the dark web. Looking mostly for pcp, 2cb, ghb, and maybe some mescaline. I wouldn’t pass up some pyros either I guess 3 or 4mmc.

Mostly 2cb and ghb though
Yeh I used to buy bulk research chem and psychedelic / tropics off the markets. Was fucking sweet.
I spent many bitcoin. Too bad they're all fucked now
making an observation is not a concern.
But thanks for playing

I was trying to make a joke, like the chart was created by a scientist and is authoritative, guess it didn’t land.
This is basically why I've never fucked with it. No thanks. You hear stories like this and it's enough for me not to venture any further. Scary shit.

As to what your friend saw, you have to wonder, what are they doing with the "product"? And how are they getting people to just walk into it like cattle? Drugs? I probably don't even want to know...

The fact that there are people out there that are that twisted that they'd create the machine and then use it, is fucking horrendous. People have no idea. The average person things that Pizzagate isn't even real, and it's absurd to believe people would get up to such shit. But there are, and they do.
Probably a re-purposed machine.
Eh, I have been on the deep web a handful of times.

Its a pain in the ass as you *should always* use an updated Tails USB stick, and if you plan to buy ANYTHING you will need some form of cryptocurrency.

I visited a few of the 'world markets' but they were hit and miss when it came to quality and/or legitimacy. Not to mention they were getting busted or arbitrarily shutting down on the regular. The novelty for recreational weekend warrior party favors dried up quickly.
This is basically why I've never fucked with it. No thanks. You hear stories like this and it's enough for me not to venture any further. Scary shit.

As to what your friend saw, you have to wonder, what are they doing with the "product"? And how are they getting people to just walk into it like cattle? Drugs? I probably don't even want to know...

The fact that there are people out there that are that twisted that they'd create the machine and then use it, is fucking horrendous. People have no idea. The average person things that Pizzagate isn't even real, and it's absurd to believe people would get up to such shit. But there are, and they do.

But here is the catch - Even *IF* you go through all of the proper channels to gain access to the deep/dark web, this shit isn't going to arbitrarily just pop up on your computer screen.

You aren't going to 'magically' find CP or next level gore or any shit like that.
Does it exist there? Of course it does.
Do you need to know (or at least have an interest) on how/where to SEEK THIS SHIT OUT? Absolutely.

And chances are someone is going to want you to pay for it (somehow). They aren't going to give up their 'wares' for free man... Much less drop them on unsuspecting first timers and lurkers.
Thats just bad business and not very realistic.
Probably a re-purposed machine.
As a former factory wrench with some manufacturing background, this entire setup sounded like a huge "dog food" factory with specialized, purpose built, equipment.

Staffing any type of facility requires workers, mechanics, supervisors, etc. to keep "production" moving, in & then out, through the factory. "Hey send an electrician and the mechanics down to Y right now. Pump Z got smoked and is locked up & we got a 4 inch overflow everywhere on damn floor.
And Hurry TF up, we got people standing in line waiting".
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