Crypto Megathread v36 - BITCOIN HITS ALL-TIME HIGH — Why didn’t you listen?

Been there many times... But usually Alt/BTC pairs always dump at the halving. I wouldn't be surprised if BTC dominance hits 60 percent over the next couple months. It's amazing how this happens every couple cycle.

Hang in the until later this year
I'd rather have put the $2k I just lost in 1 day on Cody Brundage. Hoping to break even later in the year doesn't sound like that great of a deal.

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I think it will dump more, this middle east shit could get crazy
And I could be wrong

to edit..Our president is a husk

it's just 5 days left before halving.

not sure if its worth the risk. if the price suddenly leaves you behind when you dump, its another burn. iff you haven't sold yet, maybe its best to just hold the ground.