International ROFL! Tucker on Rogan's show only got 4k views after almost a day of being up

this is just infuriating. outright lying like this. i understand it's a private show and they can say whatever, but this is how you end up with people parroting the dumbest shit possible and that think there's actually a debate where their position stands as an alterative to science.
And rogans whole thing for years was about apes and evolution. For him to just sit there and not say shit was such a bitch move.
And rogans whole thing for years was about apes and evolution. For him to just sit there and not say shit was such a bitch move.
I think Rogan can't handle true believers. He gets ovewhelmed when people shamelessly just spit out things with the strength of revelation, and rogan, who probably doesn't actually have a system of solid belief in anything really, can't deal with those, especially those with a veneer of intellectual ability to defend obvious bullshit that wouldn't stand in front of an equally equipped person.
His comedy career fizzled?!?
We saw him 2 years ago in NY where he sold out Madison Square Garden. We got there an hour early, and the line outside was like a mile long because of all the covid fuckery plus the “lock your phone in a faraday bag” procedure, missed all the opening acts except for like 5 minutes of Tony or whoever it was, just in time for Rogan. He had the place in diapers that night.
The dude has alt troll accounts don't mind him .

I never was a fan of Joe's comedy, saw his show with Chappelle in vegas in 2021, he actually was the funniest one there to my surprise as Chappelle is my favorite.
lmao, chill with the dog whistles. i am not a leftist just because i don't ass lick tucker or trump. here, you go....i think pretending that you love trump and create a platform for endorsing him and his fangirls when you truly despise him and what he stands for is is a link if you want more context but it seems to me that you are balls deep in whatever generalized idealogy that you are subscribed to.

also you contradict yourself in literally 2 sentences <36>......

"We should have different ideas and not follow "party lines" on every topic. You libs just choose the stupid route every time. (Legalized shoplifting, men in womens sports, no voter ID, sanctuary cities, squatters rights, no bail laws etc)"

"We should not follow party lines on every topic but everyone that disagrees with me is a liberal that wants the world to be destroyed". God, this is comical. Eitherway, take care and have a good rest of your day.

Welcome back.
And rogans whole thing for years was about apes and evolution. For him to just sit there and not say shit was such a bitch move.
Honestly Rogan is about a year away from going full Evangelical Christian.
this is just infuriating. outright lying like this. i understand it's a private show and they can say whatever, but this is how you end up with people parroting the dumbest shit possible and that think there's actually a debate where their position stands as an alterative to science.
it's a non applied science POV, serves no practical purpose, it doesn't matter.
this is just infuriating. outright lying like this. i understand it's a private show and they can say whatever, but this is how you end up with people parroting the dumbest shit possible and that think there's actually a debate where their position stands as an alterative to science.
Oh wow, you didn't make a hack post for once. Congrats, proud of you bud.
Over 6 million now. This didn’t age well. TS was just too quick to celebrate irrelevance for Tucker
this is just infuriating. outright lying like this. i understand it's a private show and they can say whatever, but this is how you end up with people parroting the dumbest shit possible and that think there's actually a debate where their position stands as an alterative to science.

Meh... don't care. If your opinion on Evolution vs Creationism is changed by Tucker's 5 min dialogue on the subject, you're probably a waterhead and it's just as likely to be changed again listening to another theory.

Tucker is either confirming your already embedded bias on the topic or you're shaking your head thinking he's complete off base. No one's opinion on the topic changed because of this podcast.

I enjoy hearing opposing viewpoints. I think Tucker's completely wrong. I don't get the push to censor these kind of discussions. Especially on topics that are still THEORY... and yes, evolution is still a theory. While Evolution has more evidence backing it than Creationism, it's still a theory.

Other controversial theories
- Flat Earth
- COVID origins - Lab vs Animal
- 9/11
- Jeffrey Epstien
- Vaccines impact on Autism
- Climate Change
- The moon landing

It's crazy to me how some parties want to censor discussion on any topic. Who fucking cares? Seriously, Tucker believing Creationism has zero impact on my life.

Over 6 million now. This didn’t age well. TS was just too quick to celebrate irrelevance for Tucker

He knew what he was doing... and was just trolling.

Probably knew the views lag several hours behind
I’ll be sure to bump this when it happens.
I expect nothing less haha. But I don't see him attacking peeps on religion that he's interviewing much. I think he still believes religion is stupid

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