News Francis Ngannou his 18-month-old son has passed away

Fuck. Heart breaking.

I've been an ER RN for a long time and after dozens of pediatric deaths I had to step away from ED for a while. Seeing parents like Francis suffer this unspeakable pain, seeing their little lifeless bodies over and over, performing live saving measures that failed and feeling them fade away was too fucking much. I can't imagine what Francis is going through and to be honest it's absolutely dreadful that someone who has already been through so much in his life also has to experience this.

I've seen parents / handed their kids to them as they screamed their names over and over and cursed God for them not waking up and I've never slept a good night afterward. I have no idea how the parents themselves carry on. If something happened to my child I don't know how I'd carry on.

Thoughts and prayers of course but mostly just empathy for this life shattering tragedy. Fuck.

That's fucking terrible...

I had a baby sister who died at a little over a year old. It fucked up my mom for a long time. Me and my ex wife lost a new born, a little fella named Owen. I have his name and my living son's name tattooed on my back.

Here's to hoping big Frank finds peace, that's absolutely heartbreaking.

Fuck man, I'm sorry. You never know what people have been through. I lost a pregnancy with my SO and that was devastating, can't imagine getting to know them and see them and something awful happening. Your poor mother.

Blessing bud.
Damn this is heart wrenching news. Condolences to his family. I can't and don't wish to fathom what they are going through. I couldn't have the strength
I have 2 kids and thought I was going to lose my newborn last year.

Absolutely horrible. Couldn't imagine having to go through it. Gonna go give my kids a big hug now. Cherish your life as well as all your friends/loved ones. You never know when it will be the last time you see them
Was there any rumblings his child was sick? did some tragic accident happen? This is very sad news. Chin up francis. I just cant imagine.
Absolute tragic and heart-shattering.

My sincere condolences.
Poor Frank and the little one, he sounds in really rough shape (obviously).
Jesus fuck that is horrible, hope he can get throught this and doesn't add another tragedy to the family.