Elections Tito Ortiz is the new Huntington Beach City Council **6/2/21: Tito resigns**

This is just whining for no other reason than to make noise in the absence of a counterpoint.

You pontificated in ignorance. Don't do that.
Haha, you're like Ben Shapiro when someone makes a good point.
-"So did Trump or didn't Trump give these tax-dodging corporations huge tax write-offs (in the various ways you want to define that)? It's like you're pretending I never even mentioned that, or that I didn't link a break-down of how that played out. Such bad faith how you have to twist around that reality. It is what it is."
Your answer: LOL "This is just whining for no other reason than to make noise in the absence of a counterpoint."
Oh, you mean my initial point that you dodged for pages of retort Matrix-style is just "whining for no other reason that to make noise in the absence of a counterpoint". That was literally the first thing I said, and you dodged it ad nauseum and now are complaining about ME whining, when that's what I called you out on.
Dude, tuck your angry micro-penis away.
Dude, tuck your angry micro-penis away.
There's nothing I love more than reducing posters to this level of rhetoric by doing nothing more than holding up a mirror to show them they are everything they deign to endure.

Cry, roar, stomp. It won't change this truth.
"Cry, roar, stomp. It won't change this truth."

Project much? Look at your walls of angry, posturing, insulting text. . . .and the fact that this all started because you "loved hearing liberals whine".
Epic loser, pretending I'm crying, roaring, and stomping while you're spending comedic amounts of time arguing around my original point. Whatever helps you sleep/rage-type at night.
"Cry, roar, stomp. It won't change this truth."

Project much? Look at your walls of angry, posturing, insulting text. . . .and the fact that this all started because you "loved hearing liberals whine".
Epic loser, pretending I'm crying, roaring, and stomping while you're spending comedic amounts of time arguing around my original point. Whatever helps you sleep/rage-type at night.
Cry, roar, stomp...lie. This started because of my irritation at your ignorant condescension, and nothing more.
What "tax-payer money" did the feds "paid them" (the "mega-corporations") during Trump's administration?

Democrats afford huge tax write-offs to "mega-corporations", too. That's because the same laws governing write-offs for smaller companies also apply to larger companies. It's just a matter of whether or not a particular company qualifies. Judging by the ignorantly partisan slant of your rant I presume you are as ignorant of these matters as the person you're criticizing.
Cry, roar, stomp...lie. This started because of my irritation at your ignorant condescension, and nothing more.

You talking about the ignorant condescension of others is cute. Talk about pot meet kettle. Good lord.
You talking about the ignorant condescension of others is cute. Talk about pot meet kettle. Good lord.
I sensed his attitude about a half-dozen messages ago, and to my shame I actually tried to answer his demands. Whoops.
I sensed his attitude about a half-dozen messages ago, and to my shame I actually tried to answer his demands. Whoops.
Rather you humiliated yourself, exposing your deep ignorance of American government, by pointing to measures sponsored and more robustly supported by Democrats as a hail mary to substantiate your original, baseless accusation of targeted direct subsidy to corporations like Amazon by Trump.

Point blank: you cast an allegation that you couldn't substantiate because it was untrue. If you actually learned how American government works, rather than boasting for paragraphs how you do, before unmistakably demonstrating that you do not, you wouldn't step on these rakes.
Rather you humiliated yourself, exposing your deep ignorance of American government, by pointing to measures sponsored and more robustly supported by Democrats as a hail mary to substantiate your original, baseless accusation of targeted direct subsidy to corporations like Amazon by Trump.

Point blank: you cast an allegation that you couldn't substantiate because it was untrue. If you actually learned how American government works, rather than boasting for paragraphs how you do, before unmistakably demonstrating that you do not, you wouldn't step on these rakes.
"Rather you humiliated yourself" LOL. Still with the projection!

Point blank: you went unhinged in your bad faith attempt to dismiss a multi-faceted (yet broadly true) statement that I made, and then gave links to at your request. You then went (or didn't) through the links, and picked seemingly *every* point they made that was not related to my point and "owned" them while masturbatorily projecting all sorts of insults and deficiencies upon me. If you're autistic, then I honestly give you a pass. Otherwise, you suck. As a poster, as a mod, as a person, as a debater, as a conversationalist.
LOL "targeted direct subsidy". Again trying to lawyer your way about. I made a broad statement, and then clarified upon your reque-.....demand. And then you played around cherry-picking points and playing mental gymnastics to try to get a "gotchya" by, ironically, bloviating about several unrelated economic issues and terms. A classic fallacy.. But sure, Trump didn't give out huge tax cuts to already bloated corporations and the tax payers in no way, directly or otherwise, pick up the bill. Good for you. Such nuance.
He's down in Florida now. Some sheriff made him an honorary sheriff the other day.
Ah Florida knows class when they see it👇Hopefully he works his way up to full time Sheriff one day.

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