Crime Tyson Foods dumps 87BILLION gallons of toxic waste including cyanide, blood and feces into US rivers and lakes

All their leadership that knew should get lengthy prison sentences for this. Of course they won’t though. Instead they’ll probably get a minor fine that doesn’t even make them cover the cost of cleaning it up
I wonder what is your daddy Biden's reaction to this. You shouldn't care about what they say btw. I always hear democrats say black this black that but i never saw them do anything for black people. But they are giving black actors big roles in the movies! lullll
Actions speak louder than words. But people like you are so brainwashed, all you care is words lol
lol what in the world are you bringing up black people for?
Well, when Republicans put people like Scott Wheeler, who was open about ending the EPA and removing environmental protections, at the head of the EPA, it's deserved. Let's not forget, Wheeler bragged about having 68% less fines for environmental violations. After he was removed, they put a coal lobbyist in charge.

How'd that go? Well, they loosened restrictions on coal power plants to release toxic chemicals, like mercury, into waterways. We all need a little more mercury in our waterways, it enhances the flavor.
Coal power plants are a perfect example of needing regulation. Did you know, up until 2015, it wasn't a requirement for coal plants to store their ash in lined pits. You'd think that since coal ash has stuff like lead, cadmium, arsenic, and a bunch of other nasty chemicals, a pit liner would make sense. 91% of all ash pits at coal powered plants have poisoned local groundwater. Obama gave them a timeline to fix it, but guess who repealed it?

Republicans have earned the reputation for being willing to destroy the environment in the pursuit of profits.

Point went completely over your head. Not surprised there.

Edit: Holy shit, just read the last page and the entire thread is filled with some room temperature IQ retards screaming about muh republicans.
When will Americans start holding their companies accountable?

I would say when we change campaign finance laws but who would enact laws that are financially detrimental to them? So in the absence of that it comes down to two things:

1) When molotovs start getting tossed at corporate HQ's

2) Right before that Democrats might be able to convince corporate goons that paying higher taxes.and answering to accountability of the Administeative State is a much better investment than taking the chance on a working class primed to toss molotovs.

Interesting sidenote: Despite being into teenaged girls, apparently Matt PizzaGaetz adores Lena Khan. Seems to be a true believer in reigning in corporate influence (albeit probably for the wrong reasons) to the degree that he refers to himself as a Khan-servative lol
Should of happened as soon as they said they were moving locations so that they could hire illegals to pay lower wages, have shittier working conditions, and basically cannot be sued by them, since they are illegals
Modern left-wing politics dictates that corporate profits must be prioritized over the needs of American workers.
I still don't understand how the Sacklers avoided prison.
This is another reason I will NEVER vote Republican because when I hear them talking about less regulations and letting the free market handle things, all I hear is just an easier route for corporations to f*** people over.
- Free market. If coorporations are "people" and people need laws to govern them to behave. Remove the regulations and we're back to the XVIII century, with children working at factories, old and disabled people begging for money at the streets. It's a basic thing any one can see when begining the journey on studying introduction to business administration.
Deregulation sounds great, until your local river is filled with cyanide and chicken shit. Which party is trying to defund/eliminate the EPA again?
- Bot parties like here in Brazil?
Notice how water pollution is something everyone agrees is bad. If it was the focus of the environmentalist movement I think they would have a lot more success.
Point went completely over your head. Not surprised there.

Edit: Holy shit, just read the last page and the entire thread is filled with some room temperature IQ retards screaming about muh republicans.

The thread is about a company polluting, but we aren’t allowed to talk about Republican policies that allow these companies to pollute.

Yeah, ok bud.
- Free market. If coorporations are "people" and people need laws to govern them to behave. Remove the regulations and we're back to the XVIII century, with children working at factories, old and disabled people begging for money at the streets. It's a basic thing any one can see when begining the journey on studying introduction to business administration.
And I genuinely believe what you are saying is the inevitable end to Republican policies. It's despicable and that's why I could never support the republican party even though in some ways I am quite socially conservative. But also I'm not interested in regulating social policy in our secular society based on religious views from Republicans even though im deeply religious myself so even when I agree with some of their positions, I don't like what they would do about it.
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Deregulation sounds great, until your local river is filled with cyanide and chicken shit. Which party is trying to defund/eliminate the EPA again?
If all that shit is going into our waterways, what good is the EPA actually doing? Besides taking our money
- Free market. If coorporations are "people" and people need laws to govern them to behave. Remove the regulations and we're back to the XVIII century, with children working at factories, old and disabled people begging for money at the streets. It's a basic thing any one can see when begining the journey on studying introduction to business administration.

Meh not sure why you'd need to study business administration like that. Anybody should be able to see that it's common sense to put some basic rules in place. The free market isn't gonna take care of worker safety, child labor and mass pollution issue.

The thread is about a company polluting, but we aren’t allowed to talk about Republican policies that allow these companies to pollute.

Yeah, ok bud.

You're allowed to talk about whatever you want but you're not arguing with anybody because nobody on here is pro pollution. You're just turning this into a partisan circle jerk. Corrupt politicians and a rotten system are responsible for this, you're just looking for an outlet for your partisan whining.

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