Steroids Saved My Life

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Eat a few sandwiches instead of that steroid pill, ***got.
Those two videos pissed me right off.

The kid is a whiney lazy fuck who has just started lifting at the same time and the steroids on the shane guy is a fucking moron.

Good lord- 'people are scared of me....and thats good'

No dumb arse, that is not good.

Fucking retards.

This is the downside to youtube.
If he's so smart and clever, why didnt he do some smart/clever researching on gaining mass without steroid use?

Yeah, they're called newbie lifter gains. Everyone has them.

If you know this kid, I suggest instead of posting his videos you shove him off something tall.
I bet at the end he gets big and goes "this was my goal but I still don't feel good about myself; I guess steroids aren't the answer, tee hee, I certainly was a silly goose!!!!!"

Ugh, he should wash that pill down with a tall glass of draino.
That guy needs to get a base befor his steroids, a good nutrition program, and lifting program. His form was HORRIBLE! Those to meat heads in the video didn't really have a good body. They looked like puff balls. Does anyone know what steroid the guy was even taking?
Well he was taking pills. Thats the first sign that he is retarded. When people say steroids destroy your liver, its the oral ones they are referring to. They are VERY harmful and stressful to your liver.

I can't believe the guy just didn't try eating a lifting naturally first. Someone that skinny with that ****bolism could eat anything they want (within reason). I'd love to be able to eat steaks and big burgers everyday.
I can't believe the guy just didn't try eating a lifting naturally first. Someone that skinny with that ****bolism could eat anything they want (within reason). I'd love to be able to eat steaks and big burgers everyday.

it sucks. trust me.
This kid is a moron. He's the type of kid who's like... "when I have big muscles,everybody is going to like mean and think Im cool. Im going to be popular and get all the girls!!"
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The newest episode
This kid sucks at life.The Bear guy is like the voice of reason/captain obvious.This twink needs to realize that you can't gain weight eating a fucking white bread sandwich with a slice of cheese and some roast beef.Christ,that's probably like barely above 200 calories or so.The only redeeming factor about these videos are the hot asian girls.
1 slice of roast beef


i hope the 2 grams of protein makes his arm 2 times bigger
The guy obviously has issues with food. Listen to him talk about eating the sandwich; if he takes a big bite something might be flapping around so he takes small bites? WTF?
The guy obviously has issues with food. Listen to him talk about eating the sandwich; if he takes a big bite something might be flapping around so he takes small bites? WTF?

This kid should wear a helmet around.He's obviously a major pussy.
This kid sucks at life.The Bear guy is like the voice of reason/captain obvious.This twink needs to realize that you can't gain weight eating a fucking white bread sandwich with a slice of cheese and some roast beef.Christ,that's probably like barely above 200 calories or so.The only redeeming factor about these videos are the hot asian girls.

Those asian girls are kinda cute, until they open their mouths. I don't think I could stand 15 minutes when them.

(waits for the innuendo jokes)
via youtube description "his inability to gain weight"

what a dumbass. my cousin says this, yet he eats like 1500 calories a day.
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