Do you feel cheap for using Ezekiel ?


The thin end of the wedge
Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
I do. I catch fellow white belts at least once every BJJ class with that, and it just feels to easy.
I think it is the only sub that you can get from guard (excluding pain subs).

Anyway. Any one also feel guilty when using it ?

BTW, how do you do it ?
I find that it works even better when you start with the hand on top, like grabing the opposite colar, laying your forearm gently on uke's neck, and after proceed to slide your other arm under his neck. In my experience, people expect it less that way...

Ezekiel ftw ! (even if I feel cheap about it).
I don't, as long as I get it in cleanly. You should only feel "cheap" about it if you have to grind your knuckles in the guy's face to get it, in my opinion.
I dont feel cheap when I get it. Why? Its a simple choke that not a lot guys try.

PS How many Blues or higher get caught in this?
as long as you aren't grinding it there is no reason to feel cheap, it's legit. I've rolled with a blackbelt that doesn't use the blade of his hand but rather his knuckle into the carotid, and man does it suck, but it was how he was taught when he was a white belt.

However, if you continue to have sucess with it against the other WBs I'd focus more on hitting other subs to expand your arsenal and get you ready for the higher levels.
I never tried it, not ONE time! I hate it! I think its just lame!

People always think I am cheap for wrist locking them but I know its not cheap, its just frsutration bc they don't think its legal (some think its a small joint lock) or bc it hurts like a bitch.....but I get shit for it all the time.

The Ezekial seems lame to me bc its a choke for those morons who when are in your guard lean all their weight on you (instead of having the common sense to posture up) so they either try to americana you or ezekial choke you. I think its GHEY! (btw I know you can get it from other position too)
IMO, it's cheap if your doing it to someone inside the their guard.

It's an easy effective sub, getting it often means the opponent has semi violated a grappling rule of never let the guy get his hand/arm behind your head.

Royce and Renzo both had success with it in mma, which signals to me it would be effective in self defense situations
there is nothing wrong with the ezekial, as for wrist locks... as long as you give your opponent time to tap and don't hurt them it's ok.
Ezequiel is a great tool and a very legit technique (as are wristlocks, by the way). Lately, I've been hitting it more and more from the back position. A lot of guys don't expect it from there.
i caught a blue belt in one once. i don't like using it in class. it's dirty.
Why feel cheap about it? Perfectly legitimate submission if you ask me, although I'm not sure it's a very high percentage move.
I feel extremely bad about getting it, and typically won't even try for it when rolling. If I can get it in a competition, whatever, it gets me to the next round. But as far as using it on my partners, I can't explain why I feel bad about using it but I do. i think it has something to do with the simplicity of it.

There's a guy at my gym who is about ready to be blue belt, and he really prides himself on being able to hit it effectively, mostly on newer level guys. I just don't think it displays any real skill. But like I said, I've been tapped with it every which way by him, and if I needed to use it at a tournament I definitely would. But I do feel sheepish about using it in practice and never do even if I see it there.
I dont understand, is a rnc cheap? From the back , if they give it to you its easy. Same with the ezek, you cant get it if they dont let you get your hand around their neck. IF nothing else, it can be a good distraction. I take way more offence to a fore arm on the throat while rolling. If I get caught in an ezek, I get mad that I didnt defend it, not that its cheap.
I don't feel bad about the ezekiel... sometimes when I am rolling with a new guy and I go for a punch choke from half guard or side control it feels like I shouldn't be doing it.
no, and I like guys to do it to me because I practice a couple different counters..
I have never heard of this somehow being a cheap choke.

It's an extremely effective choke that some guys are absolute killers with.
I don't feel bad about using it. Most experienced people will see it coming from a mile away, so it's rare that I catch anyone who has been practicing for more than a year or two with it. When I do catch it, It's because I was sneaky, and rolling is one of the few instances in life where people will congratulate you for deceiving them.
I like to set up the move so that I am in position in mount to do the choke, but I don't bring the arm across the throat until my opponent tries to roll me over and reverse the mount. During the reversal I slip the choke in. Its pretty deep by the time I have my opponent in guard, so they won't be able to get out of it.
BTW, TS, there are plenty of options in mount. There are all sorts of chokes and arm locks that you can do if you set them up right. Even more if you are in gi.
If you like the Zeke, you will love the Lapel Choke. Very similar, sneaky gi-choke.
YouTube - Submission - Lapel Choke