My journey to become a professional fighter

5-3-1 Cycle 5 Week 3

(trained 5.5 hours today, amazingly I don't really feel tired)
-Plyo-pushups 5 x 1 x 2 max steps + 3 20kg plates + 1 10kg plate
-Bench press 1 x 5 x 42.5kg
1 x 5 x 52.5kg
1 x 3 x 62.5kg
1 x 5 x 77.5kg
1 x 3 x 87.5kg
1 x 2 x 97.5kg (left 1-2 reps in the tank)
-Rows 1 x 5 x 32.5kg
1 x 5 x 42.5kg
1 x 3 x 50kg
1 x 5 x 62.5kg
1 x 3 x 70kg
1 x 2/3 x 77.5kg (left 1-2 reps in the tank)
-(Light) Squats 1 x 5 x 72.5kg
1 x 5 x 87.5kg
1 x 5 x 100kg
-Dips 1 x 5 x BW +7.5kg
1 x 5 x BW+17.5kg
1 x 5 x BW+30kg
-Ab roll-outs 1 x 10 x BW+10kg
1 x 10 x BW+15kg
1 x 10 x BW+20kg
1 x 8 x BW+25kg
-Hanging leg raises feet to bar 3 x 8

Muay Thai

Warmed up with the typical jump-rope 4 minute ab-work 1 minute circuit for 30 minutes. Then moved onto working combinations, did 1-2 cross. 1-2 cross low-kick. 1-2 cross, upper cut, low kick. 1-2 front kick, 2. 1-2, med-kick, 1-2. 1-2, med kick, med kick (other side), 1-2. Might have done a few others that I forget now. At the end instead of sparring we did some insane conditioning circuit. Basically a bunch of push-ups, a bunch of sit-ups, a bunch of standing broad jumps, a bunch of bounding jumps, a bunch of random ab-work and planks, a bunch of "stand up, lay down, stand up, lay down" drills etc. a few people puked, everyone was dead on the floor by the end of it and he was very proud that he managed to make us all that tired. I don't really see how that's an achievement but whatever.

Jiu Jitsu

Got there late due to Muay Thai circuit. Worked on a position where we are on the floor grabbing onto opponent's leg by wrapping around with our legs and also with outside arm around his leg holding onto our gi. Afterwards, with our free hand we pull him down, causing him to react by trying to posture up. At this point we release our hold, so he stands up forcefully, we stand up with him with his leg still controlled, then go for the single-leg take-down. Afterwards people rolled, I decided not to since I had already trained about 5 hours straight. Instead I stretched extensively and took some good mental notes.
moyy said:
Hi, due to shin pain I don't think I'll be able to do my normal 30m x 8 hill sprints with 3 minute rest in between. I do these mostly for power development. Is there any alternative I can do on the stationary bike or rower that would achieve the same results? Or should I just not bother and do some lISS or HIIT instead. Thanks a lot.

I'd approach that as an indication of doing too much/too heavy/too soon. Unless you've already had chronic injury issues (in which case you should be even more cautious), this type of shin pain most likely indicates your connective tissue is not conditioned well enough to deal with the kinds of stress you put it under.

In terms of energy system development, you could replace sprints for a number of other things (pad work, heavy-bag work, rower work, swimming, burpees, partner grappling drills, whatever) and get similar - or better - results.

If I were coaching you, I'd have you do a deload for a week or two, drop the power work and the high-intensity conditioning work altogether, and take a good 4-8 weeks to gradually increase your workload in basic strength and aerobic work (at this stage I'd also address any muscular/postural imbalances and compensation patterns, if any do exist). Once there, I'd have you do at least a couple of months of solid basic strength and aerobic system development before gradually switching you to a power phase. You are very young and my opinion is that this approach would be more likely to help you avoid chronic overuse syndromes and result in better long-term health & progress.
I'd approach that as an indication of doing too much/too heavy/too soon. Unless you've already had chronic injury issues (in which case you should be even more cautious), this type of shin pain most likely indicates your connective tissue is not conditioned well enough to deal with the kinds of stress you put it under.

In terms of energy system development, you could replace sprints for a number of other things (pad work, heavy-bag work, rower work, swimming, burpees, partner grappling drills, whatever) and get similar - or better - results.

If I were coaching you, I'd have you do a deload for a week or two, drop the power work and the high-intensity conditioning work altogether, and take a good 4-8 weeks to gradually increase your workload in basic strength and aerobic work (at this stage I'd also address any muscular/postural imbalances and compensation patterns, if any do exist). Once there, I'd have you do at least a couple of months of solid basic strength and aerobic system development before gradually switching you to a power phase. You are very young and my opinion is that this approach would be more likely to help you avoid chronic overuse syndromes and result in better long-term health & progress.
I agree with everything Miaou said. I am older than you, and have spent quite a bit longer than you building a work capacity to handle my training volume, which per week is actually less than yours (I also work a more-than-full-time job, so that obviously factors in). Despite this, I still get run-down and over-worked, and have to deload.

Also, Miaou is absolutey correct in saying that you are probably trying to train too many qualities at once in your S+C. You are young, and you are probably still seeing great gains from your basic strength programming. Your gains in maximal strength are causing gains in many other qualities as well; your power gains are probably more associated with your basic strength programming than with the power-training you added on.

You would probably be well-served to adopt a periodization schedule for your S+C work, even if it's only rudimentary.

Thanks a lot for your opinions guys, really appreciate it. You all seem to be saying the same thing so I'll follow your advice. I am just googling periodization and such so that I'm able to design my own routine, any other resources you guys would recommend I read up in order to learn how to do this stuff? Bear in mind that while it may seem obvious to you, I only have 5 months of correct strength training under my belt and as such have very little idea how to go about doing this stuff. Also any resources on how to identify and address muscular/postular imbalances and compensation patterns?

Also, I believe the shin-pain is simply a combination of doing sprints without any previous running for 4-5 months (besides tempo runs), as well as starting to do jump-rope everyday, as well as gaining weight quickly (I started at 77-78kg and am now 85-86kg). I have been doing ankle dorsiflexion exercises as well as icing it in order to relieve this.
S&P periodization in its most basic form would go something like this:

A) Adaptation phase: do a short (usually 4-8 weeks) phase where you start light and aim to gradually build up your work capacity and connective tissue conditioning to handle greater intensity and work volume. During this phase, also focus on "prehab" exercises and corrective work as necessary.
B) Strength phase: a couple of months (could be few or many, depending on your level and competitive schedule if any) of focusing on basic strength gains. Typically, you start with lots of volume and gradually lower volume and increase intensity. For a beginner/intermediate, you could just follow the progression of a classic strength program for a few months.
C) Power phase: several weeks (usually 4-8) of focusing on power work. If possible do 1 or 2 short strength sessions focusing only on the main compounds for strength maintenance without too much volume.
D) Peaking phase: several weeks (4-6) of focusing on main sport work at high intensity. If possible, do a few short S&P training sessions for maintenance.
E) Deload/rest.

A rudimentary conditioning periodization plan is in the conditioning FAQ. Corresponding with the S&P work, the timeframe would go something like this:
A) Also an adaptation phase where you begin with light short jogs (or whatever other type of conditioning work you plan to do) and gradually increase the length and intensity.
B+C) Basic aerobic work, taking the first several weeks to put in the "mileage" (LISS) and at some point gradually increasing intensity (threshold training, HISS, "tempo runs")
D) Muscular endurance work (HIIT) as required for your sport. The more sport-specific the exercises you implement in this phase the better.
E) Deload/rest.

As Gi mentioned, something as basic as this should work perfectly fine for you.
Hill Sprints

Skipped these due to shin pain, will do them on Saturday instead on the bike/rower.

Jiu Jitsu

My best session ever. Did a lot of fun conditioning where you pick someone roughly your size and then you have to jump on him and basically climb around him, under his legs, ontop of him etc. without touching the floor, this was a crazy good full-body workout. Afterwards did the same thing except we all stood in a circle, and 1 of us had to go round the circle jumping from one to the other without touching the floor. Was really tiring but I did very good at this, getting the most times around the circle although I am the heaviest there. Afterwards rolled, best session ever! Got 8 submissions on different people including youtube'd arm triangle, arm-bars, and some others I can't remember. Felt really good.
5-3-1 Cycle 5 Week 3

-Rebound push-ups onto max step + 2 20kg plates 5 x 1
-Depth jumps off 65cm box 5 x 1
-Deadlift (double overhand + fatgripz) 1 x 5 x 60kg
1 x 5 x 75kg (remove fatgripz)
1 x 3 x 90kg
1 x 5 x 112.5kg
1 x 3 x 127.5kg
1 x 2 x 142.5kg (all double overhand, my grip feels very strong right now, left 2-3 in the tank)
-Military press 1 x 5 x 25kg
1 x 5 x 32.5kg
1 x 3 x 37.5kg
1 x 5 x 47.5kg
1 x 3 x 52.5kg
1 x 1 x 57.5kg (left 1 in the tank, still felt kind of weak on these)
-Front squat 3 x 5 x 85kg (decided to maintain last week's weight as I was pretty tired)
-CGBP 1 x 5 x 57.5kg
1 x 5 x 65kg
1 x 5 x 75kg
-Decline sit-ups 1 x 10 x BW+10kg
1 x 10 x BW+15kg
1 x 10 x BW+20kg
1 x 8 x BW+20kg
1 x 7 x BW+25kg
-Hanging leg raises feet to bar 3 x 8

Jiu Jitsu

Worked on a lot of take-downs and take-down defense. Specifically the "baiana" or double-leg take-down, as well as body underhook stuff work. Worked on sprawling and putting outside hand infront of opponent's face to prevent him from reaching for our legs. Worked on sprawling then shifting to the side and controlling the back. Afterwards people rolled, I was feeling worn out so stretched instead and watched. Also practiced Kimuras from guard that I learnt on youtube with a friend, really cool move.
Jiu Jitsu

Cancelled due to internal tournament, I should've participated but was too late.

Stationary bike sprints

Can't sprint due to shin pain, so decided to do them on the stationary bike instead:
-5 minute warm-up at low resistance
-8 20 second high resistance sprints with 2 minute medium resistance recovery/rest periods
-8 minute cool-down at low resistance

Pretty sure I lost my anal virginity to the spin bike seat, that shit is pointy and painful.
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5-3-1 Cycle 5 Week 4 (Deload)

-Squat 1 x 5 x 55kg
1 x 5 x 67.5kg
1 x 5 x 80kg
-Power cleans 5 x 3 x 72.5kg
-Good morning 1 x 5 x 30kg
1 x 5 x 37.5kg
1 x 5 x 45kg
-Ab wheel roll-outs 1 x 10 x BW+10kg
1 x 10 x BW+15kg
1 x 8 x BW+20kg
1 x 6 x BW+25kg
-Hanging l-sits and other isometric holds hanging from the bar with my legs up at 90 degrees and under 7 x 10 seconds

I want to start learning a lot of the gymnastics movements, I really enjoy them and I feel like they require a completely different type of strength than barbell movements, more focussed on core and balance. Once I finish my exams I will be focussing much more on upping my work capacity, doing 1-2 small work-outs a day in addition to my 2 main ones. I want to learn to do stuff like hand-stand push-ups, single-leg squats (can only really do 1 right now), triple-clap push-ups, L-sits, flag etc. Also, from now on I will divide my abdominal training into 2 exercises per day, 1 heavy and 1 isometric, the heavy ones will be weighted decline sit-ups, weighted ab-rollouts (working up to full roll-outs) and turkish get-ups. The isometric holds will be weighted planks, L-sits and side-planks.

Jiu Jitsu

Worked on technique of getting out of side-mount and pulling back into guard. Elbow on face other elbow on leg, push out and bring knee in, then control arm and collar or arm and arm and push yourself back extending yourself as much as possible and working your way to bringing him back to guard. Afterwards worked on side-mount again when your opponent goes to hug your head, you block, then pelvis escape lie and get on all 4's while grabbing his far leg, afterwards take him down by grabbing other leg with 1 hand and pulling both legs together. Afterwards go to hug his head and opponent does the same thing. Afterwards rolled.
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Jiu Jitsu

De-loading my conditioning stuff this week, so not doing tempo runs today. Jiu Jitsu worked position with two partners where they stand on either side of you, you lay on the floor, grab one of your partner's feet behind you then roll back with your legs crossed on his, and spin yourself around so that you face him, repeated this for him too. Afterwards worked on a passing guard movement where your opponent has 1 leg up and the other down, focussed on grabbing the leg with the outside hand, and passing quickly through while maintaing control and giving no space. Afterwards rolled.
5-3-1 Cycle 5 Week 4 (Deload)

-Bench press 1 x 5 x 42.5kg
1 x 5 x 52.5kg
1 x 5 x 62.5kg
-Squats 1 x 5 x 55kg
1 x 5 x 67.5kg
1 x 5 x 80kg
-Rows 1 x 5 x 32.5kg
1 x 5 x 42.5kg
1 x 5 x 50kg
-Dips 3 x 5 x BW
-Decline sit-ups 1 x 10 x BW+10kg
1 x 10 x BW +15kg
1 x 8 x BW+20kg
1 x 8 x BW+25kg
1 x 7 x BW+30kg
-Plank 1 x 30sec x BW
1 x 30 sec x BW+5kg
1 x 30sec x BW+15kg (misload, was supposed to be 10kg)
1 x 30sec x BW+20kg

Muay Thai

National holiday. MT was cancelled, there was Jiu Jitsu at 9AM and I should've gone but I really needed sleep as there's construction being done at my house in the early morning that has been bothering my sleep.
5-3-1 Cycle 5 Week 4 (Deload)

-Deadlift (fatgripz + DOH) 1 x 5 x 60kg
1 x 5 x 75kg (first 3 reps fatgripz)
1 x 5 x 90kg (first rep fatgripz)
-Military press 1 x 5 x 25kg
1 x 5 x 32.5kg
1 x 5 x 37.5kg
-Front squat 3 x 5 x 70kg
-CGBP 1 x 5 x 37.5kg
1 x 5 x 45kg
1 x 5 x 55kg
-Turkish get-ups 1 x 10 x 8kg kettlebel (5 reps each arm)
1 x 10 x 12kg kettlebel (5 reps each arm)
1 x 10 x 16kg kettlebel (5 reps each arm)
1 x 10 x 24kg kettlebel (5 reps each arm)
-Side plank 6 x 30seconds x BW (3 on each side)

Muay Thai

Warmed up with stretching and shadow-boxing (didn't jump rope as I'm trying to save my shin a bit this week). Afterwards did 1 hour of different sparring drills, first 3 rounds of just kicks. Then I use only right arm opponent uses only left arm, both of us can also kick, then switch. Then I only box opponent only kicks, then switch. Then just boxing with shots to the body only, 2 rounds. Then free sparring, 1 round. Went pretty hard in the last 3 rounds as I got a cool guy that was around my weight and very competetive, we got called a few times to slow down but it was very fun to go hard like that. I still need to improve a lot at keeping my cool while taking head-punches. Did much better at the body drill than at free sparring.

Jiu Jitsu

Got there late as MT ended later than normal. Watched a technique drill which was a strange sweep from omoplata position in guard, learnt that in order to sweep one must first send opponent to the opposite direction we want to sweep to, so that he weighs down and then it's less of an effort to sweep. It was something like grab far leg, control 1 arm, then cross legs under that arm, sweep back and either mount or side-mount. Afterwards people rolled and I just watched and stretched, 40 minutes stretching and ankle dorsiflexion mobility exercises.
Jiu Jitsu

Cancelled due to national championships. I'm supposed to be de-loading conditioning this week but I didn't want to not do anything, so I decided to do some LISS on the rower.


-C2 Concept Rower, 40 minutes low intensity, covered 9km.
New cycle training maxes:

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5-3-1 Cycle 6 Week 1

(moving plyo's to their own day before conditioning from now on, to make my strength workouts shorter)
-Squat 1 x 5 x 57.5kg
1 x 5 x 70kg
1 x 3 x 85kg
1 x 5 x 90kg
1 x 5 x 105kg
1 x 5 x 117.5kg (PR) (So happy with this, filmed them and they were the best they've ever been, will post them here when I can figure out how to upload stuff from my phone)
-Power clean 5 x 2 x 90kg (2 misses throughout, my legs felt heavy after squatting, filmed these too)
-Good Morning 1 x 10 x 40kg
1 x 10 x 47.5kg
1 x 10 x 55kg
-Decline sit-ups (plate behind head) 1 x 10 x BW+10kg
1 x 8 x BW+15kg
1 x 10 x BW+20kg (first 2 plate behind head, last 8 plate on chest)
1 x 10 x BW+25kg (plate on chest)
1 x 10 x BW+30kg (plate on chest)
-Isometric hanging l-sit holds at 90
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Did nothing today, exam tomorrow and am too nervous/excited to get to the gym. It was a public holiday so couldn't go to Jiu Jitsu. This is the first day I've missed since starting the program, feels very bad but I have exams these next 2 weeks and need to cut myself some slack.
I wish I have your determination. I would want to have muscle all over me and every time I tried it out. I always end up losing the determination I have when I was starting.
Medicine ball work/jumps

-Overhead backwards throw 3 x 3 (all sets with 6kg medicine ball)
-Scoop throw 3x3 (first set with 3kg medicine ball, last 2 with 6kg) PR was around 8m, will measure this more exactly from now on.
-Standing double jump 4 x 2 (will measure distance for this too from now on)

5-3-1 Cycle 6 Week 1

-Bench press 1 x 5 x 42.5kg
1 x 5 x 52.5kg
1 x 3 x 62.5kg
1 x 5 x 67.5kg
1 x 5 x 77.5kg
1 x 7 x 87.5kg (PR) (Same weight as last month's 5 week though, I upped my max by 2.5kg but the actual numbers stayed the same, w/e)
-Rows 1 x 5 x 32.5kg
1 x 5 x 45kg
1 x 3 x 50kg
1 x 5 x 55kg
1 x 5 x 62.5kg
1 x 6 x 70kg
-Dips 1 x 10 x BW
1 x 10 x BW
1 x 10 x BW+12.5kg
-(Light) Squats 1 x 5 x 57.5kg
1 x 5 x 70kg
1 x 5 x 85kg
-Ab roll-outs 1 x 10 x BW+10kg
1 x 10 x BW+15kg
1 x 8 x BW+20kg
1 x 4 x BW+25kg
-Planks 1 x 60seconds x BW+5kg
1 x 60seconds x BW+10kg
1 x 60seconds x BW+15kg (this was tough as hell, was shaking uncontrollably by the 45 second mark)

No MT, had an exam in the morning and then studied through the day.
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You should post it in the main forum. It'll get alot more views in there.
I wish I have your determination. I would want to have muscle all over me and every time I tried it out. I always end up losing the determination I have when I was starting.

Thanks man, you should start a log next time you start, it helps keep you accountable, to yourself and others.

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