Anyone ever bought Bitcoin?

I strongly, strongly doubt this. I've never done it personally, but that would go against much of what the purpose of bitcoins stands for. There's got to be other ways to purchase, man. I used to know a Silk Road vendor, and the way him and his customers did business was not like that. Anonymity at all costs. Bank username and password screams "imma take your shit".

And what newsgroup site makes you pay for membership now? Been a couple years, but that doesn't make much sense.

There's really only ONE newsgroup site out there left and that's nzbsrus. Every other one has shut down, except for the unreliable search engine ones. You can browse nzbsrus, but you can't download anything unless you have a VIP account, in which the only way you can attain one is to buy the subscription at 1 btc for 12 months.

What can you buy with bitcoins?

Everything that you don't want anyone to know you're buying. I've seen ads for sex slaves, assassins, illegal porn, and even assassins. Most of these are bunk ads, but I'm willing to bet there are some that are real. It's the black market. If there's a demand, there will be a supply.
There's really only ONE newsgroup site out there left and that's nzbsrus. Every other one has shut down, except for the unreliable search engine ones. You can browse nzbsrus, but you can't download anything unless you have a VIP account, in which the only way you can attain one is to buy the subscription at 1 btc for 12 months.


Heh yeah I guess nzbzone is gone. I'll jump on IRC later and see if I can't track down some cats that'll have an alternative for you...
There's really only ONE newsgroup site out there left and that's nzbsrus. Every other one has shut down, except for the unreliable search engine ones. You can browse nzbsrus, but you can't download anything unless you have a VIP account, in which the only way you can attain one is to buy the subscription at 1 btc for 12 months.

Everything that you don't want anyone to know you're buying. I've seen ads for sex slaves, assassins, illegal porn, and even assassins. Most of these are bunk ads, but I'm willing to bet there are some that are real. It's the black market. If there's a demand, there will be a supply.

What's so special about that newsgroup site?

See I knew you were looking for an assassin. You mentioned it twice.
Anything to do with deep web is automatically interesting.
I bought 100 bitcoins around a year ago for $4 each, their price now is something like $35 each :D. Ive never had to give out my bank details or anything though.. i bought them via paypal and then got the coins sent to my bitcoin wallet by giving the site i bought them off my wallet address..

Also, if you're interested in mining bitcoins, id suggest investing in one of these:-

How do these things even work? Plug it in, hook up to the internet, link Paypal, collect funds?
To MASS/Jing

Basically, you connect the ASIS machines to your desktop, i believe they have their own basic OS on them, properly similar to linux (im unsure of these details, so take them at face value). Once its hooked up, you need to set it up and tell it which blocks to mine or join a mining pool. When you have BitCoins, you have a Bitcoin Wallet, you can make unlimited addresses in the wallet to receive BitCoin as payment for whatever services you want to buy. So you'll set up a separate address where all your accumulated BitCoins from the ASIS will be stored.

The only downside i can see at the moment with these machines are the fact that they hardly have any built at the moment, so it will take a while for them to dispatch any, and know what i think of it, your electricity bills will suffer from these aswell, especially if you leave them running 24/7 :D.
^^Anything to do with deep web is automatically overdramatized.
To MASS/Jing

Basically, you connect the ASIS machines to your desktop, i believe they have their own basic OS on them, properly similar to linux (im unsure of these details, so take them at face value). Once its hooked up, you need to set it up and tell it which blocks to mine or join a mining pool. When you have BitCoins, you have a Bitcoin Wallet, you can make unlimited addresses in the wallet to receive BitCoin as payment for whatever services you want to buy. So you'll set up a separate address where all your accumulated BitCoins from the ASIS will be stored.

The only downside i can see at the moment with these machines are the fact that they hardly have any built at the moment, so it will take a while for them to dispatch any, and know what i think of it, your electricity bills will suffer from these aswell, especially if you leave them running 24/7 :D.

I question the safety of them, simply because people on the deep web are known to be amazing hackers.

Not even sure what "mining" is, other than just grabbing small fractions of bitcoins or something.
To MASS/Jing

Basically, you connect the ASIS machines to your desktop, i believe they have their own basic OS on them, properly similar to linux (im unsure of these details, so take them at face value). Once its hooked up, you need to set it up and tell it which blocks to mine or join a mining pool. When you have BitCoins, you have a Bitcoin Wallet, you can make unlimited addresses in the wallet to receive BitCoin as payment for whatever services you want to buy. So you'll set up a separate address where all your accumulated BitCoins from the ASIS will be stored.

The only downside i can see at the moment with these machines are the fact that they hardly have any built at the moment, so it will take a while for them to dispatch any, and know what i think of it, your electricity bills will suffer from these aswell, especially if you leave them running 24/7 :D.


So it's like Superman 3?

Sounds like you need a lot of technical know how and potentially dangerous.

Still have no clue where the bitcoins are and how you obtain them.
There's really only ONE newsgroup site out there left and that's nzbsrus. Every other one has shut down, except for the unreliable search engine ones. You can browse nzbsrus, but you can't download anything unless you have a VIP account, in which the only way you can attain one is to buy the subscription at 1 btc for 12 months.

Everything that you don't want anyone to know you're buying. I've seen ads for sex slaves, assassins, illegal porn, and even assassins. Most of these are bunk ads, but I'm willing to bet there are some that are real. It's the black market. If there's a demand, there will be a supply.

So if someone has bitcoins they have them to buy that kind of stuff? Is there any legal use for them?
yea, like someone said, you can buy pizza with bitcoins on a certain pizza chain. Also, they're increasing in value, so it's probably a good investment, but very risky
I mainly use Bitinstant, but the fees can suck. What's a good cheap way to get your BTC? How's Coinbase?

So it's like Superman 3?

Sounds like you need a lot of technical know how and potentially dangerous.

Still have no clue where the bitcoins are and how you obtain them.

Haha, Office Space :B.

It isn't dangerous imo, people just hype deep web up and produce bullshit stories that they've heard before from trolls etc.

Bitcoins go into your Bitcoin Wallet (its a program you download), In the Wallet, you are able to create Addresses for people to send Bitcoins to you. You can create as many addresses as you like, which is recommended because you can attach notes to them, so you can keep track of what you've purchased/sold. You can obtain them by selling services on the deep web, buying them from sites (i.e MTGox) or you can use your processor to mine them.
It's my first time buying bitcoin and I won't even get it til next week. Probably has something to do with me using my checking account to pay for it.
wow, i never even heard of this silkroad thing before. I just looked into it. hmm...How safe is it, can I seriously have "medicine" sent to my home address and not worry about the popo?
wow, i never even heard of this silkroad thing before. I just looked into it. hmm...How safe is it, can I seriously have "medicine" sent to my home address and not worry about the popo?

Its anonymous. You can always just say "it wasn't me" or "I have no idea how it got here"
wow, i never even heard of this silkroad thing before. I just looked into it. hmm...How safe is it, can I seriously have "medicine" sent to my home address and not worry about the popo?

Use BlackMarketReloaded instead sir.
EDIT, don't know if I can get in trouble for saying that.
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