How many people here carry concealed weapons on a daily basis?

I live in Atlanta, and you can bet your sweet ass I'm going to be carrying when I get my WCL.

It is a simple precautionary measure to ensure that myself, my loved ones, and our possessions have protection should anything happen.

I also grew up hunting, so I've been firing long guns my entire life. Being around firearms since you're a lad is pretty cool, it leaves you with a huge impression. A gun can easily take the life of something. You should always respect a firearm and always treat them as of they're loaded and ready to fire.
haha, I would have never guessed something that big, but it makes sense now that you mention it.

I agree on the m9. I hate that gun. I picked one up at a local auction because of the price. Took it to the range, and sold it promptly.

I never carry anything on a daily basis and its tough to conceal the Super Redhawk. I also own a Heckler & Koch P30L Long Slide 9mm. I don't shoot it very often but its a cool gun.

Others that I own

.357 Colt Python
.45 Colt Anaconda
.22 Browning Buck Mark
Has nothing to do with fear.

It's exercising a constitutional right, and choosing not to be a victim.

I carry a S&W M&P 9c, and a S&W 642CT.

so you fear that you might become a victim unless you carry a weapon?

don't worry i have changedd my mind on this everyone else's arguments have shown me the error of my thinking, thus i now drive a tank and carry suface to air missiles.

this is purely out of precaution of a ground or air terorist attack, it's happened before and it could happen again.

not that i'm scurred or anything
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I think of carrying like a home owners insurance policy. When I buy a home, I'm getting it insured not because I live in constant fear of fire or natural disaster, but because I know I'll be protected if something ever happens.

Came in to post exactly this. Carrying has nothing to do with fear, just being prepared. It's like having insurance or wearing a seat belt.
I never carry anything on a daily basis and its tough to conceal the Super Redhawk. I also own a Heckler & Koch P30L Long Slide 9mm. I don't shoot it very often but its a cool gun.

Others that I own

.357 Colt Python
.45 Colt Anaconda
.22 Browning Buck Mark
Gimme dat Python plz
This thread should be abandoned. But first we should all admit that we live in fear. Poohbearsbong, are you scared of firearms?
This thread should be abandoned. But first we should all admit that we live in fear. Poohbearsbong, are you scared of firearms?

As i already said, If i lived in a country where firearms where prevelent and i would have reasonable ground to fear being shot or held at gunpoint then i would carry.

but i don't, and the chances of me getting into a life and death situation in my day to day life is so remote it's not something i fear.

Do i Fear firearms? sure they're designed with no other purpose than to kill, why wouldn't you fear them? (obviously i'm talking in terms of a firearm being used, not as an inanimate object).

Everyones getting all butthurt over my statement as if i'm somehow saying i'm braver or more of a man than you, if you bothered to read my follow on points you would see that my point was i have no reason to fear guns because there are very few where i live...

everyones so ashamed to admit to fear... 'ita just a precaution'.. precautions are taken out of fear of a situation arising put your balls away for a second and look at this objectively.
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I don't fear firearms but I certainly respect them. Why do people criticize individuals who carry?
My coworker does.

I went the gun range a month ago and shot some guns for the first time in my life. I intend to do some courses, get my CHL, then also carry. I plan on buying this.

I don't fear firearms but I certainly respect them. Why do people criticize individuals who carry?

I didn't criticize i made a statement related to myself and people took that as inference of something else and got butthurt.

People also seem to have issues relating to admitting fear.

Sorry but I lock my doors and wear a seatbelt because i fear that i could get broken into or crash a car.

You guys can argue symantics all you want and call it respect or precaution or whatever else keeps you feeling good about yourselves, but fear is fear.

again i'm not talking piss your pants fear, just a general everday fear that all humans have (except sociopaths possibly).
My coworker does.

I went the gun range a month ago and shot some guns for the first time in my life. I intend to do some courses, get my CHL, then also carry. I plan on buying this.

CHL gonna get a CHL

florida permit holder. I carry either a glock 27 or kimber ultra tle.
The interesting thing is that the stricter the gun laws, the more gun crimes (ie Chicago, Detroit, NY, CA, etc...) I've never heard the anti-gun crowd explain that phenomenon.

But then why don't Canada or the UK have the same level of gun crime? Our gun laws are much stricter than America's. It's what leads me to believe that strict laws aren't the driver of gun violence. I'm guessing it's a correlative effect, rather than causative.

America is a very militaristic nation. The use of force is something that is casually accepted by Americans as a whole - look at your military spending, or even your history (different from Canada - America was born out of a war. It's ingrained in your history).

I'm guessing it's just ideological differences. Someone who carries a concealed weapon isn't a bad person. That individual may be more inclined to be a hero if something does happen, which can cause further problems, but that's the kind of thing you deal with on a case by case basis. We had a "hero" in Toronto at a bank robbery in 2012, where an unarmed guy attempted to tackle one of the armed gunmen fleeing the bank. Nobody was hurt, but he was casually warned by the police not to do that. Hero complexes are not dependent on firearms.

As I said previously, I believe that there's a scale of fear here. Some of it is speculation based on perspective, but some of it is real too (hence why I lock my doors and why my wife avoids certain areas at night). My parents, who live in Northern Ontario, don't need to lock their doors at night and worry about where they walk. Bad things happen, but much less frequently.

Some people see a gun as a weapon (I do), others see it as a tool that can cause lethal harm. Well, a hammer can cause lethal harm too, so can a knife. So can my leather belt if I use it right. Concealed weapons are simply more culturally accepted in America than Canada.

I cannot personally imagine feeling the need or desire to carry a concealed weapon because in my daily life, I do not perceive there to be any realistic (or even speculative) threats against my life or safety. It would be foolish of me to apply my logic to someone else - specifically, someone who lives in a society with significantly higher violent crime than Canada, and where guns and lethal force are more routinely accepted as solutions.

As an aside, while I think that guns are weapons, I find them to be technologically fascinating. Their function, their design, dissemination, the political ramifications of small arms proliferation, all very academically interesting to me. I just don't feel the need to carry one around, same reason I don't feel the need to drive a big pickup truck. It has its uses, but it does not enrich my life to own one.
But why are you so desperately trying to get people to agree and or admit to being in fear? Does it make you feel uncomfortable knowing that you are alone here in your own fear of firearms?
But why are you so desperately trying to get people to agree and or admit to being in fear? Does it make you feel uncomfortable knowing that you are alone here in your own fear of firearms?

not really I guess i find it stupid that people are saying they're not scared and then saying but i/my family could get shot.

So you're not scared of getting shot?

if your not scared of getting shot then you don't need to carry...

it's flawed logic.
But why are you so desperately trying to get people to agree and or admit to being in fear? Does it make you feel uncomfortable knowing that you are alone here in your own fear of firearms?

I can't tell if this quote was meant for me or not. But just in case, for clarity, I am not afraid of guns.