Media The Best and Funniest TUF moments of all time (Merged)

There is only one answer to this question....
Kimbo trying to explain "the inner me"(enemy)

Rampage destroying the door.
"Up up up up up up up up up"
Matt Brown finding out that Jeremy May put lime juice in his tobaccy, asking Forrest to get matched up with him, then destroying him:


Are we friends like that?

I thought ... maybe ... we could be.
Big fan of when Diaz punked Emerson and when him and Karo almost went at it

I also liked when Manny was going ape shit about something (maybe someone wrote something on the wall) acting like he was going to smash whoever did it, then he found out it was Emerson and completely shut up.


Love Dana, let Junie Browning on the show who was drunked, acting like an asshole, fighting with everybody, desroying stuff but on Season 18 he didn't want the pics of Edmund Rousey to be seen ...
Not for notihng but I laughed kinda hard when they showed sara talking after the fight. Her face was jacked up!!!
Forrest VS Rampage in basketball
Lol I'm really going to have to just rewatch all of Season 7, probably my favorite season.

Jesse Taylor being extremely odd, Matt Brown being a badass, Amir being little Forrest, Matt Riddle being funny. Rampage being funny. Forrest being funny.

Great fights.

gif credit tsube (and Juliana and TUF)...(and a bit of Miesha)