The best non-superpowered superhero: Captain America or Batman?

the fuck, since when was captain american non powered?

A better comparison is iron man ffs
deathstroke too


Deathstroke is one of the few people to beat Batman in H2H combat, although Wilson admitted it was probably his toughest fight.:cool:
Batman by far!
Daredevil is a close second in my book
not sure if the enhanced human, even if drug enhanced should be considered s super power. Definitely a debate there. It is kind of like using super steroids to hit your peak. You are still a normal human on steroids. You just 'cheated" to get to a point.

How would you guys rank Black Panther who is also a peak enhanced human?

not sure if the enhanced human, even if drug enhanced should be considered s super power. Definitely a debate there. It is kind of like using super steroids to hit your peak. You are still a normal human on steroids. You just 'cheated" to get to a point.

How would you guys rank Black Panther who is also a peak enhanced human?


BP doesn't get enough love. Arguably, he is superhuman.

BP > Deathstroke > Captain America > Batman. panther .....Mr. terrific
Batman fanbois are delusional.......without his super-powers of the writers saving his ass.....Batman would be shot dead in under a week.

By a crack-head....
Captain America is one of the best if not the best hand to hand combatant in the marvel universe. Captain America may lack super human strength/speed/etc but he balances this in his battle by being the superior skilled hand to hand fighter. This is the main reason the super soldier Captain America can hold his own against super powered villain and against fellow superheroes like Spider-Man, Wolverine, Iron-Man, and other over-powered super heroes like the Hulk.
Cap >>>>>>>>>>>>> bat. Way more interesting IMO
I one of the few who prefer daredevil over batman so maybe I'm biased
Batman by default due to Cap being augmented.
Captain America is one of the best if not the best hand to hand combatant in the marvel universe. Captain America may lack super human strength/speed/etc but he balances this in his battle by being the superior skilled hand to hand fighter. This is the main reason the super soldier Captain America can hold his own against super powered villain and against fellow superheroes like Spider-Man, Wolverine, Iron-Man, and other over-powered super heroes like the Hulk.

how does cap lack super strength and speed?

any1 who can knock off a punching bag has enhanced strength

not sure if the enhanced human, even if drug enhanced should be considered s super power. Definitely a debate there. It is kind of like using super steroids to hit your peak. You are still a normal human on steroids. You just 'cheated" to get to a point.

How would you guys rank Black Panther who is also a peak enhanced human?


here come the batman fangirls. Captain american is in a class above batboy, sorry prep-time fools.

And panther is the only one who can beat captain america.

The Black Panther is basically Batman except better in every concievable way