Baby Metal...


Holy Paladin
May 7, 2008
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You guys have heard about Baby Metal, the Japanese metal band. Do you guys think it's wasted talent? The actual band has a fuck ton of talent and they put out good songs, if you take the little girls out of the equation. They just ruin the songs.



Without the little girls the band would be a flop. Japanese otaku are weird pedo trash who jerk off to little anime girls. Seriously though, not making this shit up.

The hentai (porn) manga, dvd, figure, and video game sales featuring girls under the age of 12 is staggering.
shit man, what are the fucking odds!! yesterday just out of the fucking blue I googled japanese metal bands and Baby Metal came up and I checked out one of those videos, and now I see your thread.... did I just called this reality with my mind????
And you thought bronies were bad??


I bought the CD.
Without the little girls the band would be a flop. Japanese otaku are weird pedo trash who jerk off to little anime girls. Seriously though, not making this shit up.

The hentai (porn) manga, dvd, figure, and video game sales featuring girls under the age of 12 is staggering.

Child pornography was recently outlawed. Meanwhile, shota and lolicon (all kinda the same) are still legal. Shocking.
baby metal has a couple of legit good songs. and a few that are close.

if it was just "su-metal" it'd be way better.

Without the little girls the band would be a flop. Japanese otaku are weird pedo trash who jerk off to little anime girls. Seriously though, not making this shit up.

The hentai (porn) manga, dvd, figure, and video game sales featuring girls under the age of 12 is staggering.

you do know they have sold out shows outside of japan. while maybe not the bigger Japan size shows still 1000+ venues.
like the Fonda Theatre in LA, in 7 minutes
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I am not very familiar with this, but you are talking about it so they must be doing something right.
The words "talent" and "death metal" do not belong together.

It's the same old machine gun sludge that has been played a thousand times.

Aggro sociopath rock.
I would lie if I said I didn't dig some of their songs, they're catchy. That said I would like to see the band separate and do a solo album in the future, get a singer who more fits their sound.
What in the fuck.

That demon band is obviously serving those three vampires.
I liked the following YouTube comment under the catch me if you can video:

"Too much Radiation"
Before anyone dismisses this as a gimmick they actually have some good songs.
I'm reminded of that scene in Blade where he goes into the club and there's two Japanese schoolgirls singing/rapping to a room full of older men.
maximum the hormone is good too- Nao is a SICK female drummer. that last babymetal song sounds like a ministry riff-

I actually quite liked that, ts.


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