League of Legends, v9: The Phreak-y thread

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Red Belt
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score




Sherdog Name = League Summoner Name
OnionKnight86 = shes only lvl 17 (NA)
echohead = echoheadxx (NA)
Byron Carter = 'Dulu' and 'Dulu MZ' when on timeout (NA)
AgeofEmpires2 = rungnir (NA)
Real_Magi = izael archi magu (NA)
Old Jewish Lady = nakedlolplayer (NA)
goforkyourself = Hitherepals (NA)
SiCnEsS = Milster (NA)
Thesis = Thesis (NA)
execute = Roidereem (NA)
= idlasthitit (NA)
Gaeric = GaericSD (NA)
sgt jumpy = jumpy clone (NA)
bubble bath = Hodgy Cuddles (NA)
Andrewwawa = worldcathiphop (NA)
agentorange24 = LOLDozer (NA)
a13ks = Mustafa Sex Crim (NA)
dawnignited = Strifesong (NA)
caulderborn = Dormath (NA)
gronkkkk = Delmrus (NA)
Rogerthealien = Lolargasm (NA)
Krossinc = JabberSmash (NA)
Rmbr2Breathe = GrillCheeseSammy (NA)
gopackgo555 = gopackgo555 (NA)
F[o]rged = reploiid (NA)
goldenglovez = Katrib (NA)
Torami = Bruce Swain (NA)
Fido = Looniewise (NA)
xtramob = xtramob (NA)
TheGoodCat = 1Auro (NA)
Tomie = Rastira (NA)
Takun = Manv88 (NA)
frystyle = Fryztyle (EUW)
Carl Drogo = CarlDrogo1
salkyrie - elicode (NA)
AZ103 = CallyourMomYJL

Sherdog ranked:

Current Patch notes: Patch Notes 4.17

If your name isn't on here or there is any other info you think the OP needs go ahead and PM me.

If anyone wants to get some serious ranked team play going be sure to say something and let us know which region you are. I'll start a second list of people for ranked play.

NA LCS Standings:

EU LCS Standings

OGN Bracket

LPL China Standings

GPL SEA Bracket
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The comments I see that make me rage the most are these two:

-(after avoidable death) "I'm done."
-(After lost teamfight) "We don't have a tank!"
I love playing Tristana, she's such a counter to all of these hypertanks.

Picked up 2 quadras in an epic come from behind game, other team had Nasus, Maokai, and Braum. Did over 10k magic damage, explosive shot op.
I love playing Tristana, she's such a counter to all of these hypertanks.

Picked up 2 quadras in an epic come from behind game, other team had Nasus, Maokai, and Braum. Did over 10k magic damage, explosive shot op.

I have to work on my trist game i found her so clunky in the one i played her in. I just got her from riots facebook page damn was i behind the times on that one.

I vote Duo top to the list of oh gawd what did he say.
Trist is just OP, she is good in top mid or bot. Longest escape, which resets so if you go for a 1v1 kill and jungle shows up no big deal. Just kill and then run. If ur oppenent leaves lane tower gone in seconds. I am a big fan of trist top, any kind of sustain top laner just gets shut down so hard.
who do you guys have advancing to worlds from NA?

C9 TSM CLG seems to be the favorite. Think a team will surprise everyone?

How's the rest of the worlds looking? Is Faker's team even going to make it?
who do you guys have advancing to worlds from NA?

C9 TSM CLG seems to be the favorite. Think a team will surprise everyone?

How's the rest of the worlds looking? Is Faker's team even going to make it?

If Curse or CLG show up, I don't see TSM making it. LMQ and c9 are locks.
Hoping C9 and Curse.

CLG is just lols @ this point. Doublelift blaming Dexter and then in the Curse game completely gets destroyed and then continued to complain that Dexter never came bot even though they say they always win bot. Cop/Xspecial shit on them so hard that game.


Doublelift blamed jungle
Doublelift said Eve must be OP cause they lost to it
The guy is true LoL scum.
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Damn junglers get shit on even at pro level. XD I mean should that really be an issue, if you need assistance pre 6 with a professional team it shouldnt be hard to communicate where and when. If you need your jungler to reach level 6 quickly for ganks, they need to tell him that.

They keep saying how do we fix this, like its dexters issue, but the issue is their lacking communication. "Youre a jungler you should know where to start", holy fuck is DL a douche. Every lane and matchups having different dynamics, with the level theyre playing at almost perfecting every champion, they need to be vocal beforehand if they will need help or if they want an fast level 6 jungler. Its like soloqueue in that house. But it reinforces the god stature of Aphro, he just wants to be happy and make plays :(
Hoping C9 and Curse.

CLG is just lols @ this point. Doublelift blaming Dexter and then in the Curse game completely gets destroyed and then continued to complain that Dexter never came bot even though they say they always win bot. Cop/Xspecial shit on them so hard that game.


Doublelift blamed jungle
Doublelift said Eve must be OP cause they lost to it
The guy is true LoL scum.

That video really shits on all of them. The latest one shows improvement though. I'm wondering if Hipster Monte had them swallowing some Korean dudes to gain their powers.
I forgot about LMQ



and TSM for me (and I dislike 2 of those teams )

I don't like TSM playing anyone in a series. Besides Curse, they were even or behind on games vs playoff teams. Luckily for them, Dig and CLG have fallen hard, and they typically beat Curse.
Yo is the server down? I can't seem to log in.
Ah I see, well I got in and played a team builder match so no biggie :D
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