Official #GamerGate Discussion & News Thread

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Black Belt
Aug 26, 2005
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Here’s a doozey of a story for you. If you’re not a huge fan of Kotaku or the infamous social justice warrior / indie developer Zoe Quinn,


you’re in for a treat. There’s even a bit about bearded loudmouth Phil Fish. How did such a huge scandal unfold? Well let’s start at the beginning. Zoe Quinn is an indie game developer responsible for the recently published Depression Quest (which I said some nice things about here). It turns out that Zoe has become somewhat infamous online, often accused of playing the victim to gain publicity. Speculation turned to accusation yesterday, when Zoe’s ex-boyfriend make a post on his own blog, accusing her (with proof) of cheating with a number of prominent industry figures. Among them was current Kotaku writer Nathan Grayson, apparently solicitating sexual favours for positive press.
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Wow, this spread FAST.
There's really no way to commentate this without making one look like a chauvinist who like to stampede feminist, but given the parties that came out against her, the apparent blackout of commentaries in various website (either in form of DMCA takedowns or favors with mods) does seemed to point to the face that Zoe is guilty. She posted a reply about not getting bait and all, but no one will come out of this pretty.

I will just grab a bag of popcorn and watch as this unfold even more.

And lol at Phil Fish and Anita came in to rescue. Just lol.
Classic and nasty.
Its all about sex we are still animels.
Fingers crossed this feminazi whore kills herself.

Lol, feminazi is a bit much, but she seemed like a hypocrite with her talking with her bf about not one night stand and other feminist stuffs then turned out to sleep and lies her way through.
This is typical female behavior. Don't trust them at all
This obviously is once again an example of the patriarchy objectifying women and forcing these innocent victims to resort to such drastic measures in order to survive in a male dominated industry.
This obviously is once again an example of the patriarchy objectifying women and forcing these innocent victims to resort to such drastic measures in order to survive in a male dominated industry.

lmao, they do it if they want to. No one is twisting their arm. What a sad statement.
That game looked like shit when I saw it pop up on Steam, thought it was uncouth to capitalize on Williams' death.
lmao, they do it if they want to. No one is twisting their arm. What a sad statement.

How dare you, sir! Women have the right to do whatever they want with their body without judgement or shame from anyone else, especially men with cisgender privilege, no matter how inappropriate or unseemly those actions that may be. That is their right as they are above reproach. Anyone saying otherwise is obviously a misygonist sexist.
This story is such a shitshow. It's so hard to know what's real and what isn't beyond what has been admitted - the whole thing is spiraling out of control, and it's brought out the worst in so many people. First there was the doxxing and horrible harassment, which now may not actually have occurred, then there was the actual horrible harassment that did occur. First there was the fact that a bunch of her nude photos got circulated and the ex-boyfriend was blamed, and then it came to light that those photos came from a porn site for whom she'd done a photoshoot.

So much of this is absolutely nobody's fucking business. It's really nobody's concern but the affected parties if she cheated on her boyfriend with a bunch of dudes or if she broke up a marriage. Lots of people are using it to justify their own slut-shaming and rampant misogyny, but it's really nobody's business.

Arguably the bigger issue is the sorry state of gaming journalism, which was always a gigantic shitty cesspool anyway. Offering favours of any sort for positive gaming press is bad, but accepting those favours is worse. Credibility goes straight down the tubes.

Her ex-boyfriend posted on Reddit about why he published the things that he did, and it did sort of make some sense in that he was trying to explain that it wasn't about revenge, but about warning others of her manipulative nature. I'm not certain it should have gone public, but a bit late for that now. His account made her sound like human garbage, but obviously he's biased, so who knows what's true at this point? Clearly we can't fully believe her, anyway.

We still don't actually know what happened beyond the fact that she cheated on her boyfriend, but this situation is fascinating and deplorable.
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Always lol'ing hard @ the white knights that have taken over VG media/sites
I suppose at the end of the day, the story just makes me feel bad. I feel bad for her for the harassment she's gone through and because she obviously needs some help. I feel bad for her ex-boyfriend, for the (soon-to-be ex-) wife of one of the dudes she slept with, for any other women whose partners she slept with, for the people who jumped to her defence before the facts came out (because this type of shitty harassment is, regrettably, quite common) and just sort of for women in the games industry in general - this whole thing has served a rallying point for the shittiest parts of the male gaming community to come together and say "FEMINISTS IN GAMING ARE ALL GARBAGE AND THIS PROVES IT".

The whole situation is super-gross.
Like i said, nobody is gonna come out of this looking pretty. And by the way LazyFatass, the 5 guy saga vid addressed some of the points that you raised. And i don't think you need to feel bad for anyone involved, since there's a lot that happened and most of them pointed to Zoey and her accomplices being guilty and responsible. The copyright takedowns to me is the tipping point for me to stand on the other side against her. You don't fuck up and try to take people down later when they talk about your fuck up and try to say that you are innocent.
Like i said, nobody is gonna come out of this looking pretty. And by the way LazyFatass, the 5 guy saga vid addressed some of the points that you raised. And i don't think you need to feel bad for anyone involved, since there's a lot that happened and most of them pointed to Zoey and her accomplices being guilty and responsible. The copyright takedowns to me is the tipping point for me to stand on the other side against her. You don't fuck up and try to take people down later when they talk about your fuck up and try to say that you are innocent.

The Game Jam stuff really added a weird element to this. There's so much that's gone on and so much he said/she said. I'm not well-versed in DMCA stuff, so I can't comment on that one.

The /r/gaming subreddit just shut down everything on this conversation, and totally went overboard, but in fairness, it was going nuts against her, really inappropriately.

I'm looking forward for the dust to settle to get some cold hard facts.
From what i've heard, the DMCA threat had been applied to a lot of sites, including tumblr and 4chan of all things. Basically if you are discussing the Zoe Quinn saga, straight to the bin with you. It doesnt matter if it is civil or not. To me it showed how deep the rabbit hole is. Also the Game Jam/Rebel Jam stuff i agree is weird. There's only one source of this and i haven't seen any twitter proofs or other things to corroborate on the accusation. HOWEVER given how Zoe Quinn basically used wizardchan as a way to promote her games/gather sympathy, screwing with her bf to fuck her way through, and to me worst of all exploiting the recent passing of Robin Williams to promote her game, it doesn't really leave much room to imagine on whether or not she's capable to fuck an entire contest just for her sake.

And the nudes are hilarious. I looked at one and immediately close the damn thing. If someone jerk off to
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