Pro Wrestling Discussion 177: Lunatic Fringe, We All Know You're Out There!

Why? because you saw your face in the Webster's definition of the word? Again, I don't see why the same people who don't consider themselves neckbeards get so rustled when the word is used in a conversation they have literally nothing to do with in the first place. If I was calling Hogan and Nash marks "neckbeards" then I would be one too. Maybe you've been here so long you think every time the word is used, its a shot aimed at you directly. Just like the people who have to explain why their love for AJ has nothing to do with Call of Duty and The New 52 Batman.

It's funny, I was talking about WWE driving shit into the dirt.. You repeat these things so often it gets annoying.

The ridiculous generalizations you constantly make.. like calling people who don't agree with you neckbeards, saying it must be because of the comic books and video games, retarded thinking like people only like whoever cuz he was in the indys etc get old and it's painful to listen to.

I have the exact opposite opinion as you on everything related to wrestling. You hate what I like.. but have a tendency to say the people who don't like what you like are 'neckbeards'. I will make occasional comment on it because I find it irritating.
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This guy reeks of neckbeard.

In a post on (via, a fan wrote about an encounter with former WWE champion CM Punk and his wife, current WWE Divas champion AJ Lee, at the Chicago Blackhawks game on Wednesday.

I was at the hawks game and I’m standing getting food and I look to my left, and literally two feet next to me AJ and Punk are standing. Now I am obsessed with both Punk and AJ so I had a little heart attack. But what I kind of didnt like is the only thing I said to them was ‘Hey Phil can I get a picture please’ and he smirked and totally ignored me, looking around like he was spacing the hell out. I didnt say anything else so he didnt think I was a crazy fan but dude, has Punk always been like this in public? It seems like he’s got a stick up his ass and doesn’t even want to acknowledge his fans that spent lots of money to get him super famous and rich. But at the same time I understand because I am sure he is totally sick and tired of always having people wanting photos with him and talk to him and asking him about coming back to WWE. I wasn’t going to ask him that but still, he should’ve at least said ‘hi’ or ‘sorry not now’.
It's funny, I was talking about WWE driving shit into the dirt.. You repeat these things so often it gets annoying.

The ridiculous generalizations you constantly make.. like calling people who don't agree with you neckbeards, saying it must be because of the comic books and video games, retarder thinking people only like whoever cuz he was in the indys etc get old and it's painful to listen to.

I have the exact opposite opinion as you on everything related to wrestling. You hate what I like. but have a tendency to say the people who don't like what you like are 'neckbeards'. I will make occasional comment on it because I find it irritating.

Something about the video you may have missed in your rant was that they were in Detroit that night (Nash's hometown) hence the added support for him and the NWO. I guess our "opposite opinion on everything related to wrestling" you saw it as "WWE is driving Austin and Rock into the dirt because that's what they do" instead of the "NWO's first tv match in a favorable home environment and star power to match Rock and Austin".

Like I said, you see the word neckbeard and put up a defense shield when it's not warranted.
Something about the video you may have missed in your rant was that they were in Detroit that night (Nash's hometown) hence the added support for him and the NWO. I guess our "opposite opinion on everything related to wrestling" you saw it as "WWE is driving Austin and Rock into the dirt because that's what they do" instead of the "NWO's first tv match in a favorable home environment and star power to match Rock and Austin".

Like I said, you see the word neckbeard and put up a defense shield when it's not warranted.

I used it as an opportunity to shit talk WWE and your constant and annoying use of the term neckbeard at the same time. I don't care where it was, and I honestly didn't even watch the video. I somewhat remember seeing it before. NWO was a big deal, new and interesting. It was a 2 on 3 match since Austin and The Rock are so godly. They lost but they still took on the NWO with a handicap.. It wasn't the typical Stone Cold gives the stunner to half the roster shit. That shit gets boring after months and months of it.

I see you use the word neckbeard constantly and I cringe everytime. Call it defensive or whatever you like. Just like you call everything 'neckbeard'. My issue is your massive overuse of the shitty terms, not the terms themselves.. and your gross generalizations.
I used it as an opportunity to shit talk WWE and your constant and annoying use of the term neckbeard at the same time. I don't care where it was, and I honestly didn't even watch the video.

I see you use the word neckbeard constantly and I cringe everytime. Call it defensive or whatever you like. Just like you call everything 'neckbeard'. My issue is your massive overuse of the shitty terms, not the terms themselves.. and your gross generalizations.

Thank You for admitting you only decided to whine when you saw the word neckbeard and not about anything that was actually relevant to the topic. At least you're honest.
Thank You for admitting you only decided to whine when you saw the word neckbeard and not about anything that was actually relevant to the topic. At least you're honest.

Nice. I said I remembered it and didn't need to re-watch it.. You have a talent though.
Tank Abbott with 3 Count was MONEY.
Why are people who aren't neckbeards whining about neckbeards being called neckbeards?


Have you ever though of AJ Lee as attractive, and if 'she likes Comic Books and Video Games' is a factor in that? - Neckbeard.

If you're chanting irrelevant stuff during a match or segment, or trying to get yourself over - Neckbeard.

If you've created or signed a petition because something in a storyline isn't to your satisfaction - Neckbeard.

If you bitch because an indie guy had to change his name, and then complain about burials because he isn't in an advantageous position - Neckbeard

Those are the main things about it. If you don't do those, then don't worry about it.

In fact, better yet. If you identify with this guy, then you've probably answered your own question
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This guy reeks of neckbeard.

In a post on (via, a fan wrote about an encounter with former WWE champion CM Punk and his wife, current WWE Divas champion AJ Lee, at the Chicago Blackhawks game on Wednesday.

I was at the hawks game and I

It's Punk so it probably wouldn't have helped but the guy could've at least called him Punk instead of Phil. I don't think wrestlers like it when you use their real name. Jericho mentioned something about that on his podcast. That just reeks of iwc neckbeard.

Lance Storm wrote a commentary on it. The steadfast rule is "Gimmick names unless they tell you otherwise".

So, for example, Edge would always introduce himself as Adam. But, Kane was doing a phoner, and someone thought they were being hilarious and said "Is this Kane, or is this Isaac Yankem?" Kane than said "Yeah, we'll do this another time" and hung up on them.

It's Punk so it probably wouldn't have helped but the guy could've at least called him Punk instead of Phil. I don't think wrestlers like it when you use their real name. Jericho mentioned something about that on his podcast. That just reeks of iwc neckbeard.

Not only that but Punk has complained numerous times in the past about how fans 'approach' him for autographs and such so it probably wasn't a good idea to ask in the first place. If he was such a Punk mark, he should have known this.
Not only that but Punk has complained numerous times in the past about how fans 'approach' him for autographs and such so it probably wasn't a good idea to ask in the first place. If he was such a Punk mark, he should have known this.

Well, the party line has always been "If you're respectful..." But, the guy's a douche.
Not only that but Punk has complained numerous times in the past about how fans 'approach' him for autographs and such so it probably wasn't a good idea to ask in the first place. If he was such a Punk mark, he should have known this.

Exactly. I'm still a Punk fan despite all the news about him, he was a big reason that kept me watching from 2008-11. Every one knows the deal about him so I just wouldn't bother him. He doesn't like to be approached anyway but standing in line at the concession stand of a hockey game doesn't seem like the best time.
Lance Storm wrote a commentary on it. The steadfast rule is "Gimmick names unless they tell you otherwise".

So, for example, Edge would always introduce himself as Adam. But, Kane was doing a phoner, and someone thought they were being hilarious and said "Is this Kane, or is this Isaac Yankem?" Kane than said "Yeah, we'll do this another time" and hung up on them.

True story,

I worked at a car rental company from 04-08 (I work at corporate now, but I was at a rental location then at an airport) and Edge and Lita came through real late one night almost (it was after midnight). The bus driver that picked them up to bring them to our lot was a older black woman and a complete mark (STL has always been a 'rasslin town). She goes "I know you! You're Edge!". He looked around and goes "Who are you talking to? I'm Adam". And they went back and forth like that a couple of times, but he was actually making a joke out of it and not all pissed off. He eventually started laughing and they both gave her an autograph and even a tip I think.

The nicest wrestling "personality" I ever met working there was actually Jonathan Coachman, who was doing commentary at the time but still doing college sports on the side. The guy is a lot bigger in person than you would think, and was super nice. It was a Sunday and I was like "Coach, there's no wrestling event here this week. You just visiting?" and he sat in my line at the exit booth and chatted with me about how he does the sports announcing, shook my hand and was just genuinely nice.

Any time I asked them for an autograph, since I was young and stupid, I would just discreetly do it. Act like I didn't know them until the end of the transaction when I would say "And if you aren't too busy, could you sign this for me?" and hand them one of our maps or something so as to not draw attention to them. Booker T was cool, didn't say much but Charmelle was like "Oh hi thanks! How are you?" etc and she was BEAUTIFUL in person. Absolutely stunning.

Sorry for all the stories can't believe I forgot this one. Brian Kendrick was the nicest wrestler I ever met working there. This was the time of his Spanky gimmick in WWE. I asked him for an autograph, and he was like "OMG YEAH BROTHER, I'll be happy to." and talked to me for a few minutes (non wrestling stuff, mostly about the city, what I would recommend for him to do etc). He honestly seemed super excited that someone ACTUALLY knew who he was.
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Don't worry about sharing stories. I think that's the one thing we can all agree is a good thing in this thread.
I can confirm that Kurt Angle and Randy Orton are just as big of pricks as the IWC makes them out to be.
I never heard that about Kurt Angle, what did he do?
He was probably drunk or high on pills (or both).