Shane O'Mac appreciation thread

Shane seems healthy, I honestly DON'T want him to risk himself taking any bumps at Mania. Taker and he should just brawl around the cage for 15 minutes. Bunches and kicks so neither has to take any major bumps. Maybe a blade job. Pin.

It wouldn't be a Shane match without a high spot
Most pro wrestlers won't even attempt a SSP and Shane actually pulled it off and it didn't look bad at all.
Shane seems healthy, I honestly DON'T want him to risk himself taking any bumps at Mania. Taker and he should just brawl around the cage for 15 minutes. Bunches and kicks so neither has to take any major bumps. Maybe a blade job. Pin.
Shane was known for high risk bumps I have no doubt he will do the same for Mania. Waiting for that Coast to Coast!
Can't see this match happening in a million years. Calling it now, Shane puts Cena in his spot.
I'm not exactly a fashion expert. But Shane's suit made his upper body and lower body look comically out of proportion. Also, who thought it was a good idea to have Shane come out with grey hair while his father had a full head of brown.. They both obviously we're using dye.. But forehead up Shane looked older than Vince.

Awesome crowd reaction for his entrance though.. And good mic work.. Hope Shane sticks around for a while and I hope the company uses his presence to steer away from the company vs champ storyline.

Was hoping we'd see something like this when his music hit, was not disapointed!
Will never forget his King of the Ring match with Angle. Man the good old days. I remember always being impressed with how well he could work a match for a guy that wasn't a full timer.
I miss him around here

and his sweet-ass ice belt or w/e

EDIT: hasn't been too long, I guess. I've just been in the wrong threads. I think he's a mayberry guy...

Shane-O-Mac was last seen:
Dec 22, 2015
Shane is in great shape, i need to figure out his diet and workout plan so i can be ripped as well.
Always will be my favorite McMahon
shane o mac was always fuckin nuts lol, vince doesnt even have half the balls shane does

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